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Set of conditional parameters for Cell object

Since R2024a


Use the batteryCellModelBlock function to construct the CellModelOptions property of a Cell object. This property contains the conditional parameters of the block that you specify in the CellModelBlockPath property. For more information about the CellModelBlock object and its properties, see CellModelBlock (object).

By default, the CellModelBlockPath property uses the Battery (Table-Based) block, but you can also use the Battery Equivalent Circuit block or specify your own custom block. For more information, see the CellModelBlockPath property.


A generated battery block always uses the default values of the parameters in the battery cell blocks that you specify in the CellModelBlockPath property of your battery object, regardless of how you modified them. The only parameters of the cell block that you can modify are the conditional parameters listed in the BlockParameters property.

cellModelOpt = batteryCellModelBlock sets default model options for the Cell object. To modify these options for your application, use dot notation. For a full list of options, see the Properties of the cellModelBlock object.


cellModelOpt = batteryCellModelBlock(CellModelBlockPath) sets the library path of the component model block of the Cell object to a Simscape battery cell block. By default, the CellModelBlockPath property uses the Battery (Table-Based) block, but you can also use the Battery Equivalent Circuit block or specify your own custom block.


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Create a default CellModelBlock option set.

cellModelOpt = batteryCellModelBlock
  CellModelBlock with properties:

    CellModelBlockPath: "batt_lib/Cells/Battery↵(Table-Based)"
       BlockParameters: [1×1 struct]

Show the BlockParameters property.

    struct with fields:

          T_dependence: no
          thermal_port: omit
           prm_age_OCV: OCV
      prm_age_capacity: disabled
    prm_age_resistance: disabled
      prm_age_modeling: equation
               prm_dyn: off
               prm_dir: noCurrentDirectionality
              prm_fade: disabled
              prm_leak: disabled

Specify options using dot notation.

cellModelOpt.BlockParameters.thermal_port = "model";

Any property values you do not specify retain their default values.

Create a default Cell object.

cell = batteryCell
  batteryCell = 

  Cell with properties:

            Geometry: []
    CellModelOptions: [1×1 simscape.battery.builder.CellModelBlock]
                Mass: [1×1 simscape.Value]

Show the BlockParameters property of the CellModelOptions object inside the Cell object.

      struct with fields:

          T_dependence: no
          thermal_port: model
           prm_age_OCV: OCV
      prm_age_capacity: disabled
    prm_age_resistance: disabled
      prm_age_modeling: equation
               prm_dyn: off
               prm_dir: noCurrentDirectionality
              prm_fade: disabled
              prm_leak: disabled

Specify options using dot notation.

cell.CellModelOptions.BlockParameters.thermal_port = "model";

Input Arguments

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Library path to a Simscape battery cell block, specified as a string. The default component model block is the Battery (Table-Based) block.

You can also use the Battery Equivalent Circuit or specify your own custom cell block, as long as your custom block meets all of these requirements:

  • The custom block must provide exactly two electrical conserving ports named n and p.

  • All variables must be scalar-valued.

  • The custom block cannot contain a variable or intermediate variable called power_dissipated.

You can connect the custom block to any number of thermal nodes. The software connects all nodes in parallel.

If you specify your own custom block, the fields of the BlockParameters structure depend on the parameters that you specified inside your custom block. To modify these options for your application, use dot notation.

Generated battery blocks that use a custom block as cell model block expose the same output ports of the custom block. For example, you create a custom cell block with a voltage output port:

% ...
        voltageCell; %voltage

        voltageCell == [ParallelAssembly1(:).voltageCell]';
% ...
You use this custom cell block to create the Cell, ParallelAssembly, Module, and ModuleAssembly objects and generate the ModuleAssembly block by using the buildBattery function. Then, the generated ModuleAssembly block exposes the voltage port:

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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