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IQ Demodulator

Convert RF signal to baseband signal

  • IQ Demodulator block

RF Blockset / Circuit Envelope / Systems


The IQ Demodulator converts an RF signal to baseband signal. I stands for the in-phase component of the signal and Q stands for the quadrature phase component of the signal. You can use the IQ Demodulator to design direct conversion receivers.

The IQ Demodulator block mask icons are dynamic and indicate the current state of the applied noise parameter. For more information, see IQ Demodulator Icons.



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Source parameter of conversion gain, specified as one of the following:

  • Available power gain — Relates the ratio of the power of a single sideband (SSB) of the output I branch to the input power. If there is no gain mismatch, the gain at the Q branch matches the gain at the I branch.

  • Open circuit voltage gain — Value of the open circuit voltage gain parameter as the linear voltage gain term of the polynomial voltage controlled voltage-source (VCVS).

  • Polynomial coefficients — Implements a nonlinear voltage gain according to the polynomial you specify.

Ratio of power of SSB at output I branch to input power, specified as a scalar in dB or a unitless ratio. For a unitless ratio, select None.


To enable this parameter, set Source of conversion gain to Available power gain.

Open circuit voltage gain, specified as a scalar in dB.


To enable this parameter, set Source of conversion gain to Open circuit voltage gain.

Polynomial coefficients, specified as a vector.

The order of the polynomial must be less than or equal to 9. The coefficients must be ordered in ascending powers. If a vector has 10 coefficients, [a0,a1,a2, ... a9], the polynomial it represents is:

Vout = a0 + a1Vin + a2Vin2 + ...  + a9Vin9

a1 represents the linear gain term, and higher-order terms are modeled according to [2].

For example, the vector [a0,a1,a2,a3] specifies the relation Vout = a0 + a1V1 + a2V12 + a3V13. Trailing zeros are omitted. So [a0,a1,a2] defines the same polynomial as [a0,a1,a2, 0].

By default, the value is [0,1], corresponding to the linear relation Vout = Vin.


To enable this parameter, set Source of conversion gain to Polynomial coefficients.

Local oscillator (LO) frequency, specified as a scalar in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz.

Input impedance of IQ demodulator, specified as a scalar in Ohms.

Output impedance of IQ demodulator, specified as a scalar in Ohms.

Select to add the IR filter parameter tab. Clear to remove the tab.

Select to add the CS filter parameter tab. Clear to remove the tab.

Select to internally ground and hide the negative terminals. Clear to expose the negative terminals. When the terminals are exposed, you can connect them to other parts of your model.

Use this button to break IQ modulator links to the library. The internal variables are replaced by their values which are estimated using IQ modulator parameters. The IQ Modulator becomes a simple subsystem masked only to keep the icon.

Use Edit System to edit the internal variables without expanding the subsystem. Use Expand System to expand the subsystem in the Simulink™ canvas and to edit the subsystem.


Gain difference between I and Q branches, specified as a scalar in dB. Gain mismatch is assumed to be forward-going, that is, the mismatch does not affect leakage from LO to RF.

If the gain mismatch is specified, the value (Availablepowergain+I/Qgainmismatch) relates the ratio of power of the single-sideband (SSB) at output the Q branch to the input power.

Phase difference between I and Q branches, specified as a scalar in degrees or radians. The phase mismatch affects the LO to input RF leakage.

Ratio of magnitude between LO voltage to leaked RF voltage, specified as a scalar in dB. Phase accumulation in the path from LO input to the internal I and Q mixers (after phase shift and phase mismatch) and then to the RF is assumed to be zero.

Single-sideband noise figure of mixer, specified as a scalar.

To model noise in circuit envelope model with a Noise, Amplifier, or Mixer, IQ Demodulator block, you must select the Simulate noise check box in the Configuration block dialog box.

The following table summarizes the two competing definitions for specifying SSB noise, where the image frequency (IM) is defined as ωIM = ωLO + (ωLO – ωRF).

Noise ConventionSignal at RF FrequencySignal at IM FrequencyIQ Demodulator Block Supports This Model?
Single-sideband noise (SSB)S + N, signal with noiseN, noise onlyYes
IEEE definition of single-sideband noise (SSBIEEE)S + N, signal with noiseNo signalNo; you can create an equivalent model using an ideal filter created from an S-parameters block.

Select this parameter to add phase noise to your IQ demodulator system.

Phase noise frequency offset, specified as a scalar, vector, or matrix with each element unit in Hz.

If you specify a matrix, each column corresponds to a non-DC carrier frequency of the CW source. The frequency offset values bind the envelope bandwidth of the simulation. For more information, see Configuration.


To enable this parameter, select Add phase noise.

Phase noise level, specified as a scalar, vector, or matrix with element unit in decibel per dBc/Hz.

If you specify a matrix, each column corresponds to a non-DC carrier frequency of the CW source. The frequency offset values bind the envelope bandwidth of the simulation. For more information, see Configuration.


To enable this parameter, select Add phase noise.

Select to automatically estimate impulse response for phase noise. Clear to specify the impulse response duration using Impulse response duration.


To enable this parameter, select Add phase noise.

Impulse response duration used to simulate phase noise, specified as a scalar in s, ms, us, or ns.


The phase noise profile resolution in frequency is limited by the duration of the impulse response used to simulate it. Increase this duration to improve the accuracy of the phase noise profile. A warning message appears if the phase noise frequency offset resolution is too high for a given impulse response duration. This message also specifies the minimum duration suitable for the required resolution.


To set this parameter, clear Automatically estimate impulse response duration.

The block plots the phase noise characteristics based in the parameters specified on the Impairments tab and either the Envelope bandwidth parameter in the Configuration block when available or the value specified in the Phase noise frequency offset (Hz) parameter.


To enable this parameter, select Add phase noise.


Selecting Polynomial coefficients for Source of conversion gain in the Main tab removes the Nonlinearity parameters.

Polynomial nonlinearity, specified as one of the following:

  • Even and odd order: The IQ Demodulator can produce second-order and third-order intermodulation frequencies, in addition to a linear term.

  • Odd order: The IQ Demodulator generates only "odd- order" intermodulation frequencies.

    The linear gain determines the linear a1 term. The block calculates the remaining terms from the values specified in IP3, 1-dB gain compression power, Output saturation power, and Gain compression at saturation. The number of constraints you specify determines the order of the model. The figure shows the graphical definition of the nonlinear IQ demodulator parameters.

    Output vs input power plot shows nonlinear IQ demodulator parameters.

Intercept points convention, specified as Input (input-referred) or Output (output-referred). Use this specification for the intercept points IP2, IP3, the 1-dB gain compression power, and the Output saturation power.

Second-order intercept point, specified as a scalar in dBm, W, mW, or dBW. The default value inf dBm corresponds to an unspecified point.


To enable this parameter, set Nonlinear polynomial type to Even and odd order.

Third-order intercept point, specified as a scalar in dBm, W, mW, or dBW. The default value inf dBm corresponds to an unspecified point.


To enable this parameter, set Nonlinear polynomial type to Even and odd order.

1-dB gain compression power, specified as a scalar in dBm, W, mW, or dBW. The 1-dB gain compression point must be less than the output saturation power.


To enable this parameter, set Odd order in Nonlinear polynomial type tab.

Output saturation power, specified as a scalar. The block uses this value to calculate the voltage saturation point used in the nonlinear model. In this case, the first derivative of the polynomial is zero, and the second derivative is negative.


To enable this parameter, set Odd order in Nonlinear polynomial type tab.

Gain compression at saturation, specified as a scalar.


To enable this parameter, first select Odd order in Nonlinear polynomial type tab. Then change the default value of Output saturation power.

IR Filter

Select Add Image Reject filter in the Main tab to see the IR Filter parameters tab.

Simulation type. Simulates an ideal, Butterworth, or Chebyshev filter of the type specified in Filter type and the model specified in Implementation.

Filter. Simulates a lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop filter type of the design specified in Design method

Implementation, specified as one of the following:

  • LC Tee: Model an analog filter with an LC lumped Tee structure when the Design method is Butterworth or Chebyshev.

  • LC Pi: Model an analog filter with an LC lumped Pi structure when the Design method is Butterworth or Chebyshev.

  • Transfer Function: Model an analog filter using two-port S-parameters when the Design method is Butterworth or Chebyshev.

  • Constant per carrier: Model a filter with either full transmission or full reflection set as constant throughout the entire envelope band around each carrier. The Design method is specified as ideal.

  • Filter Domain: Model a filter using convolution with an impulse response. The Design method is specified as ideal. The impulse response is computed independently for each carrier frequency to capture the ideal filtering response. When a transition between full transmission and full reflection of the ideal filter occurs within the envelope band around a carrier, the frequency-domain implementation captures this transition correctly up to a frequency resolution specified in Impulse response duration.


    Due to causality, a delay of half the impulse response duration is included for both reflected and transmitted signals. This delay impairs the filter performance when the Source and Load resistances differ from the values specified in filter parameters.

By default, the Implementation is Constant per carrier for an ideal filter and LC Tee for Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Passband edge frequency, specified as a scalar in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Ideal and Filter type to Lowpass or Highpass.

Select this parameter to implement the filter order manually.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Filter order, specified as a scalar. For a Filter type of Lowpass or Highpass, the filter order is the number of lumped storage elements. For a Filter type of Bandpass of Bandstop, the number of lumped storage elements is twice the filter order.


For even order Chebyshev filters, the resistance ratio RloadRsource>Rratio for Tee network implementation and RloadRsource<1Rratio for Pi network implementation.



  • ε=10(0.1Rp)1

  • Rp is the passband ripple in dB.


To enable this parameter, select Implement using filter order.

Passband frequency for lowpass and highpass filters, specified as a scalar in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. The default value is 1 GHz for Lowpass filters and 2 GHz for Highpass filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Lowpass or Highpass.

Passband frequencies for bandpass filters, specified as a 2-tuple vector in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. This option is not available for bandstop filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Bandpass.

Passband attenuation, specified as a scalar in dB. For bandpass filters, this value is applied equally to both edges of the passband.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Stopband frequencies for bandstop filters, specified as a 2-tuple vector in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. This option is not available for bandpass filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Bandstop.

Stopband edge frequencies for bandstop filters, specified as a 2-tuple vector in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. This option is not available for ideal bandpass filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Ideal and Filter type to Bandstop.

Stopband attenuation, specified as a scalar in dB. For bandstop filters, this value is applied equally to both edges of the stopband.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Bandstop.

Input source resistance, specified as a scalar in Ohms.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Output load resistance, specified as a scalar in Ohms.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Select to automatically estimate impulse response for phase noise. Clear to manually specify the impulse response duration using Impulse response duration.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Ideal and Implementation to Frequency domain.

Impulse response duration used to simulate phase noise, specified as a scalar in s, ms, us, or ns. You cannot specify impulse response if the amplifier is nonlinear.


The phase noise profile resolution in frequency is limited by the duration of the impulse response used to simulate it. Increase this duration to improve the accuracy of the phase noise profile. A warning message appears if the phase noise frequency offset resolution is too high for a given impulse response duration. This message also specifies the minimum duration suitable for the required resolution


To enable this parameter, clear Automatically estimate impulse response duration.

Use this button to save filter design to a file. Valid file types are .mat and .txt.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

CS Filter

Select Add Channel Select filters in the Main tab to see the CS Filter parameters.

Simulation type. Simulates an ideal, Butterworth, or Chebyshev filter of the type specified in Filter type and the model specified in Implementation.

Filter. Simulates a lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop filter type of the design specified in Design method.

Implementation, specified as one of the following:

  • LC Tee: Model an analog filter with an LC lumped Tee structure when the Design method is Butterworth or Chebyshev.

  • LC Pi: Model an analog filter with an LC lumped Pi structure when the Design method is Butterworth or Chebyshev.

  • Transfer Function: Model an analog filter using two-port S-parameters when the Design method is Butterworth or Chebyshev.

  • Constant per carrier: Model a filter with either full transmission or full reflection set as constant throughout the entire envelope band around each carrier. The Design method is specified as ideal.

  • Filter Domain: Model a filter using convolution with an impulse response. The Design method is specified as ideal. The impulse response is computed independently for each carrier frequency to capture the ideal filtering response. When a transition between full transmission and full reflection of the ideal filter occurs within the envelope band around a carrier, the frequency-domain implementation captures this transition correctly up to a frequency resolution specified in Impulse response duration.


    Due to causality, a delay of half the impulse response duration is included for both reflected and transmitted signals. This delay impairs the filter performance when the Source and Load resistances differ from the values specified in filter parameters.

By default, the Implementation is Constant per carrier for an ideal filter and LC Tee for Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Passband edge frequency, specified as a scalar in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Ideal.

Select this parameter to implement the filter order manually.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Filter order, specified as a scalar. This order is the number of lumped storage elements in lowpass or highpass. In bandpass or bandstop, the number of lumped storage elements are twice the value.


For even order Chebyshev filters, the resistance ratio RloadRsource>Rratio for Tee network implementation and RloadRsource<1Rratio for Pi network implementation.



  • ε=10(0.1Rp)1

  • Rp is the passband ripple in dB.


To enable this parameter, select Implement using filter order.

Passband frequency for lowpass and highpass filters, specified as a scalar in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. By default, the passband frequency is 1 GHz for Lowpass filters and 2 GHz for Highpass filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Lowpass or Highpass.

Passband frequencies for bandpass filters, specified as a 2-tuple vector in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. This option is not available for bandstop filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Bandpass.

Passband attenuation, specified as a scalar in dB. For bandpass filters, this value is applied equally to both edges of the passband.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Stopband frequencies for bandstop filters, specified as a 2-tuple vector in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. This option is not available for bandpass filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Bandstop.

Stopband edge frequencies for bandstop filters, specified as a 2-tuple vector in Hz, kHz, MHz, or GHz. This option is not available for ideal bandpass filters.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Ideal and Filter type to Bandstop.

Stopband attenuation, specified as a scalar in dB. For bandstop filters, this value is applied equally to both edges of the stopband.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev and Filter type to Bandstop.

Input source resistance, specified as a scalar in Ohms.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Output load resistance, specified as a scalar in Ohms.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.

Select to automatically estimate impulse response for phase noise. Clear to specify the impulse response duration using Impulse response duration.


set Design method to Ideal and Implementation to Frequency domain.

Impulse response duration used to simulate phase noise, specified as a scalar in seconds. You cannot specify impulse response if the amplifier is nonlinear.


The phase noise profile resolution in frequency is limited by the duration of the impulse response used to simulate it. Increase this duration to improve the accuracy of the phase noise profile. A warning message appears if the phase noise frequency offset resolution is too high for a given impulse response duration. This message also specifies the minimum duration suitable for the required resolution


To enable this parameter, clear Automatically estimate impulse response duration.

Use this button to save filter design to a file. Valid file types are .mat and .txt.


To enable this parameter, set Design method to Butterworth or Chebyshev.


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[1] Razavi, Behzad. RF Microelectronics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011.

[2] Grob, Siegfried and Lindner, Jurgen, “Polynomial Model Derivation of Nonlinear Amplifiers”, Department of Information Technology, University of Ulm, Germany.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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