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LC Ladder

Model LC ladder networks

  • LC Ladder block

RF Blockset / Circuit Envelope / Elements


The LC Ladder block models common two-port LC lossless networks. To learn how you can use LC Ladder to compare the input and output signal amplitudes to study the signal attenuation, see Model RF Filter Using Circuit Envelope.


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Type of ladder topology, specified as one of the following:

Ladder Topology

LC Lowpass Tee

LC Lowpass Tee

LC Lowpass Pi

LC Lowpass pi

LC Highpass Tee

LC highpass tee

LC Highpass Pi

LC highpass pi

LC Bandpass Tee

LC bandpass Tee

LC Bandpass Pi

LC Bandpass pi

LC Bandstop Tee

LC Bandstop Tee

LC Bandstop Pi

LC Bandstop pi

Inductance value, specified as a real number in Henries. Specify the units of the inductance from the corresponding drop-down menu.

Data Types: double

Capacitance value, specified as a real number in Farads. Specify the units of the capacitance from the corresponding drop-down menu.

Select this option to internally ground and hide the negative terminals. Clear this to expose the negative terminals. By exposing these terminals, you can connect them to other parts of your model.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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