RF Blockset /
Idealized Baseband
Use the Idealized Baseband Filter block to filter RF complex baseband signals in Simulink. You can use the Butterworth, Chebyshev, or inverse Chebyshev design methods to design your filter. You can also model your filter either in the time- or frequency-domain and plot the filter characteristics.
To design an RF filter with impedance mismatches, use the Circuit Envelope Filter block.
The Idealized Baseband Filter block replaces the Lowpass RF Filter, Highpass RF Filter, Bandpass RF Filter, and Bandstop RF Filter blocks.
Time Domain Filtering of RF Complex Baseband Signals in Simulink
Compare Idealized Baseband and Circuit Envelope Filter blocks.
Port_1 — Time-dependent input signal
real scalar | real column | complex scalar | complex column
Time-dependent input signal, specified as a real scalar, real column, complex scalar, or complex column. A column represents consecutive points in time.
Data Types: double
| single
Port_1 — Time-dependent output signal
complex scalar | complex column
Time-dependent output signal, returned as a complex scalar or complex column. The output time-dependent signal is equal in size to the input time-dependent signal.
Data Types: double
| single
Design method — Filter design method
(default) | Chebyshev
| Inverse Chebyshev
Filter design method, specified as one of the following:
Inverse Chebyshev
Filter type — Filter response type
(default) | Highpass
| Bandpass
| Bandstop
Filter response type, specified as one of the following:
— Simulates a lowpass filter type with the design specified in Design method.Highpass
— Simulates a highpass filter type with the design specified in Design method.Bandpass
— Simulates a bandpass filter type with the design specified in Design method.Bandstop
— Simulates a bandstop filter type with the design specified in Design method.
Implement using filter order — Implement using filter order
(default) | on
Select this parameter to implement the filter order manually.
Filter order — Filter order
(default) | integer greater than 2
Filter order, specified as a integer greater than 2
. If you
set Filter design to Lowpass
, specify the number of lumped storage elements.
If you set Filter design to Bandpass
or Bandstop
, specify twice the number of lumped storage
To enable this parameter, select Implement using filter order.
Passband frequency (Hz) — Passband frequency
(default) | positive real scalar | positive ascending two-tuple vector
Passband frequency for lowpass, highpass, and bandpass filter types, specified as a positive real scalar or positive ascending two-tuple vector in Hz. Based on the Filter Type, accepted value types and default values differ as follows.
Filter Type | Value Type | Default Values (Hz) |
Lowpass | Positive real scalar | 1e9 |
Highpass | Positive real scalar | 2000000000 |
Bandpass | Positive ascending two-tuple vector | [2000000000 3000000000] |
To enable this parameter, set Filter type to
, Highpass
, or
Passband attenuation (dB) — Passband attenuation
(default) | positive real scalar
Passband attenuation of the filter, specified as a positive real scalar in dB. For bandpass filters, this value is applied equally to both edges of the passband.
To enable this parameter, set Filter type to
, Highpass
, or
Stopband frequencies (Hz) — Stopband frequencies for bandstop filters
(default) | positive real scalar | positive ascending two-tuple vector
Stopband frequencies for bandstop filters, specified as either a positive real scalar or positive ascending two-tuple vector in Hz. Based on the Filter Type and Implement using filter order parameters, accepted value types and default values differ as follows.
Filter Type | Value Type | Default Values (Hz) | To enable this parameter |
Lowpass | Positive real scalar | 2000000000 | Set Filter type to
Lowpass and clear Implement using
filter order. |
Highpass | Positive real scalar | 1000000000 | Set Filter type to
Highpass and clear Implement using
filter order. |
Bandpass | Positive ascending two-tuple vector | [1500000000 3500000000] | Set Filter type to
Bandpass and clear Implement using
filter order. |
Bandstop | Positive ascending two-tuple vector | [2100000000 2900000000] | Set Filter type to
Bandstop and clear or select
Implement using filter order. |
Stopband attenuation (dB) — Stopband attenuation
(default) | positive real scalar
Stopband attenuation, specified as a positive real scalar greater than the Passband attenuation (dB) value in dB.
To enable this parameter, you can either:
Set Filter type to
, orBandpass
and clear Implement using filter order.Set Filter type to
, select Implement using filter order.
RF frequency (Hz) — Center of signal bandwidth
(default) | positive real scalar
Center of the signal bandwidth with respect to the filter transfer function, specified as a positive real scalar in Hz. The signal bandwidth is .
Simulate using — Type of simulation to run
Interpreted execution
(default) | Code generation
Type of simulation to run, specified as one of the following:
Interpreted execution
— Simulate the model using the MATLAB® interpreter. This option shortens the startup time, but the speed of the subsequent simulations is slower than when you use theCode generation
option. Use this mode to debug the source code of the block.Code generation
— Simulate the model using generated C code. The first time you run a simulation, Simulink® generates C code for the block. The C code is reused for subsequent simulations as long as the model does not change. This option requires additional startup time, but the speed of the subsequent simulations is faster than when you use theInterpreted execution
Modeling domain — Modeling domain
Time (Fixed step)
(default) | Time (Continuous)
| Frequency (Digital filter)
Modeling domain, specified as one of the following:
Time (Fixed step)
— Model using fixed-step solvers (NDF2
, andBackward Euler
— Model using continuous or stiff solvers (ode15s
, andode23tb
)Frequency (Digital filter)
— model using a 1-D digital filter.
Solver — Time-domain solvers
(default) | Trapezoidal
| Backward Euler
| ode15s
| ode23s
| ode23t (trap)
| ode23tb (trap+BE)
Fixed-step and continuous time-domain solvers, specified as one of the following:
Fixed-step Solvers
— Balance narrowband and wideband accuracy. This solver is suitable for situations where the frequency content of the signals in the system is unknown relative to the Nyquist rate.Trapezoidal
— Perform narrowband simulations. Frequency warping and the lack of damping effects make this method inappropriate for most wideband simulations.Backward Euler
— Simulate the largest class of systems and signals. Damping effects make this solver suitable for wideband simulation, but overall accuracy is low.
Continuous Solvers
— Solve stiff differential equations and DAEs using a variable order methodode23s
— Solve stiff differential equations using a low-order methodode23t (trap)
— Solve moderately stiff ODEs and DAEs using a trapezoidal ruleode23tb (trap+BE)
— Solve stiff differential equations using a trapezoidal rule and backward differentiation formula
To enable:
Fixed-step time-domain solvers, set Modeling domain to
Time (Fixed step)
.Continuous time-domain solvers, set Modeling domain to
Time (Continuous)
FIR filter length — Filter length of 1-D digital filter
(default) | real positive integer
Filter length of the 1-D digital filter or impulse response duration, specified as a real positive integer.
To set this parameter, set Modeling domain to
Frequency (Digital filter)
First plot type — Plot type
(default) | Phase delay
| Group delay
| Impulse response
| Step response
Plot type of the first plot, specified as one of the following:
Phase delay
Group delay
Impulse response
Step response
Impulse response arguments — Input arguments to plot impulse response
[ 1e-11, 1e4]
(default) | two-element vector
Input arguments to plot the impulse response, specified as a two-element vector.
Plot the impulse response by specifying the sample time of the input signal and the
number of samples in this parameter. For more information, see impulse
To set this parameter, set First plot type or
Second plot type to Impulse
Step response arguments — Input arguments to plot step response
[ 1e-11, 1e4, 1e-10 ]
(default) | three-element vector
Input arguments to plot the step response, specified as a three-element vector.
Plot the step response by specifying the sample time of the input signal, the number
of samples, and the amount of time required for the step signal to reach the maximum
value in this parameter. For more information, see stepresp
To set this parameter, set First plot type or
Second plot type to Step
First plot y-axis units — Y-axis units of first plot
Magnitude (dB)
(default) | Magnitude (linear)
| Angle (degrees)
| Real
| Imaginary
Y-axis units of the first plot, specified as one of the following:
Magnitude (dB)
Magnitude (linear)
Angle (degrees)
To set this parameter, set First plot type to
Second Plot type — Plot type of second plot
(default) | S21
| Phase delay
| Group delay
| Impulse response
| Step response
Plot type of the second plot, specified as one of the following:
Phase delay
Group delay
Impulse response
Step response
Second plot y-axis units — Y-axis units of second plot
Magnitude (dB)
(default) | Magnitude (linear)
| Angle (degrees)
| Real
| Imaginary
Y-axis units of the second plot, specified as one of the following:
Magnitude (dB)
Magnitude (linear)
Angle (degrees)
To set this parameter, set Second plot type to
X-axis frequency points (Hz) — Frequency points to plot S-parameter data
(default) | positive real vector
Frequency points to plot the S-parameter data, specified as a positive real vector in Hz.
X-axis scale — Linear or logarithmic X-axis scale
(default) | Logarithmic
Select this parameter to plot your data on a linear or logarithmic X-axis scale.
Specify Linear
Y-axis scale — Linear or logarithmic Y-axis scale
(default) | Logarithmic
Select this parameter to plot your data in a linear or logarithmic Y-axis scale.
Specify Linear
Plot Sparameter characteristics — Plot S-parameters data
Select this button to plot the characteristics of the S-parameters data.
Determine FIR Filter Coefficients
The software calculates the discrete FIR filter coefficients using the RF frequency (Hz) and FIR filter length parameters and the transfer function specified using the derived filter poles and zeros.
The following steps are followed to determine the Discrete FIR Filter block direct form coefficients:
Determine the frequency points contained in the bandwidth centered around the carrier frequency using this formula.
Use the
object and its functions to determine the rational analog filter transfer function from the mask parameters in [z,p,k] form.Determine transfer function values for the frequency points in step one using this formula.
Determine the discrete FIR filter coefficients using this formula.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced in R2023aR2024b: Parameters of Filter block from idealized baseband library have been renamed
The following in the Filter block in the idealized baseband library have been renamed:
Parameter Name Before R2024b | Parameter Name Since R2024b |
Carrier frequency (Hz) | RF frequency (Hz) |
The following parameter values in the Filter block in the idealized baseband library have been changed.
Parameter | Values Before R2024b | Values Since R2024b |
Modeling domain | Time domain (Fixed step) | Time (Fixed step) |
Time domain (Continuous) | Time (Continuous) | |
Frequency domain (Digital filter) | Frequency (Digital filter) |
When you open a model created before R2024b containing the S-parameters block, the software replaces the parameter names and values as shown in the table.
R2023a: Lowpass RF, Highpass RF, Bandpass RF, and Bandstop RF Filter blocks have been replaced
Starting in R2023a, the idealized baseband Filter block replaces the Lowpass RF Filter, Highpass RF Filter, Bandpass RF Filter, and Bandstop RF Filter blocks.
When you open a model created before R2023a containing the Lowpass RF Filter, Highpass RF Filter, Bandpass RF Filter, and Bandstop RF Filter Filter blocks, the software replace the old blocks with the new idealized baseband Filter block.
See Also
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