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Encode CCSDS-compliant SCPPM codes

Since R2022b


    sym = ccsdsSCPPMEncode(msg,m) encodes the message in msg by using a serially concatenated pulse position modulation (SCPPM) encoder, as defined by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) 142.0-B-1 section 3.8 [1]. m is the modulation order.


    [sym,info] = ccsdsSCPPMEncode(msg,m) also returns the outer convolutional encoder information info.



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    Encode a message for a single frame using a CCSDS SCPPM encoder.

    Use the crcGenerate function to generate CRC code bits and append these bits to the input data.

    Note: As specified in CCSDS 142.0-B-1 section 3.6:

    • Fix the generator polynomial for the CRC algorithm to "x^32+x^29+x^18+x^14+x^3+1".

    • Set the initial states of the internal shift register to 1.

    infoSize = 7526;                                   % Information block size without CRC
    crcCfg = crcConfig(...
        Polynomial = "x^32+x^29+x^18+x^14+x^3+1", ...
                        InitialConditions = 1, ...
                        DirectMethod = true);
    crcIn = randi([0 1],infoSize,1);
    crcOut = crcGenerate(crcIn,crcCfg);                  % Codeword frame with CRC bits appended

    Add termination bits to terminate the outer convolutional encoder, as specified in CCSDS 142.0-B-1 section 3.7.

    msg = [crcOut; 0; 0];

    Specify the modulation order, and then encode the message using the CCSDS SCPPM encoder.

    m = 6;                     
    [sym,info] = ccsdsSCPPMEncode(msg,m);

    Display the outer convolutional encoder information info.

    info = struct with fields:
               OuterEncoderCodeRate: "1/2"
        OuterEncoderPuncturePattern: [1 1 0 1 1 0]

    Encode a message for multiple frames with constant frame length and modulation order using a CCSDS SCPPM encoder.

    Use the crcGenerate function to generate CRC code bits and append these bits to the input data.

    Note: As specified in CCSDS 142.0-B-1 section 3.6:

    • Fix the generator polynomial for the CRC algorithm to "x^32+x^29+x^18+x^14+x^3+1".

    • Set the initial states of the internal shift register to 1.

    infoSize = 10046;                           % Information block size without CRC
    numFrames = 10;
    m =  8;                                     % Modulation order
    data = randi([0 1],infoSize,numFrames);
    crcCfg = crcConfig(... 
      Polynomial = "x^32+x^29+x^18+x^14+x^3+1", ...
      InitialConditions = 1, ...
      DirectMethod = true);
    sym = zeros(15120/m,numFrames);

    Generate CRC and add termination bits to encode the message using the CCSDS SCPPM encoder.

    for frmIdx = 1:numFrames
        crcData = crcGenerate(data(:,frmIdx),crcCfg);  % Generate CRC
        msgIn = [crcData; 0; 0];                       % Add termination bits
        sym(:,frmIdx) = ccsdsSCPPMEncode(msgIn,m);

    Input Arguments

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    Input message, specified as a binary column vector of length 5040, 7560, or 10080 bits. The input message includes both cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and termination bits, as described in CCSDS 142.0-B-1 sections 3.6 and 3.7 [1].

    Data Types: double | int8 | logical

    Modulation order, specified as an integer in the range [2, 8]. This value specifies the number of bits mapped to one constellation symbol.

    Data Types: double | uint8

    Output Arguments

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    CCSDS SCPPM encoded message, returned as a column vector. The data type of the encoded message depends on the input message data type.

    • If msg is of data type double, sym is of data type double.

    • If msg is of data type logical or int8, sym is of data type uint8.

    The length of this column vector is fixed to 15120 / m.

    Data Types: double | uint8

    Outer convolutional encoder information, returned as a structure with these fields.

    Structure FieldDescription

    Outer convolutional encoder code rate, returned as a string scalar.


    Outer convolutional encoder puncture pattern, returned as a logical vector of these six elements in order: [P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5], as described in CCSDS 142.0-B-1 section [1].

    Data Types: struct


    [1] The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. Optical Communications Coding and Synchronization, Recommended Standard, Issue 1. CCSDS 142.0-B-1. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, August 2019.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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