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Time Domain Analysis Results

Results to View

These are the results data from the Time Domain Analysis phase of the analysis. There is a table of data as well as waveform data to view.

BERShows the persistent eye, data bathtub, and clock PDF.
Persistent EyeShows the persistent eye.
BathtubShows the data bathtub curve.
Vertical BathtubShows the vertical (voltage) bathtub curve at the average clock time (0.5UI) or at a user defined (UI).
DJShows the deterministic jitter probability density function.
ContoursShows the eye contours. The node names identify the inner and outer eye contours. The contours are shown for the target BER values plus at any additional BER values requested by the user.
WaveformShows the time domain waveform. The waveform can be shown at the die pad (B node), the data latch (A node, after the equalization), or both.
StimulusShows the bit sequence time domain waveform.
Probed Persistent EyePersistent eye at the probed location(s) of the pre-layout schematic. In case of a parallel link project, the result represents the persistent eye responses at the receiver B node.
Probed ContoursEye contours at the probed location(s) of the pre-layout schematic. In case of a parallel link project, the result represents the eye contours at the receiver B node.
Probed WaveformWaveform at the probed location(s) of the pre-layout schematic. In case of parallel link project, it is the waveform at the receiver B node.


The Stat mode in the Parallel Link Designer app does not support user-defined probes but does add a single probe at the Receiver B-Node.

Node Locations

The full node names in time analysis contain the designator names. For example, VTX1 is the V node for the designator TX1.

Time domain analysis probe points.

Table Column Definitions

Transfer NetName of the Transfer Net for the simulation.
TransferBus transaction (designator from-to) for the simulation.
UI (ps)Unit interval for the transmitted data. It is defined as the time duration for a single transmitted symbol.
Symbol Rate (Gbps)Rate at which symbols are transmitted on the channel. The delivered payload UI may be lower if an encoding such as 8b10b is used, or higher if a modulation such as PAM4 is used.
TD BERAverage bit error as predicted through time domain simulation.
TD BER FloorMinimum bit error rate at any point on the bathtub curve derived from time domain simulation.
TD RJ (ps)

Standard deviation of the clock ticks output from the receiver AMI model.


Interpret this value based on the receiver model, as some receiver models do not produce any clock ticks. In models that produce clock ticks, this value measures only pattern-dependent jitter.

TD Timing OffsetAverage difference between the clock ticks and the path delay as determined by the clock recovery algorithm built into the time domain analysis. This values compares between two different clock recovery algorithms. Depending on the AMI model for the receiver, this number can be a measure of the static timing offset due to reference clock offset between the transmitter and receiver.
TD Path Delay

The path delay of a data pulse, as detected by clock recovery during time domain simulation.


If the algorithmic models have different delay in statistical and time domain modes, then this number will be different from the path delay determined during statistical analysis.

TD Eye Height (V)Height of the target bit error rate contour at the average clock time. For more information, see Eye Measurement and Reporting.
TD Eye Margin (V)Voltage measured from the sensitivity threshold to the target BER contour at the average clock time. For more information, see Eye Measurement and Reporting.
TD Eye Outer HeightThe maximum voltage measured on the outer eye. This is the maximum voltage measured on the zero outer contour. For more information, see Eye Measurement and Reporting.
TD Eye Width (ps)Total width of the target bit error rate contour at the ideal decision threshold. For more information, see Eye Measurement and Reporting.
TD Setup Time (ps)Time between the sensitivity threshold crossing at the early edge of the target bit error rate contour and the average clock time.
TD Hold TimeTime between the average clock time and the sensitivity threshold crossing of the late edge of the target bit error rate contour.
TD DJ Peak (UI)The maximum deviation from the median zero crossing time for all zero crossings in the time domain (persistent) eye.
TD DJ Sigma (UI)The standard deviation of all zero crossing times in the time domain (persistent) eye.
Data PatternName(s) of the data pattern(s) and encoding (if any) simulated.
Bits SimulatedTotal number of bits simulated in the time domain simulation.
SimulationName of the simulation file.
CORNERThe process corner for the simulation. For more information, see Specify Corner Conditions in Serial Link Design or Specify Corner Conditions in Parallel Link Design.
Bit_Sequence_SetThe bit sequence set used in the analysis.
Network CharacterizationSimulation type for network characterization.
Time DomainSimulation type for time domain analysis.
COLUMNGroup name and value number to use in the simulation. Specify this value when there are variation groups in the solution space.

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