Get DVB-S2 Waveform Generator Information and Check Transmit Filter Delay
Get information from a dvbs2WaveformGenerator
System object by using the info
function. Then retrieve the filter residual samples by using the flushFilter
object function.
This example uses MAT-files with LDPC parity matrices. If the MAT-files are not available on the path, download and unzip the MAT-files by entering this code at the MATLAB command prompt.
if ~exist('dvbs2xLDPCParityMatrices.mat','file') if ~exist('', 'file') url = ''; websave('',url); unzip(''); end addpath('s2xLDPCParityMatrices'); end
Specify the number of physical layer (PL) frames per stream.
numFrames = 1;
Create a Digital Video Broadcasting standard (DVB-S2) System object, and then specify its properties.
s2WaveGen = dvbs2WaveformGenerator; s2WaveGen.NumInputStreams = 2; s2WaveGen.MODCOD = [21 16]; s2WaveGen.DFL = 47008; s2WaveGen.ISSYI = true; s2WaveGen.SamplesPerSymbol = 2; disp(s2WaveGen)
dvbs2WaveformGenerator with properties: StreamFormat: "TS" NumInputStreams: 2 FECFrame: "normal" MODCOD: [21 16] DFL: 47008 ScalingMethod: "outer radius as 1" HasPilots: 0 RolloffFactor: 0.3500 FilterSpanInSymbols: 10 SamplesPerSymbol: 2 ISSYI: true ISCRFormat: "short" Show all properties
Get the characteristic information about the DVB-S2 waveform generator.
ans = struct with fields:
ModulationScheme: {'16APSK' '8PSK'}
LDPCCodeIdentifier: {'5/6' '8/9'}
Create the bit vector of input information bits, data
, of concatenated TS user packets.
syncBits = [0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1]'; % Sync byte for TS packet is 47 Hex pktLen = 1496; % UP length without sync bits is 1496 data = cell(1,s2WaveGen.NumInputStreams); for i = 1:s2WaveGen.NumInputStreams numPkts = s2WaveGen.MinNumPackets(i)*numFrames; txRawPkts = randi([0 1],pktLen,numPkts); ISSY = randi([0 1],16,numPkts); % ISCRFormat is 'short' by default % 'short' implies the default length of ISSY as 2 bytes txPkts = [repmat(syncBits,1,numPkts);txRawPkts;ISSY]; % ISSY is appended at the end of UP data{i} = txPkts(:); end
Generate a DVB-S2 time-domain waveform using the information bits.
txWaveform = [s2WaveGen(data)];
Check the filter residual data samples that remain in the filter delay.
ans = 20×1 complex
0.0153 + 0.4565i
0.2483 + 0.5535i
0.3527 + 0.3972i
0.3541 - 0.0855i
0.3505 - 0.4071i
0.4182 - 0.1962i
0.5068 + 0.0636i
0.4856 - 0.1532i
0.3523 - 0.4153i
0.1597 - 0.2263i
Get DVB-S2X Waveform Generator Information and Check Transmit Filter Delay
Get information from a dvbs2xWaveformGenerator
System object by using the info
function. Then retrieve the filter residual samples by using the flushFilter
object function.
This example uses MAT-files with LDPC parity matrices. If the MAT-files are not available on the path, download and unzip the MAT-files by entering this code at the MATLAB command prompt.
if ~exist('dvbs2xLDPCParityMatrices.mat','file') if ~exist('','file') url = ''; websave('',url); unzip(''); end addpath('s2xLDPCParityMatrices'); end
Specify the number of physical layer (PL) frames per stream.
numFrames = 2;
Create a Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Second Generation extended (DVB-S2X) System object and specify its properties. Use time slicing technique and variable coding and modulation configuration mode.
s2xWaveGen = dvbs2xWaveformGenerator();
s2xWaveGen.HasTimeSlicing = true;
s2xWaveGen.NumInputStreams = 2;
s2xWaveGen.PLSDecimalCode = [135 145]; % QPSK 9/20 and 8PSK 25/36
s2xWaveGen.DFL = [18048 44656];
s2xWaveGen.PLScramblingIndex = [0 1];
dvbs2xWaveformGenerator with properties: StreamFormat: "TS" HasTimeSlicing: true NumInputStreams: 2 PLSDecimalCode: [135 145] DFL: [18048 44656] PLScramblingIndex: [0 1] RolloffFactor: 0.3500 FilterSpanInSymbols: 10 SamplesPerSymbol: 4 ISSYI: false Show all properties
Get the characteristic information about the DVB-S2X waveform generator.
ans = struct with fields:
FECFrame: {'normal' 'normal'}
ModulationScheme: {'QPSK' '8PSK'}
LDPCCodeIdentifier: {'9/20' '25/36'}
Create the bit vector of input information bits, data
, of concatenated TS user packets for each input stream.
syncBits = [0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1]'; % Sync byte for TS packet is 47 Hex pktLen = 1496; % UP length without sync bits is 1496 data = cell(1, s2xWaveGen.NumInputStreams); for i = 1:s2xWaveGen.NumInputStreams numPkts = s2xWaveGen.MinNumPackets(i)*numFrames; txRawPkts = randi([0 1], pktLen, numPkts); txPkts = [repmat(syncBits, 1, numPkts); txRawPkts]; data{i} = txPkts(:); end
Generate a DVB-S2X time-domain waveform using the information bits.
txWaveform = s2xWaveGen(data);
Check the filter residual data samples that remain in the filter delay.
ans = 40×1 complex
-0.2412 - 0.0143i
-0.2619 - 0.0861i
-0.2726 - 0.1337i
-0.2511 - 0.1597i
-0.1851 - 0.1680i
-0.0780 - 0.1602i
0.0448 - 0.1288i
0.1598 - 0.0751i
0.2482 - 0.0049i
0.3026 + 0.0702i
Get DVB-RCS2 Waveform Generator Information
Get information from a dvbrcs2WaveformGenerator
System object by using the info
object function.
Create a DVB-RCS2 System object, and then specify its properties.
wg = dvbrcs2WaveformGenerator;
wg.ContentType = "control";
wg.WaveformID = 33;
wg.FilterSpanInSymbols = 12;
dvbrcs2WaveformGenerator with properties: TransmissionFormat: "TC-LM" ContentType: "control" IsCustomWaveform: false WaveformID: 33 PreBurstGuardLength: 0 PostBurstGuardLength: 0 FilterSpanInSymbols: 12 SamplesPerSymbol: 4 Read-only: FramePDULength: 784
Get the characteristic information about the DVB-RCS2 waveform generator.
ans = struct with fields:
BurstLength: 566
PayloadLengthInBytes: 100
MappingScheme: "QPSK"
CodeRate: "3/4"
PreambleLength: 32
PostambleLength: 0
PilotPeriod: 0
PilotBlockLength: 0
PermutationParameters: [23 10 8 2 1]
UniqueWord: "0C330C0FF3F3033F"
PilotSum: 0
Get CCSDS TM Waveform Generator Information and Check Transmit Filter Delay
Get information from a ccsdsTMWaveformGenerator
System object by using the info
function. Then retrieve the filter residual samples by using the flushFilter
object function.
Create a Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Telemetry (TM) System object. Set the waveform type as synchronization and channel coding
with low-density parity-check (LDPC) channel coding. Display the properties.
tmWaveGen = ccsdsTMWaveformGenerator; tmWaveGen.WaveformSource = "synchronization and channel coding"; tmWaveGen.ChannelCoding = "LDPC"; tmWaveGen.NumBitsInInformationBlock = 1024; tmWaveGen.Modulation = "QPSK"; tmWaveGen.CodeRate = "1/2"; disp(tmWaveGen)
ccsdsTMWaveformGenerator with properties: WaveformSource: "synchronization and channel coding" HasRandomizer: true HasASM: true PCMFormat: "NRZ-L" Channel coding ChannelCoding: "LDPC" NumBitsInInformationBlock: 1024 CodeRate: "1/2" IsLDPCOnSMTF: false Digital modulation and filter Modulation: "QPSK" PulseShapingFilter: "root raised cosine" RolloffFactor: 0.3500 FilterSpanInSymbols: 10 SamplesPerSymbol: 10 Use get to show all properties
Specify the number of transfer frames.
numTF = 20;
Get the characteristic information about the CCSDS TM waveform generator.
ans = struct with fields:
ActualCodeRate: 0.5000
NumBitsPerSymbol: 2
SubcarrierFrequency: []
Generate the input bits for the CCSDS TM waveform generator, and then generate the waveform.
bits = randi([0 1], tmWaveGen.NumInputBits*numTF,1); waveform = tmWaveGen(bits);
Check the filter residual data samples that remain in the filter delay.
ans = 100×1 complex
-0.0772 - 0.0867i
-0.0751 - 0.0859i
-0.0673 - 0.0788i
-0.0549 - 0.0654i
-0.0388 - 0.0469i
-0.0200 - 0.0250i
0.0002 - 0.0012i
0.0208 + 0.0227i
0.0405 + 0.0453i
0.0587 + 0.0653i
Get ETSI Rician Channel Information
Get information from a etsiRicianChannel
System object by using the info
object function.
Create a European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) Rician channel System object, and then specify its properties.
chan = etsiRicianChannel; chan.SampleRate = 2e5; chan.KFactor = 10; chan.MaximumDopplerShift = 20; chan.NumSinusoids = 58; disp(chan)
etsiRicianChannel with properties: SampleRate: 200000 KFactor: 10 MaximumDopplerShift: 20 Use get to show all properties
Pass data through the channel.
txWaveform = randi([0 1],500,1); rxWaveform = chan(txWaveform);
Get the characteristic information about the ETSI Rician channel.
ans = struct with fields:
ChannelFilterDelay: 0
ChannelFilterCoefficients: 1
NumSamplesProcessed: 500
Get P.681 LMS Channel Information
Get channel information from a p681LMSChannel
System object by using the info
object function.
Create an ITU-R P.681-11 LMS channel System object and specify its properties.
chan = p681LMSChannel; chan.SampleRate = 10e3; % Hz chan.MobileSpeed = 2; % m/s chan.Environment = "RuralWooded"; disp(chan)
p681LMSChannel with properties: NumStates: 2 SampleRate: 10000 InitialState: "Good" CarrierFrequency: 2.2000e+09 ElevationAngle: 45 MobileSpeed: 2 AzimuthOrientation: 0 SatelliteDopplerShift: 0 Environment: "RuralWooded" ChannelFiltering: true Use get to show all properties
QPSK-modulate a random input signal, and then pass it through the channel.
numSamples = 2e4; txWaveform = pskmod(randi([0 3],numSamples,1),4); [rxWaveform,pathGains,sampleTimes,stateSeries] = chan(txWaveform);
Get the characteristic information about the P.681-11 LMS channel.
ans = struct with fields:
PathDelays: 0
ChannelFilterDelay: 0
ChannelFilterCoefficients: 1
NumSamplesProcessed: 20000
Transmit another QPSK-modulated random input signal through the channel
numSamples2 = 3e4; txWaveform2 = pskmod(randi([0 3],numSamples2,1),4); [rxWaveform2,pathGains2,sampleTimes2,stateSeries2] = chan(txWaveform2);
Observe the change in number of samples processed.
ans = struct with fields:
PathDelays: 0
ChannelFilterDelay: 0
ChannelFilterCoefficients: 1
NumSamplesProcessed: 50000
Get Lutz LMS Channel Information
Get channel information from a LutzLMSChannel
System object by using the info
object function.
Create a Lutz LMS channel System object and specify its properties.
chan = lutzLMSChannel; chan.SampleRate = 6000; chan.KFactor = 20; chan.MeanStateDuration = [8 2]; disp(chan)
lutzLMSChannel with properties: SampleRate: 6000 InitialState: "Good" KFactor: 20 LogNormalFading: [-8.8000 3.8000] StateDurationDistribution: "Exponential" MeanStateDuration: [8 2] MaximumDopplerShift: 4.2807 ChannelFiltering: true Use get to show all properties
QPSK-modulate a random input signal, and then pass it through the channel.
numSamples = 2e4; txWaveform = pskmod(randi([0 3],numSamples,1),4); [rxWaveform,pathGains,sampleTimes,stateSeries] = chan(txWaveform);
Get the characteristic information about the Lutz LMS channel.
ans = struct with fields:
PathDelays: 0
ChannelFilterDelay: 0
ChannelFilterCoefficients: 1
NumSamplesProcessed: 20000
Transmit another QPSK-modulated random input signal through the channel
numSamples2 = 3e4; txWaveform2 = pskmod(randi([0 3],numSamples2,1),4); [rxWaveform2,pathGains2,sampleTimes2,stateSeries2] = chan(txWaveform2);
Observe the change in number of samples processed.
ans = struct with fields:
PathDelays: 0
ChannelFilterDelay: 0
ChannelFilterCoefficients: 1
NumSamplesProcessed: 50000
Get P-Code State Information
Get information from a gpsPCode
System object™ by using the info
object function. Observe how the precision of initial time impacts the generation of the P-code.
Create a P-code generator System object™, and then specify its properties.
format long
pgen = gpsPCode
pgen = gpsPCode with properties: PRNID: 1 OutputCodeLength: 10230 InitialStateFormat: "seconds" InitialTime: 0
pgen.InitialStateFormat = "chips";
pgen.InitialNumChipsElapsed = 8388600;
Get the characteristic information about the P-code generator.
ans = struct with fields:
TotalNumChipsElapsed: 8388600
TotalSecondsElapsed: 0.820000000000000
Advance the time by a quarter of a P-code chip time (that is, 0.25/10.23e6).
pgen1 = gpsPCode; pgen1.InitialTime = + 0.25/10.23e6
pgen1 = gpsPCode with properties: PRNID: 1 OutputCodeLength: 10230 InitialStateFormat: "seconds" InitialTime: 0.820000024437928
ans = struct with fields:
TotalNumChipsElapsed: 8388600
TotalSecondsElapsed: 0.820000000000000
The info
function output shows no increment in the TotalNumChipsElapsed
in this case, because TotalNumChipsElapsed
is calculated internally using the function round
Advance the time by half of a P-code chip time now (that is, 0.5/10.23e6).
pgen2 = gpsPCode; pgen2.InitialTime = + 0.5/10.23e6
pgen2 = gpsPCode with properties: PRNID: 1 OutputCodeLength: 10230 InitialStateFormat: "seconds" InitialTime: 0.820000048875855
ans = struct with fields:
TotalNumChipsElapsed: 8388601
TotalSecondsElapsed: 0.820000097751711
The info
function output now shows the TotalNumChipsElapsed
is incremented by one, due to the internal usage of round()
Compare the output of each System object call.
code = pgen();
code1 = pgen1();
code2 = pgen2();
isequal(code, code1) % code and code1 are equal
ans = logical
isequal(code1,code2) % code1 and code2 are unequal
ans = logical
Get GNSS Signal Acquisition Information
Get channel information from a gnssSignalAquirer System object by using the info
object function.
Load a precomputed GPS waveform.
load gnssWaveforms
Initialize a GNNS signal Acquirer system object.
gsa = gnssSignalAcquirer(IntermediateFrequency=10e6,SampleRate=38.192e6);
Search for 32 GPS satellites.
Information = gsa(gpsIFWaveform,1:32); % Information about frequency Offset, code-phase Offset, and detection of a satellite for each PRN ID
Get the characteristic information about the GNSS signal acquisition .
gsaInfo = info(gsa)
gsaInfo = struct with fields:
ReferenceNoiseLevel: 1.2586e+03
Input Arguments
— Input object
| dvbs2xWaveformGenerator
| dvbrcs2WaveformGenerator
| ccsdsTMWaveformGenerator
| etsiRicianChannel
| p681LMSChannel
| lutzLMSChannel
| gpsPCode
| gnssSignalAquirer
Input object to get information from, specified as a dvbs2WaveformGenerator
, dvbs2xWaveformGenerator
, dvbrcs2WaveformGenerator
, ccsdsTMWaveformGenerator
, etsiRicianChannel
, lutzLMSChannel
, gpsPCode
, or
System object™.
Output Arguments
— Characteristic information of specified object
Characteristic information of the specified object, returned as a structure. The
fields of the structure depend on the obj
is advbs2WaveformGenerator
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of physical layer information about the Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) waveform generator.Field Value Description ModulationScheme
String scalar (default) or cell array of character vectors Modulation scheme, returned as a string scalar for single-input stream and a cell array of character vectors of length equal to the NumInputStreams
property of thedvbs2WaveformGenerator
object for multi-input streams.LDPCCodeIdentifier
String scalar (default) or cell array of character vectors LDPC code identifier used in forward error correction (FEC), returned as a string scalar for single-input stream and a cell array of character vectors of length equal to NumInputStreams
property of thedvbs2WaveformGenerator
object for multi-input streams.If
is advbs2xWaveformGenerator
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of physical layer information about the Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Second Generation extended (DVB-S2X) waveform generator.Field Value Description FECFrame
String scalar (default) or cell array of character vectors FEC frame format, returned as a string scalar for single-input stream and a cell array of character vectors of length equal to NumInputStreams
property ofdvbs2xWaveformGenerator
object for multi-input streams.ModulationScheme
String scalar (default) or cell array of character vectors Modulation scheme, returned as a string scalar for single-input stream and a cell array of character vectors of length equal to NumInputStreams
property ofdvbs2xWaveformGenerator
object for multi-input streams.LDPCCodeIdentifier
String scalar (default) or cell array of character vectors LDPC code identifier used in forward error correction (FEC), returned as a string scalar for single-input stream and a cell array of character vectors of length equal to NumInputStreams
property ofdvbs2xWaveformGenerator
object for multi-input streams.If
is advbrcs2WaveformGenerator
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of physical layer information about the Digital Video Broadcasting Second Generation Return Channel over Satellite (DVB-RCS2) waveform generator.Field Value Description BurstLength
positive integer Length of the burst, in symbols, prior to the pulse shaping, returned as a positive integer. PayloadLengthInBytes
integer in the range [3, 65,535] Input data length, in bytes, to the forward error correction (FEC) encoder, returned as an integer in the range [3, 65,535]. MappingScheme
, or"16QAM"
Symbol mapping and modulation scheme to generate the DVB-RCS2 waveform, returned as "pi/2-BPSK"
, or"16QAM"
, or"7/8"
Code rate of the channel encoder, returned as "1/3"
, or"7/8"
integer in the range [0, 255] Number of preamble symbols that are prefixed to the burst symbols prior to the modulation, returned as an integer in the range [0, 255].
When you set the
property to"TC-LM"
, the unit of preamble length is symbols. When you set theTransmissionFormat
property to"SS-TC-LM"
, the unit of preamble length is chips.PostambleLength
integer in the range [0, 255] Number of postamble symbols that are suffixed to the burst symbols, prior to the modulation, returned as an integer in the range [0, 255].
When you set the
property to"TC-LM"
, the unit of preamble length is symbols. When you set theTransmissionFormat
property to"SS-TC-LM"
, the unit of preamble length is chips.PilotPeriod
integer in the range [0, 4095] Pilot symbol periodicity, including the burst symbols, returned as an integer in the range [0, 4095].
This period represents the length of the sequence from the first symbol of a pilot block to the first symbol of the next pilot block in symbols or chips.
integer in the range [1, 255] Length of the pilot block, in symbols, returned as an integer in the range [1, 255]. PermutationParameters
five-element vector DVB-RCS2 turbo encoder permutation control parameters that are used to generate turbo encoder interleaver indices, returned as a five-element vector in order: P, Q0, Q1, Q2, and Q3.
character array or string scalar Hexadecimal string consisting of combined symbols of the preamble, one pilot block, and the postamble sequence, returned as a character array or string scalar. If
is accsdsTMWaveformGenerator
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of physical layer information about the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Telemetry (TM) waveform generator.Field Value Description ActualCodeRate
positive scalar in range [0 1] Numeric value of the code rate of the channel coding scheme, returned as a positive scalar in the range [0, 1]. This value is used to generate the CCSDS TM waveform. NumBitsPerSymbol
positive integer Number of bits per modulated symbol, returned as a positive integer. SubcarrierFrequency
positive scalar Subcarrier frequency, returned as a positive scalar. This field is applicable only when the Modulation
property ofccsdsTMWaveformGenerator
object is set to"PCM/PSK/PM"
. For other cases, this value is returned as null.If
is anetsiRicianChannel
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of information about the fading channel.Field Value Description ChannelFilterDelay
Channel filter delay in samples returned as 0
always (due to flat fading nature of the channel).ChannelFilterCoefficients
Channel filter coefficient used to convert path gains to channel filter tap gains, returned as 1
always (asetsiRicianChannel
describes a single path channel).NumSamplesProcessed
nonnegative integer Number of samples processed by the channel object since the last reset, returned as a positive integer. If
is ap681LMSChannel
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of information about the ITU-R P.681-11 land-mobile satellite (LMS) fading channel.Field Value Description PathDelays
Delay of discrete channel path in seconds returned as 0
always (due to flat fading nature of the channel).ChannelFilterDelay
Channel filter delay in samples returned as 0
always (due to flat fading nature of the channel).ChannelFilterCoefficients
Channel filter coefficient used to convert path gains to channel filter tap gains, returned as 1
always (asp681LMSChannel
describes a single path channel).NumSamplesProcessed
nonnegative integer Number of samples processed by the channel object since the last reset, returned as a nonnegative integer. If
is alutzLMSChannel
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of information about the Lutz LMS fading channel.Field Value Description PathDelays
Delay of discrete channel path in seconds returned as 0
always (due to flat fading nature of the channel).ChannelFilterDelay
Channel filter delay in samples returned as 0
always (due to flat fading nature of the channel).ChannelFilterCoefficients
Channel filter coefficient used to convert path gains to channel filter tap gains, returned as 1
always (aslutzLMSChannel
describes a single path channel).NumSamplesProcessed
nonnegative integer Number of samples processed by the channel object since the last release or reset, returned as a nonnegative integer. If
is agpsPCode
System object, the output structure has these fields, consisting of state information about the GPS P-code generator.Field Value Description TotalNumChipsElapsed
positive integer Total number of P-code chips that elapsed from the beginning of the week, returned as a positive integer. The beginning of a week is marked at midnight Saturday night - Sunday morning. TotalSecondsElapsed
real-valued scalar Total seconds elapsed from the beginning of the week, returned as a real-valued scalar. If
is agnssSignalAcquirer
System object, the output structure has this field, consisting of information about the GNSS signal acquisition.Field Value Description ReferenceNoiseLevel
numeric scalar Reference noise level in the incoming signal, returned as a numeric scalar.
function calculates the reference noise level value by correlating the incoming signal with a C/A-code which is not present in the signal. The function uses G1-code to generate the C/A-code. The reference noise level is the peak of such correlation values.
Version History
Introduced in R2021a
See Also
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