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Programmatic Model Editor Appearance Parameters

Use the following parameters to control how your model appears in the Simulink® editor. To query and/or modify the value of a parameter, use get_param or set_param.

Model Appearance Parameters





Specifies whether to display the block name as a data tip. In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Name in Tooltip.

'on' | {'off'}


Specifies whether to display a block parameter in a data tip.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Parameters in Tooltip.

'on' | {'off'}


Specifies whether to display the user description for a block as a data tip.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Description in Tooltip.

'on' | {'off'}


Show masked subsystems in the Model Browser.

On the Modeling tab, select Environment > Model Browser. In the Model Browser pane, click Button that expands list of Model Browser options and select Systems with Mask Parameters.

'on' | {'off'}


Show library links in the Model Browser.

On the Modeling tab, select Environment > Model Browser. In the Model Browser pane, click Button that expands list of Model Browser options and select Library Links.

'on' | {'off'}


For a top model that is being simulated or that is in a compiled state, return information about which Model blocks have normal mode visibility enabled.

Return values indicate which Model blocks have normal mode visibility enabled.




Name of font to use for new annotation text, block text, or signal line labels and on existing annotations, block names, or signal lines whose FontName property is set to 'auto'.

To set, on the Format tab, click the Font Properties button arrow, then click Fonts for Model.

character vector




Size of font to use for new annotation text, block text, or signal line labels and on existing annotations, blocks, or signal lines whose FontSize property is set to -1.

To set, on the Format tab, click the Font Properties button arrow, then click Fonts for Model.

positive integer




Angle of font for new annotation text, block text, or signal line labels and on existing annotations, blocks, or signal lines whose FontAngle property is set to 'auto'.

To set, on the Format tab, click the Font Properties button arrow, then click Fonts for Model.

{'normal'} | 'italic'




Weight of font for new annotation text, block text, or signal line labels and on existing annotations, blocks, or signal lines whose FontWeight property is set to 'auto'.

To set, on the Format tab, click the Font Properties button arrow, then click Fonts for Model.

{'normal'} | 'bold'


Hides block names given automatically by the Simulink Editor. See Hide or Display Block Names.

{'on'} | 'off'


Specifies when to update line routing to avoid overlapping lines and obstacles in the model.

When set to the default 'deferred', scripts postpone line routing until they pause or complete. To perform deferred line routing within a script, you can use function Simulink.BlockDiagram.routeLine.

{'deferred'} | 'none' | 'immediate'


Show the Model Browser.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Modeling tab, select Environment > Model Browser.

'on' | {'off'}


Use with set_param to set normal mode visibility on for the specified Model blocks.

You can set this parameter with the Model Block Normal Mode Visibility dialog box. For details, see Specify Which Instance Has Normal Mode Visibility Enabled.

With set_param, use an array of Simulink.BlockPath objects or cell array of cell arrays of character vectors of paths to blocks or models.

With set_param, an empty array specifies to use the Simulink default selection for the instance to have normal mode visibility enabled.


Return information about which Model blocks have normal mode visibility enabled. Use with a model that you are editing.

Return values indicate which Model blocks have normal mode visibility enabled. See Simulate Multiple Referenced Model Instances in Normal Mode.


When you display port data types in a model, choose whether to display data type aliases, base data types, or both.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, set by Information Overlays > Base Data Types and Information Overlays > Alias Data Types.

{'AliasTypeOnly'} | 'BaseTypeOnly' | 'BaseAndAliasTypes'


Highlights all the blocks in the Simulink diagram that have requirements associated with them.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Apps tab, under Verification, Validation, and Test, click Requirements Viewer. The Requirements Viewer tab appears. Click Highlight Links.

'on' | {'off'}


In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Text.

'on' | {'off'}


In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Colors.

'on' | {'off'}


Background color of the model window.

In the Simulink Editor, on the Format tab, set Background.

'black' | {'white'} | 'red' | 'green' | 'blue' | 'cyan' | 'magenta' | 'yellow' | 'gray' | 'lightBlue' | 'orange' | 'darkGreen' | [r,g,b,a] where r, g, b, and a are the red, green, blue, and alpha values of the color normalized to the range 0.0 to 1.0. The alpha value is ignored.


In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Propagated Signal Labels.

'on' | {'off'}


Toggles linearization icons in the model.

{'on'} | 'off'


Show signal dimensions on this model's block diagram.

In the Simulink Editor, on the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Signal Dimensions.

'on' | {'off'}


Highlight invalid loops graphically.

{'on'} | 'off'


Toggles display of I/O mismatch on block.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Ref. Model I/O Mismatch.

'on' | {'off'}


Toggles display of version on block.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Ref. Model Version.

'on' | {'off'}


Toggles display of page boundaries on the Simulink Editor canvas.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Simulation tab, select Print > Show Page Boundaries.

'on' | {'off'}


Show data types of ports on this model's block diagram.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Base Data Types.

'on' | {'off'}


Show units of ports, subsystem, and model block icons on the model block diagram.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Port Units.

'on' | {'off'}


Show storage classes of signals on this model's block diagram.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Storage Class.

'on' | {'off'}


Show test point icons on this model's block diagram.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Log & Testpoint.

{'on'} | 'off'


Show viewer icons on this model's block diagram.

In the Simulink Editor, in the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Viewers.

{'on'} | 'off'


Zoom factor of the Simulink Editor window expressed as a percentage of normal (100%) or by the keywords FitSystem or FitSelection.

In the Simulink Editor, on the Modeling tab, select one of the options under Environment > Zoom.

{'100'} | 'FitSystem' | 'FitSelection'


Draws lines that carry vector or matrix signals wider than lines that carry scalar signals.

In the Simulink Editor, on the Debug tab, select Information Overlays > Nonscalar Signals.

'on' | {'off'}

See Also


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