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jc_0009: Signal name propagation

Since R2020a

Guideline Publication

Control Algorithm Modeling Guidelines - Using MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Stateflow®

Sub ID Recommendations

  • NA-MAAB — a, b, c

  • JMAAB — a, b, c

MATLAB Versions



Sub ID a

When defining the signal name for a signal that extends across a hierarchy, signal property Show propagated signals shall be selected so that propagated signal names are displayed.

However, when one of the following conditions is met, do not select Show propagated signals:

  • In a subsystem with a library

  • In subsystems where reusable functions are set

Custom Parameter

Not Applicable

Example — Correct

Propagated signal names are displayed.

Example — Incorrect

Show propagated signals is not selected, therefore signal names are not displayed.

Signals that connect to Bus Creator and Outport blocks do not have names, but Show propagated signals is selected for signals that connect to Subsystem and Outport blocks.

Signals that connect to Bus Creator and Outport blocks have names, but signals that connect to Subsystem and Outport blocks also have names.

Sub ID b

Signal property Show propagated signals shall be selected for these blocks so that propagated signal names of the signal output are displayed:

Custom Parameter

Not Applicable

Example — Correct

Propagated signal names are displayed.

Signals that connect to Inport and Goto blocks do not have names, therefore Show propagated signals does not need to be selected.

Signals that connect to Inport and Goto blocks do not have names, therefore signals that connect to From and Gain blocks can be left unnamed.

Example — Incorrect

Signals that connect to Inport and Goto blocks do not have names, but Show propagated signals is selected for signals that connect to From and Gain blocks.

Regardless of whether signals are propagated, Show propagated signals is not selected

Signals that connect to Inport and Goto blocks have names, but signals that connect to From and Gain blocks are named.

Signals that connect to Gain and Signal Specification blocks do not have names, but Show propagated signals is selected for signals that connect to Signal Specification and Outport blocks.

Regardless of whether signals are propagated, Show propagated signals is not selected.

Signals that connect to Gain and Signal Specification blocks have names, but signals that connect to Signal Specification and Outport blocks also have names.

Signals that connect to Function-Call Generator and Function-Call Split blocks do not have names, but Show propagated signals is selected for signals that connect to Function-Call Split and Function-Call Subsystem blocks.

Regardless of whether signals are propagated, Show propagated signals is not selected.

Signals that connect to Function-Call Generator and Function-Call Split blocks have names and signals that connect to Function-Call Split and Function-Call Subsystem blocks are also named.

Sub ID c

When propagated signal names does not exist Show propagated signals shall not be selected.

Example — Incorrect

Signals that connect to Bus Creator and Outport blocks do not have names, but Show propagated signals is selected for signals that connect to Subsystem and Outport blocks.

The Subsystem block is propagated empty.


Sub IDs a, b:

  • Prevents signal line connection errors.

  • Prevents incorrect naming of signal lines.

Sub ID c:

  • Standardizing the style of writing enhances readability.


Model Advisor check: Check signal name propagation (Simulink Check)

Last Changed


Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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