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SerDes IBIS-AMI Manager

The SerDes IBIS-AMI Manager dialog box allows you to configure the IBIS and AMI models from the Simulink® SerDes models. You can access the dialog box from the Configuration block. The dialog box is divided into four tabs:

  • Export

  • IBIS

  • AMI-Tx

  • AMI-Rx

Export SerDes Systems

The Export tab allows you to configure the IBIS and AMI models and their settings.

You can choose the model configuration (Tx and Rx, I/O, redriver, or retimer) and the corner percentage in the IBIS files.

You can also choose the settings of AMI models (Init only, GetWave only, or dual) for both the transmitter and the receiver. For more information, see Understanding IBIS-AMI Simulations.

You can also set up the file creation option for the generated models. You can define where the generated models are located. You can also decide to obfuscate the SerDes IBIS-AMI executables to protect your intellectual property.

If you are working on a Windows® computer, you can build a cross compiler for Linux® to directly create Linux executables from Windows. For more information on how to create the cross compiler, see Linux Cross-Compiler for Windows.

After building the cross compiler, you can choose to export only the Linux source code or the compiled models.

You can decide to generate only the Linux source code from a Windows computer. The code is saved in a subfolder named glnxa64_src in the current working directory of MATLAB®. You can then copy the source code to a Linux computer and build the model there. You do not need to install MATLAB on your Linux computer to build the model from the source code.

For example, to build the transmitter executable model, in the Linux terminal, type:

cd glnxa64_src
cd Tx_ert_rtw
make -f clean
make -f build

IBIS Parameters

You can obtain the contents of the IBIS files from the IBIS tab. You can set the parameters to define the IBIS file from the AnalogOut and AnalogIn blocks in the SerDes Designer app. This includes the typical voltage, resistance, and capacitance ranges in the IBIS files. For more information, see Contents of IBIS File.

Transmitter AMI Parameters

You can define the transmitter AMI parameters from the AMI-Tx tab. You can define the required and commonly used parameters using the reserved parameters. You can also define model-specific parameters, or add new AMI parameters. For more information, see Contents of AMI File.

Receiver AMI Parameters

You can define the receiver AMI parameters from the AMI-Tx tab. You can define the required and commonly used parameters using the reserved parameters. You can also define model-specific parameters, or add new AMI parameters. For more information, see Contents of AMI File.

See Also

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