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Publish the Created Blockset

After you have added artifacts for your blocks in a Blockset Designer project, you can publish and share your project as a toolbox. To publish:

  1. Click the blockset from the blockset tree, and click Publish Toolbox from the Simulink® toolstrip.

    The Blockset Designer collects your files in the project, and creates the publish folder in Views > Files. This folder contains all your files from the separate folders in the blockset project based on the dependency analysis, but now collected together under one folder. See Dependency Analysis to learn more about dependency analysis. The publish folder contains these folders and the associated content:

    Folder NameContains

    • All block documentation HTML files and blockset-level documentation XML files

    • helpdoc.xml and info.xml is generated to be used in toolbox documentation. See Display Custom Documentation for more information.


    For all blocks:

    • S-function source files and build scripts

    • Documentation source files

    • Test models, suites, and their generated input files

    • All other necessary files based on the dependency analysis, such as block icons.


    All library models in the blockset all files under <projectroot>/common/library. This includes library models of sublibraries, as well as the blockset project library model.

    mexAll S-function mex files

    blocksetroot.m file to return blockset root folder and all files under <projectroot>/common/script.

    sysobjAll System object™ code for the MATLAB System blocks in the blockset project

    If you have any other files that you would like to include in the publish, manually copy them to the publish folder.

    Since the publish folder is added to project path by default, to avoid shadowing files in project, remove this folder from the project path or delete it after the publish process. If you make any changes to your blockset after publishing, click Publish again the move the updates files to the publish folder.

  2. The Toolbox Information fields are populated with the project name, author, and description. Edit the information if needed.

  3. To ensure that MATLAB® detects installation components, review the toolbox contents from Toolbox Files and Folders. If you want to include files not already included in the project files, edit the Exclude files and folders.

  4. Click Package from the toolstrip to package your toolstrip.

    To save your toolbox and share it on the MATLAB Central File Exchange, select Package and Share from the Package menu at the top of the Package a Toolbox dialog box. This option generates a .mltbx file in your current MATLAB folder and opens a web page for your toolbox submission to the File Exchange. MATLAB populates the File Exchange submission form with information about the toolbox. Review and submit the form to share your toolbox on File Exchange.

    To share your toolbox with others, use the .mltbx file. All files you added when you packaged the toolbox are included in the .mltbx file. When your toolbox is installed, .mltbx file manages the MATLAB path or other installation details.

To learn more about how to create and share toolboxes, and to see the details of the packaging user interface, see Create and Share Toolboxes.

See Also

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