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Design Custom Buttons

This example shows how to use the customizable Push Button and Callback Button blocks to design the button panel of an elevator, including:

  • Buttons that specify the floor you want to travel to

  • Buttons that open and close the elevator doors

  • An alarm button

You can push these virtual buttons by clicking the Push Button and Callback Button blocks. While you press down your pointer, the button is pushed. When you release your pointer, you release the button.

You can use callback functions to specify what you want the buttons to do:

  • PressFcn functions run while the button is pushed. You can configure a PressFcn function to run only once while the button is pushed, or you can specify a repeat interval.

  • ClickFcn functions run when you release the button.

In this example, you will use ClickFcn functions to display messages about the actions of an elevator in the MATLAB® Command Window.

You can configure a button to stay pushed when you release your pointer by making it a latched button. Once configured, to latch the button, click it. To unlatch the button, click it again. The PressFcn function runs while the button is latched. The ClickFcn function runs once when you latch the button and once when you unlatch the button.

In this example, you will configure the elevator floor buttons and the alarm button as latched buttons because real floor and alarm buttons typically stay lit when you release them.

You can use states to specify how the appearance of the Push Button or Callback Button block changes when you interact with a button:

  • While you push the button, the block is in the Pressed state.

  • When the button is latched and you are not pushing it, the block is in the Latched state.

  • When a button is latched and you are pushing it, the block is in the Latched and Pressed state.

  • When a block is not in any of these three states, it is in the Default state.

The states pair pointer actions with:

  • A state label

  • A state icon

  • A state image

For the Push Button block, the Pressed, Latched, and Latched and Pressed states also pair pointer actions with an On Value. The On Value is the same for these three states. When you enter one of these states, the On Value is assigned to the Simulink® component to which the Push Button block connects.

In this example, you will create buttons that control the floor an elevator travels to by assigning their On Value to a Constant block.

Design Elevator Ground Floor Button with Push Button Block

In this example, you use the Push Button block to model the ground floor button of an elevator.

When you click the ground floor button:

  • The button lights up.

  • The value of a Constant block changes.

  • The MATLAB Command Window displays a message that states which floor the elevator is traveling to.

The ground floor button is modeled using the Push Button block because Push Button blocks directly control the value of the block that they connect to. Callback Button blocks do not connect to a block and can only control a block parameter value using callback functions.

You can use Callback functions to access a block parameter value programmatically or set a block parameter value to a variable whose value is changed by the callback function. However, both approaches add complexity to the model. Using a Push Button block simplifies the process of controlling a block parameter value.

To create the ground floor button, add a customizable Push Button block to the model using the Simulink quick insert menu:

  1. To open the quick insert menu, double-click the canvas.

  2. To search for the customizable Push Button block, type Push Button.

  3. Select the search result with the library path Simulink/Dashboard/Customizable Blocks.

When you press an elevator floor button in a real elevator, the button stays lit when you release it. To implement this behavior on the Push Button block:

  1. In the Simulink Toolstrip, on the Modeling tab, under Design, select Property Inspector.

  2. In the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Main section, for Button Type, select Latch.

The elevator button now has four states: Default, Pressed, the Latched, and Pressed and Latched state:

  • In the Default state, the elevator floor button is not lit.

  • In the other states, the elevator floor button is lit.

Each state has an image that can be used to show whether the elevator button is lit.

To modify the state images of the Push Button block, enter design mode:

  1. If the Push Button block is not selected, select the block.

  2. In the Simulink Toolstrip, in the Button tab, click Edit.

  3. In the toolbar that appears above the block, click Open Design Tab.

Adding state images to a customizable dashboard block changes the aspect ratio of the state images to match the aspect ratio of the block.

Adding a background image to a customizable dashboard block changes the aspect ratio of the block to match the aspect ratio of the background image.

To prevent state images from being distorted, before you configure the button states, you can use a background image to set the aspect ratio of the block to be the same as the aspect ratio of the state image.

In this model, the background image both sets the aspect ratio and shows the label of the elevator floor button.

Add the background image for the elevator floor buttons:

  1. On the Design tab, select the Background Image component.

  2. In the Select Image section, click the plus button.

  3. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-floor-G.png file.

Note that the new background image is not visible because the default state icon and image are covering it, but the aspect ratio of the block has changed.

Configure the appearance of the button for the Default state:

  1. In the Property Inspector, on the Design tab, open the States component.

  2. In the Icon section, click the X.

  3. In the Image section, click the plus button.

  4. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-off.png file.

  5. Set the X Offset and Y Offset to 0.

  6. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  7. Since the image already indicates which elevator button is being modeled, the button label text is not needed. In the Label section, delete the default Text.

To configure the appearance of the button for the Pressed, Latched, and Latched and Pressed states, for each state:

  1. In the Property Inspector, on the Design tab, open the States component.

  2. In the Select State section, select the state.

  3. In the Icon section, click the X.

  4. In the Image section, click the plus button.

  5. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-on.png file.

  6. Set the X Offset to 0.

  7. To make the button look like it is pushed down, set the Y Offset to 0.025.

  8. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  9. In the Label section, delete the default Text.

  10. In the Label section, verify that the X Offset and Y Offset are set to 0. If they are not, set them to 0.

The appearance of the ground floor button is now fully configured. To exit design mode, in the Property Inspector, on the Design Tab, click Edit.

When the Push Button block enters a state, the On Value of the block is assigned to the Simulink block diagram element to which the Push Button block connects.

In this example, the ground floor button controls the value of a Constant block with a scalar value that tracks the destination of the elevator:

  • When the value is 0, the elevator is not traveling to the ground floor.

  • When the value is 1, the elevator is traveling to the ground floor.

To implement this behavior, set the value of the Const_scalar block to 0, and the On Value of the ground floor button to 1:

  • In the model, the value of the Const_scalar block is already set to 0.

  • You can specify the On Value in the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Main section. For this example, the On Value is 1 by default.

To connect the ground floor button to the Const_scalar block:

  1. Select the Push Button block.

  2. Click the Connect button that appears above the block.

  3. Select the Const_scalar block.

  4. In the table that appears below the selected signal, select Const_scalar:Value.

  5. Click the X in the upper right corner of the Simulink window.

  6. To check the connection, select the Push Button block. If the Constant block is connected, it is highlighted in purple.

You can use a callback function to display in the MATLAB Command Window the floor that the elevator is headed to when you click the ground floor button and the button lights up.

Let status_scalar be the variable that the callback function uses to track whether or not the elevator button is lit:

  • When the button is lit, the value is 1.

  • When the button is not lit, the value is 0.

Note that status_scalar is different from and does not affect the On Value of the Push Button block.

Set up a preload callback function that automatically initializes status_scalar to a value of 0 when you open the model:

  1. Right-click the Simulink canvas and select Model Properties.

  2. On the Callbacks tab, in the PreLoadFcn section, enter this command and click OK:


Run the preload callback function: save and re-open the model.

Write the callback function to display which floor the elevator is heading to when the button is clicked:

  1. In the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Callbacks section, from the list, select ClickFcn.

  2. In the Callbacks section, enter these commands:

    disp('Elevator is headed to ground floor');
Elevator is headed to ground floor

The ground floor button is now fully configured. To test the button:

  1. Simulate the model.

  2. During simulation, click the button. When the button lights up, the MATLAB Command Window displays the message Elevator is headed to ground floor.

Design Elevator Button Panel

In this example, you use the ground floor button from the previous section to create an elevator button panel with eight floor buttons on it. The panel includes one ground button and buttons for floors one to seven.

Before creating the buttons, consider how you connect the buttons with the block parameter value that they control. When you have many elevator floor buttons, connecting each one to a separate Constant block with a scalar Constant value adds complexity to the model structure. Instead, you can connect all elevator buttons to a single Constant block with a Constant value that is a vector. Each button controls one element in the vector.

In the model, the Constant block named Const_vector has a Constant value that is a vector with eight elements, one for every floor. The value of each element is initialized to zero.

Connect the Push Button to Const_vector:

  1. Select the Push Button block for the ground floor.

  2. Click the Connect button that appears above the block.

  3. Select the Constant block named Const_vector.

  4. In the table that appears below the selected signal, select Const_vector:Value.

  5. To indicate the vector element that corresponds to the ground floor, in the text box at the bottom of the Connect dialog box, enter 1.

  6. Click the X in the upper right corner of the Simulink window.

Each button needs its own callback function variable to track the button status. Let these variables all be elements of a vector: the status_vector.

Use a preload callback function to initialize the value of the status_vector so that it is automatically initialized to zeros(8,1) when you open the model:

  1. Right-click the Simulink canvas and select Model Properties.

  2. On the Callbacks tab, in the PreLoadFcn section, enter this command and click OK:


Save and reopen the model.

Change the callback function of the Push Button for the ground floor to track the status of the ground floor button with the first element of the status_vector:

    disp('Elevator is headed to ground floor');
Elevator is headed to ground floor

To create the elevator buttons for floors one through seven, for each button:

  1. Copy and paste the ground floor button.

  2. Select the copy.

  3. To enter design mode, in the Property Inspector, on the Design tab, click Edit.

  4. In the Background Image component, in the Select Image section, click the green plus button.

  5. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-floor-N.png file, where N is the number of the floor. In the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Callbacks section, change the value of floor to N.

  6. Also in the Callbacks section, change the message that is displayed when the elevator button lights up to indicate that the elevator is traveling to floor N.

  7. To exit design mode, click the X in the upper right corner of the canvas.

  8. Select the Push Button block.

  9. Click the Connect button that appears above the block.

  10. Select the Constant block named Const_vector.

  11. In the table that appears below the selected signal, select Const_vector:Value.

  12. In the text box at the bottom of the Connect dialog box, enter N+1.

  13. Click the X in the upper right corner of the Simulink window.

The elevator floor buttons are mounted to a panel on the wall. Create a Simulink panel:

  1. Create a copy of the ground floor button.

  2. Select the copy.

  3. Click the ellipsis that appears above the block and select Promote to Panel.

Add a background image to the panel:

  1. Select the panel.

  2. To enter panel edit mode, click the ellipsis that appears above the panel and select Edit Panel.

  3. In the action menu that appears, select Change Background Image.

  4. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-panel-background.png file.

  5. Resize the panel to make it large enough to fit eleven buttons in six rows and two columns by clicking and dragging one of the panel corners. Resizing can also change the aspect ratio of the panel. Size the panel such that the screw heads in the panel background image are circular.

Add the other seven floor buttons to the panel: click and drag each button onto the panel to add it.

Resize and position the buttons so that the floor number plates exactly cover the empty squares on the panel background image. To resize a button, select the block modeling that button, then click and drag one of its corners. To position a button, select the button, then use the arrow keys to move it.

To exit panel edit mode, in the action menu above the panel, select Done Editing.

To use the buttons:

  1. Simulate the model.

  2. During simulation, click the buttons. When a button lights up, the MATLAB Command Window displays the message that you entered in the callback function for that button.

Design Elevator Door Buttons with Callback Button Blocks

In this example, you use the Callback Button block to model the door buttons of an elevator.

When you click or press the door buttons:

  1. The door buttons light up and stay lit until you release the click.

  2. The MATLAB Command Window displays a message that states whether the doors are opening or closing.

Unlike the elevator floor buttons, the door buttons are not used to control a value.

To design the button that opens the elevator door, add a customizable Callback Button block to the model.

The door buttons only stay lit until you release the click. Whether the buttons stay in the nondefault states when you release the click or not depends on the Button Type.

The Button Type for the door button is Momentary, meaning that the buttons revert to the default state when you release the click.

Check the Button Type of the Callback Button block:

  1. Select the Callback Button block.

  2. If the Property Inspector is not open, in the Simulink Toolstrip, on the Modeling tab, under Design, select Property Inspector.

  3. In the Main section, Button Type is set to Momentary by default.

The door button has two states, Default and Pressed:

  • In the Default, the elevator door button is not lit.

  • In the Pressed, the elevator door button is lit.

Each state has an image that can be used to show whether the door button is lit.

To modify the state images of the Callback Button block, enter design mode:

  1. If the Callback Button block is not selected, select the block.

  2. In the Simulink Toolstrip, in the Button tab, click Edit.

  3. In the toolbar that appears above the block, click Open Design Tab.

Adding state images to a customizable dashboard block changes the aspect ratio of the state images to match the aspect ratio of the block.

Adding a background image to a customizable dashboard block changes the aspect ratio of the block to match the aspect ratio of the background image.

To prevent state images from being distorted, before you configure the button states, you can use a background image to set the aspect ratio of the block to be the same as the aspect ratio of the state image.

In this model, the background image both sets the aspect ratio and shows the label of the elevator door button.

Add the background image for the door buttons:

  1. On the Design tab, select the Background Image component.

  2. In the Select Image section, click the plus button.

  3. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-open-door.png file.

Note that the new background image is not visible because the default state icon and image are covering it, but the aspect ratio of the block has changed.

Configure the appearance of the button for the default state:

  1. In the Property Inspector, on the Design tab, open the States component.

  2. In the Icon section, click the X.

  3. In the Image section, click the plus button.

  4. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-off.png file.

  5. Set the X Offset and Y Offset to 0.

  6. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  7. Since the image already indicates which elevator button is being modeled, the button label text is not needed. In the Label section, delete the default Text.

To configure the appearance of the button for the pressed state:

  1. In the States Component, in the Select State section, select the type of state.

  2. In the Icon section, click the X.

  3. In the Image section, click the plus button.

  4. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-on.png file.

  5. Set the X Offset to 0.

  6. To make the button look like it is pushed down, set the Y Offset to 0.025.

  7. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  8. In the Label section, delete the default Text.

  9. In the Label section, set the X Offset and Y Offset to 0.

The appearance of the button that opens the elevator door is now fully configured. To exit design mode, in the Property Inspector, on the Design Tab, click Edit.

You can use a callback function to display in the MATLAB Command Window that the elevator door is opening in after you click it.

Write the callback function to display that the elevator door is opening after the button is clicked:

  1. In the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Callbacks section, from the list, select ClickFcn.

  2. In the Callbacks section, enter these:

disp('Elevator doors are opening');
Elevator doors are opening

The button that opens the elevator door is now fully configured.

To create the button that closes the elevator door:

  1. Copy and paste the button that opens the elevator door.

  2. Select the copy.

  3. To enter design mode, in the Property Inspector, on the Design tab, click Edit.

  4. In the Background Image component, in the Select Image section, click the green plus button.

  5. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-close-door.png file.

  6. In the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Callbacks section, change the message that is displayed when the elevator button lights up to indicate that the doors are closing.

The buttons that open and close the elevator doors are now fully configured.

Add the door buttons to the elevator button panel:

  1. Select the panel.

  2. To enter panel edit mode, click the ellipsis that appears above the panel and select Edit Panel.

  3. Click and drag the door buttons onto the panel.

  4. Position the door buttons in a row beneath the other buttons. Leave space at the bottom for one more button to complete the next section of the example.

  5. If needed, resize the buttons to fit them on the panel. To resize a button, select the block that models the button and then click and drag one of its corners.

  6. To exit panel edit mode, in the action menu above the panel, select Done Editing.

To use the door buttons:

  1. Simulate the model.

  2. During simulation, click the buttons. When the button lights up, the MATLAB Command Window displays a message that states whether the elevator doors are opening or closing.

Design Elevator Alarm Button with Callback Button Block

In this example, you use the Callback Button block to model the alarm button of an elevator:

  1. When you click or press the alarm button, it lights up and stays lit after you release the click.

  2. When you click or press the door buttons, the MATLAB Command Window displays the message Alarm!.

Unlike the elevator floor buttons, the alarm button is not used to control a value.

To design the alarm button, add a customizable Callback Button block to the model.

When you press the alarm button in a real elevator, the button stays lit even when you release it. To implement this behavior on the Callback Button block:

  1. Select the Callback Button block.

  2. If the Property Inspector is not open, in the Simulink Toolstrip, on the Modeling tab, under Design, select Property Inspector.

  3. In the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Main section, for Button Type, select Latch.

The elevator button now has four states: Default, Pressed, Latched, and Pressed and Latched.

  • In the Default state, the elevator alarm button is not lit.

  • In the other states, the elevator alarm button is lit.

Each state has an image that can be used to show whether the elevator button is lit.

To modify the state images of the Callback Button block, enter design mode:

  1. If the Callback Button block is not selected, select the block.

  2. In the Simulink Toolstrip, in the Button tab, click Edit.

  3. In the toolbar that appears above the block, click Open Design Tab.

Adding state images to a customizable dashboard block changes the aspect ratio of the state images to match the aspect ratio of the block.

Adding a background image to a customizable dashboard block changes the aspect ratio of the block to match the aspect ratio of the background image.

To prevent state images from being distorted, before you configure the button states, you can use a background image to set the aspect ratio of the block to be the same as the aspect ratio of the state image.

In this model, the background image both sets the aspect ratio and shows the label of the alarm button.

Add the background image for the alarm buttons:

  1. On the Design tab, select the Background Image component.

  2. In the Select Image section, click the plus button.

  3. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-alarm.png file.

Note that the new background image is not visible because the default state icon and image are covering it, but the aspect ratio of the block has changed.

Configure the appearance of the button for the Default state:

  1. In the Property Inspector, on the Design tab, open the States component.

  2. In the Icon section, click the plus button.

  3. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-alarm-icon.png file.

  4. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  5. In the Image section, click the plus button.

  6. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-alarm-off.png file.

  7. Set the X Offset and Y Offset to 0.

  8. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  9. Since the image already indicates which elevator button is being modeled, the button label text is not needed. In the Label section, delete the default Text.

To configure the appearance of the button for the Pressed state:

  1. In the States Component, in the Select State section, select the type of state.

  2. In the Icon section, click the plus button.

  3. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-alarm-icon.png file.

  4. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  5. In the Image section, click the plus button.

  6. In the CustomButtonImages folder, select the elevator-button-alarm-off.png file.

  7. Set the X Offset to 0.

  8. To make the button look like it is pushed down, set the Y Offset to 0.025.

  9. Set the Width and Height to 1.

  10. In the Label section, delete the default Text.

  11. In the Label section, set the X Offset to 0.

  12. To keep the state icon centered on the state image, set the Y Offset to 0.025.

The appearance of the button that opens the elevator door is now fully configured. To exit design mode, in the Property Inspector, on the Design Tab, click Edit.

You can use a callback function to display in the MATLAB Command Window that the elevator door is opening when you click or press the button and the button lights up.

Let status_a be the variable that the callback function uses to track whether or not the elevator button is lit:

  • When the button is lit, the value is 1.

  • When the button is not lit, the value is 0.

Set up a preload callback function that automatically initializes status_a to a value of 0 when you open the model:

  1. Right-click the Simulink canvas and select Model Properties.

  2. On the Callbacks tab, in the PreLoadFcn section, enter this command and click OK:


Run the preload callback function: save and reopen the model.

Write the callback function to display that the elevator door is opening when the button is clicked:

  1. In the Property Inspector, on the Parameters tab, in the Callbacks section, from the list, select ClickFcn.

  2. In the Callbacks section, enter these commands:


The elevator alarm button is now fully configured.

Add the alarm button to the elevator button panel:

  1. Select the panel.

  2. To enter panel edit mode, click the ellipsis that appears above the panel and select Edit Panel.

  3. Click and drag the alarm button onto the panel.

  4. Position the alarm button beneath the other buttons.

  5. If needed, resize the buttons to fit them on the panel. To resize a button, select the block modeling that button, then click and drag one of its corners.

  6. To exit panel edit mode, in the action menu above the panel, select Done Editing.

To use the alarm button:

  1. Simulate the model.

  2. During simulation, click the alarm button. When the button lights up, the MATLAB Command Window displays the message Alarm!.

See Also


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