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Display differences in signatures of two Subsystem blocks

Since R2023a


Simulink.SubsystemReference.showSignatureDiffDialogForSS(ssBlock1,ssBlock2,forCodeGen) compares the signatures of the Subsystem blocks ssBlock1 and ssBlock2 in a model and displays the signature differences in the Signature Difference Viewer. forCodeGen specifies whether the signatures are generated for code generation or for simulation of a model.



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The model slexModelUsingReusableSS has three Subsystem Reference blocks Double Input, Int32 Input, and Int8 Input. Convert all the Subsystem Reference blocks in the model to Subsystem blocks.


Compare the simulation signatures of Subsystem blocks Double Input and Int32 Input.

ssBlock1 = "slexModelUsingReusableSS/Double Input";
ssBlock2 = "slexModelUsingReusableSS/Int32 Input";

Input Arguments

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Path or handle of a Subsystem block in a model, specified as a string or character vector.

Example: "slexModelUsingReusableSS/Double Input"

Data Types: string | char

Path or handle of a Subsystem block in a model, specified as a string or character vector.

Example: "slexModelUsingReusableSS/Int32 Input"

Data Types: string | char

Option to compare signatures generated either for simulation or code generation of a model, specified as one of these values:

  • false or 0 — Display differences in simulation signatures

  • true or 1 — Display differences in code generation signatures

Data Types: logical

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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