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Block Substitutions for Foundation Library Hydraulic Blocks

The hydraulicToIsothermalLiquid conversion tool replaces hydraulic blocks in your model with the corresponding isothermal liquid blocks. This table lists the Foundation Library > Hydraulic library and the replacement Isothermal Liquid blocks. For information on blocks from the Fluids > Hydraulics (Isothermal) library, see Block Substitutions for Simscape Fluids Hydraulics (Isothermal) Blocks (Simscape Fluids).

Hydraulic BlockIsothermal Liquid Block

Constant Area Hydraulic Orifice

Local Restriction (IL) with these parameter settings:

Restriction typeFixed

Constant Volume Hydraulic Chamber

Constant Volume Chamber (IL)

Fluid Inertia

There is no equivalent block in the Isothermal Liquid library. The conversion tool comments the block out. To preserve the diagram layout, the conversion tool places the commented out block in a subsystem and connects the subsystem ports to bypass the block.

The conversion tool also creates a corresponding entry in the Removed Blocks section of the HTML report.

For information on how you can model fluid inertia using the Pipe (IL) block, see Pipes.

Hydraulic Cap

There is no equivalent block in the Isothermal Liquid library because you no longer need to terminate unconnected conserving ports in your model.

The conversion tool comments the Hydraulic Cap block out, removes the connection line, and sets the Through variable at the port formerly connected to this block to 0.

The conversion tool also creates a corresponding entry in the Removed Blocks section of the HTML report.

If you used the Hydraulic Cap block to set the initial value for the Pressure variable, consider modifying the initial pressure value in the block formerly connected to the Hydraulic Cap block.

Hydraulic Piston Chamber

There is no equivalent block in the Isothermal Liquid library because you can model fluid compressibility directly in the mechanical converter blocks.

The conversion tool comments the Hydraulic Piston Chamber block out and creates a corresponding entry in the Removed Blocks section of the HTML report.

Hydraulic Reference

Reservoir (IL)

Hydraulic Resistive Tube

Pipe (IL)

Infinite Hydraulic Resistance

Infinite Flow Resistance (IL)

Linear Hydraulic Resistance

Laminar Leakage (IL)

Rotational Hydro-Mechanical Converter

Rotational Mechanical Converter (IL)

Translational Hydro-Mechanical Converter

Translational Mechanical Converter (IL)

Variable Area Hydraulic Orifice

Local Restriction (IL) with these parameter settings:

Restriction typeVariable

Variable Hydraulic Chamber

There is no equivalent block in the Isothermal Liquid library because you can model fluid compressibility directly in the mechanical converter blocks.

The conversion tool comments the Variable Hydraulic Chamber block out and creates a corresponding entry in the Removed Blocks section of the HTML report.

Hydraulic Flow Rate Sensor

Flow Rate Sensor (IL)

Hydraulic Pressure Sensor

Pressure Sensor (IL)

Hydraulic Constant Flow Rate Source

Flow Rate Source (IL) with these parameter settings:

Source typeConstant

Flow rate typeVolumetric flow rate

Hydraulic Constant Mass Flow Rate Source

Flow Rate Source (IL) with these parameter settings:

Source typeConstant

Flow rate typeMass flow rate

Hydraulic Constant Pressure Source

Pressure Source (IL) with these parameter settings:

Source typeConstant

Hydraulic Flow Rate Source

Flow Rate Source (IL) with these parameter settings:

Source typeControlled

Flow rate typeVolumetric flow rate

Hydraulic Mass Flow Rate Source

Flow Rate Source (IL) with these parameter settings:

Source typeControlled

Flow rate typeMass flow rate

Hydraulic Pressure Source

Pressure Source (IL) with these parameter settings:

Source typeControlled

Custom Hydraulic Fluid

Isothermal Liquid Properties (IL)

See Also

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