Read File Data in Signal Datastore
Specify the path to a set of audio signals included as MAT-files with MATLAB®.
folder = fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox","matlab","audiovideo");
Create a signal datastore that points to the specified folder and set sample rate variable name to Fs
. List the names of the MAT-files in the datastore.
sds = signalDatastore(folder, ... FileExtension=".mat",SampleRateVariableName="Fs"); [~,c] = fileparts(sds.Files)
c = 7x1 cell
{'chirp' }
{'gong' }
{'handel' }
{'mtlb' }
{'splat' }
{'train' }
While the signal datastore has unread files, read consecutive files from the datastore. Use the progress
function to monitor the fraction of files read.
while hasdata(sds) [data,info] = read(sds); fprintf("Fraction of files read: %.2f\n",progress(sds)) end
Fraction of files read: 0.14 Fraction of files read: 0.29 Fraction of files read: 0.43 Fraction of files read: 0.57 Fraction of files read: 0.71 Fraction of files read: 0.86 Fraction of files read: 1.00
Print and inspect the info
structure returned by the last call to the read
info = struct with fields:
SampleRate: 8192
TimeVariableName: "Fs"
SignalVariableNames: "y"
FileName: "/mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/audiovideo/train.mat"
Signal Datastore with In-Memory Data
Create a signal datastore to iterate through the elements of an in-memory cell array of signal data. The data consists of a sinusoidally modulated linear chirp, a concave quadratic chirp, and a voltage controlled oscillator. The signals are sampled at 3000 Hz.
fs = 3000; t = 0:1/fs:3-1/fs; data = {chirp(t,300,t(end),800).*exp(2j*pi*10*cos(2*pi*2*t)); ... 2*chirp(t,200,t(end),1000,'quadratic',[],'concave'); ... vco(sin(2*pi*t),[0.1 0.4]*fs,fs)}; sds = signalDatastore(data,'SampleRate',fs);
While the datastore has data, read each observation from the signal datastore and plot the short-time Fourier transform.
plotID = 1; while hasdata(sds) [dataOut,info] = read(sds); subplot(3,1,plotID) stft(dataOut,info.SampleRate) plotID = plotID + 1; end
Compute Envelopes of Signals
Specify the path to four signals included with MATLAB®. The signals are recordings of a bird chirp, a gong, a train, and a splat. All signals are sampled at 8192 Hz.
folder = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','audiovideo', ... ["chirp.mat","gong.mat","train.mat","splat.mat"]);
Create a signal datastore that points to the specified files. Each file contains the variable Fs
that denotes the sample rate.
sds1 = signalDatastore(folder,'SampleRateVariableName','Fs');
Define a function that takes the output of the read
function and calculates the upper and lower envelopes of the signals using spline interpolation over local maxima separated by at least 80 samples. The function also returns the sample times for each signal.
function [dataOut,infoOut] = signalEnvelope(dataIn,info) [dataOut(:,1),dataOut(:,2)] = envelope(dataIn,80,'peak'); infoOut = info; infoOut.TimeInstants = (0:length(dataOut)-1)/info.SampleRate; end
Call the transform
function to create a second datastore, sds2
, that computes the envelopes of the signals using the function you defined.
sds2 = transform(sds1,@signalEnvelope,"IncludeInfo",true);
Combine sds1
and sds2
create a third datastore. Each call to the read
function from the combined datastore returns a matrix with three columns:
The first column corresponds to the original signal.
The second and third columns correspond to the upper and lower envelopes, respectively.
sdsCombined = combine(sds1,sds2);
Read and display the original data and the upper and lower envelopes from the combined datastore. Use the extractBetween
function to extract the file name from the file path.
tiledlayout('flow') while hasdata(sdsCombined) [dataOut,infoOut] = read(sdsCombined); ts = infoOut{2}.TimeInstants; nexttile hold on plot(ts,dataOut(:,1),'Color','#DCDCDC','LineStyle',':') plot(ts,dataOut(:,2:3),'Linewidth',1.5) hold off xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Signal') title(extractBetween(infoOut{:,2}.FileName,'audiovideo\','.mat')) end
Find Spectrogram of Chirps
The sample_chirps
folder contains sample files included with Signal Processing Toolbox™. Each file contains a chirp and a random sample rate, fs
, ranging from 100 to 150 Hz. Create a signal datastore that points to four of the files in sample_chirps
and specify the name of the sample rate variable.
addpath("sample_chirps") files = ["chirp_1.mat","chirp_4.mat","chirp_9.mat","chirp_10.mat"]; sds = signalDatastore(files,SampleRateVariableName="fs");
Define a function that takes the output of the read
function and computes and returns:
The spectrograms of the chirps.
The vector of time instants corresponding to the centers of the windowed segments.
The frequencies corresponding to the estimates.
function [dataOut,infoOut] = extractSpectrogram(dataIn,info) [dataOut,F,T] = pspectrum(dataIn,info.SampleRate,"spectrogram",... TimeResolution=0.25,... OverlapPercent=40,Leakage=0.8); infoOut = info; infoOut.CenterFrequencies = F; infoOut.TimeInstants = T; end
Call the transform
function to create a datastore that computes the spectrogram of each chirp using the function you defined.
sdsNew = transform(sds,@extractSpectrogram,IncludeInfo=true);
While the transformed datastore has unread files, read from the new datastore and visualize the spectrograms in three-dimensional space.
t = tiledlayout("flow"); while hasdata(sdsNew) nexttile [sig,infoOut] = read(sdsNew); waterfall(infoOut.TimeInstants,infoOut.CenterFrequencies,sig) xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") ylabel("Time (S)") view([30 70]) end
Partition Signal Datastore into Default Number of Parts
Specify the file path to the example signals included with MATLAB®. Create a signal datastore that points to the specified folder.
folder = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','audiovideo'); sds = signalDatastore(folder,'SampleRateVariableName','Fs');
Get the default number of partitions for the signal datastore.
n = numpartitions(sds)
n = 7
Partition the datastore into the default number of partitions and return the datastore corresponding to the fourth partition.
subsds = partition(sds,n,4);
Use the extractAfter
function to display the name of the file contained in the datastore corresponding to the fourth partition.
fName = extractAfter(subsds.Files,'audiovideo\')
fName = 1x1 cell array
{0x0 char}
Read the data and information about the signal in the datastore corresponding to the fourth partition. Extract the sample rate from info
and resample the signal to half the original sample rate. Plot the original and resampled signals.
while hasdata(subsds) [data,info] = read(subsds); fs = info.SampleRate; f_res = 0.5*fs; ts = (0:length(data)-1)/fs; data_res = resample(data,1,2); t_res = (0:length(data_res)-1)/f_res; plot(ts,data,t_res,data_res,':') xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Signal') legend('Original','Resampled','Location','NorthWest') end
Input Arguments
— Signal datastore
Signal datastore, specified as a signalDatastore
Output Arguments
— Signal data
Signal data, returned as an array. By default, calling read
returns the first variable of one file at a time. If you set the ReadSize
property to n, such that n > 1, each time you
call the read
function, the function reads:
The first variable of the first n files, if
contains file data.The first n members, if
contains in-memory data.
To determine the name of the first variable in a file,
follows these steps:
For MAT-files:
s = load(fileName); varNames = fieldnames(s); firstVar = s.(varNames{1});
For CSV files:
opts = detectImportOptions(fileName,'PreserveVariableNames',true); varNames = opts.VariableNames; firstVar = string(varNames{1});
If the SignalVariableNames
property of the datastore contains more than one
signal name, then sig
is a cell array. Use the ReadOutputOrientation
property of the datastore to control the orientation
of sig
as either a column array or a row array.
— Information about signal data
Information about signal data, returned as a structure.
In case of file data,
contains the time information (if specified), file names, and the variable names used to read signal and time data, if this information was specified in thesignalDatastore
.If the datastore contains in-memory data,
contains time information (if specified) and member names.
Version History
Introduced in R2020a
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