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jc_0900: Usable characters for data type definition

Since R2024b

Guideline Publication

Control Algorithm Modeling Guidelines - Using MATLAB®, Simulink®, and Stateflow®

Sub ID Recommendations

  • NA-MAAB — a, b, c

  • JMAAB — a, b, c

MATLAB Versions



Sub ID a

Underscores shall not be used at the end of bus object names, enumeration class names, or enumeration member names.

Custom Parameter

Not Applicable

Example — Incorrect

An underscore is used at the end of the bus object name.

An underscore is used at the end of the enumeration member name.

Sub ID b

Consecutive underscores shall not be used in bus object names, enumeration class names, or enumeration member names.

Custom Parameter

Not Applicable

Example — Incorrect

Consecutive underscores are used in the bus object name.

Consecutive underscores are used in the enumeration class name.

Consecutive underscores are used in the enumeration member name.

Sub ID c

Bus object names, enumeration class names and enumeration member names shall not be the same as reserved MATLAB words.

Custom Parameter

Not Applicable

Example — Incorrect

A bus object has the same name as a reserved MATLAB word.

A reserved MATLAB word that exactly matches the enumeration class name is used.

A reserved MATLAB word that exactly matches the enumeration member name is used.


Sub ID a:

  • Deviation reduces readability. Since underscores are commonly used as word separators, it may look like a typographical error.

Sub ID b:

  • Deviation reduces readability.

Sub ID c:

  • Deviation reduces readability. Deviating from common practices may lead to unexpected problems.


Model Advisor check: Check bus and enumeration data type names (Simulink Check)

Last Changed


Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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