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(To be removed) Values of Simulink 3D Animation preferences

vrgetpref will be removed in a future release. For more information, see Version History.


x = vrgetpref
x = vrgetpref('preference_name')
x = vrgetpref('preference_name','factory')
x = vrgetpref('factory')



Name of the preference to read.


x = vrgetpref returns the values of all the Simulink® 3D Animation™ preferences in a structure array.

x = vrgetpref('preference_name') returns the value of the specified preference. If preference_name is a cell array of preference names, a cell array of corresponding preference values is returned.

x = vrgetpref('preference_name','factory') returns the default value for the specified preference.

x = vrgetpref('factory') returns the default values for all the preferences.

The following preferences are defined. For preferences that begin with the string DefaultFigure or DefaultWorld, these values are the default values for the corresponding vrfigure or vrworld property:



Creates a thumbnail of a virtual world when you open a virtual world. The default is 'off'. Setting this preference to 'on' can be helpful if you download multiple virtual worlds from the Internet, without saving them. Creating thumbnails on file open provides thumbnails the next time someone browses through the downloaded worlds.


Specifies the handling of the virtual world Bool data type for vrnode/setfield and vrnode/getfield. Valid values are 'logical' and 'char'. If set to 'logical', the virtual world Bool data type is returned as a logical value. If set to 'char', the Bool data type is returned 'on' or 'off'. Default is 'logical'.


Specifies handling of the virtual world Int32 data type for vrnode/setfield and vrnode/getfield. Valid values are 'int32' and 'double'. If set to 'int32', the virtual world Int32 data type is returned as int32. If set to 'double', the Int32 data type is returned as 'double'. Default is 'double'.


Specifies the handling of the virtual world float data type for vrnode/setfield and vrnode/getfield. Valid values are 'single' and 'double'. If set to 'single', the virtual world Float and Color data types are returned as 'single'. If set to 'double', the Float and Color data types are returned as 'double'. Default is 'double'.


Controls the appearance of the control panel in the vr.canvas object. Values are:

  • 'none'

    Panel is not visible.

  • 'minimized'

    Panel appears as a minimized icon in the right-hand corner of the viewer.

  • 'translucent'

    Panel floats half transparently above the scene.

  • 'opaque'

    Panel floats above the scene.

Default: 'none'


Specifies default units for new vr.canvas objects. See vr.canvas for detailed description. Default is 'normalized'.


Specifies whether the mouse in the view pane is in navigation mode or selection mode (for highlighting corresponding nodes in the tree view pane). The default is 'navigate'.


Specifies whether to highlight virtual world objects selected in the view pane. The default is 'on'.


Determines whether antialiasing is used by default for new vrfigure objects. This preference also applies to new vr.canvas objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Specifies default file name for vr.capture files. See get for detailed description. Default is '%f_anim_%n.tif'.


Specifies the default callback invoked when closing a vrfigure object.


Specifies whether the lights are rendered by default for new vrfigure objects. This preference also applies to new vr.canvas objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Specifies the default maximum size of a texture used in rendering new vrfigure objects. This preference also applies to new vr.canvas objects. Valid values are 'auto' and 32 <= x <= video card limit, where x is a power of 2.


Specifies the default appearance of the control panel in the viewer. Valid values are 'opaque', 'translucent', 'none', 'halfbar', 'bar', and 'factory'. Default is 'halfbar'.


Specifies whether the navigation zone is on or off by default for new vrfigure objects. This preference also applies to new vr.canvas objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Sets the default initial position and size of the Simulink 3D Animation Viewer window. Valid value is a vector of four doubles.


Specifies the default compression method for creating 2-D animation files for new vrfigure objects. Valid values are '', 'auto', 'lossless', and 'codec_code'.


Specifies the default quality of 2-D animation file compression for new vrfigure objects. Valid values are 0-100.


Specifies the default 2-D offline animation file name for new vrfigure objects.


Specifies the default frames per second playback speed.

To have the 2D AVI animation play back at approximately the same playback speed as the 3D virtual world animation, set this preference to auto.


Specifies whether to render a vrfigure or vr.canvas object. Turning off rendering improves performance. For example, if your code does batch operations on a virtual figure, you can turn off rendering during that processing and then turn it back on after the processing.


Specifies whether the status bar appears by default at the bottom of the Simulink 3D Animation Viewer for new vrfigure objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Specifies whether textures should be rendered by default for new vrfigure objects. This preference also applies to new vr.canvas objects. See get for detailed description. Default is 'on'.


Specifies whether the toolbar appears by default on the Simulink 3D Animation Viewer for new vrfigure objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Specifies whether or not transparency information is taken into account when rendering for new vrfigure objects. This preference also applies to new vr.canvas objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Specifies whether objects are drawn as solids or wireframes by default for new vrfigure objects. This preference also applies to new vr.canvas objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Specifies which viewer is used to view a virtual scene.

  • 'internal'

    Default Simulink 3D Animation Viewer.

  • 'web'

    Web browser becomes viewer. This is the current Web browser virtual world plug-in.


Specifies the default 3-D animation file name for new vrworld objects.


Specifies the default animation recording mode for new vrworld objects. Valid values are 'manual' and 'scheduled'.


Specifies the default start and stop times for scheduled animation recording for new vrworld objects. Valid value is a vector of two doubles.


Specifies whether the virtual world is enabled by default for remote viewing for new vrworld objects. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'.


Specifies the default source of the time for new vrworld objects. Valid values are 'external' and 'freerun'.


Specifies which virtual world editor to use. Path to the virtual world editor. If this path is empty, the MATLAB® editor is used.

If you set the Editor as Builtin, then MATLAB uses the built-in graphical Virtual Reality 3D file editor.

The path setting is active only if you select the Custom option.


Specifies whether the 3D World Editor starts up with a saved version of the layout of a virtual world when you exited it or reverts to the default layout. The layout of the virtual world display pane includes settings for the view, viewpoints, navigation, and rendering. Valid values are 'off' and 'on'. The default is on (use saved layout).


For remote access, IP port number used to access the Simulink 3D Animation server over the Web via HTTP. Setting this preference to '-1' disables viewing virtual worlds using a Web browser. If you change this preference, you must restart the MATLAB software before the change takes effect.


For remote access, length of the transport buffer (network packet overlay) for communication between the Simulink 3D Animation server and its clients.


Amount of time the Simulink 3D Animation server waits for a reply from the client. If there is no response from the client, the Simulink 3D Animation server disconnects from the client.


For remote access, IP port used for communication between the Simulink 3D Animation server and its clients. If you change this preference, you must restart the MATLAB software before the change takes effect.

The HttpPort, VrPort, and TransportBuffer preferences affect Web-based remote viewing of virtual worlds. DefaultFigurePosition and DefaultNavPanel affect the Simulink 3D Animation Viewer.

DefaultFigureNavPanel — Controls the appearance of the navigation panel in the Simulink 3D Animation Viewer. For example, setting this value to 'translucent' causes the navigation panel to appear translucent.

DefaultViewer — Determines whether the virtual scene appears in the default Simulink 3D Animation Viewer or in your Web browser.

DefaultViewer SettingDescription


Default Simulink 3D Animation Viewer.


Viewer is your Web browser.

Editor — Contains a path to the virtual world editor executable file. When you use the edit command, Simulink 3D Animation runs the virtual world editor executable with all parameters required to edit the virtual world file.

When you run the editor, Simulink 3D Animation uses the Editor preference value as if you typed it into a command line. The following tokens are interpreted:


Refers to the MATLAB root folder


Refers to the virtual world file name

For instance, a possible value for the Editor preference is

`%matlabroot\bin\win64\meditor.exe %file'

If this preference is empty, the MATLAB editor is used.

HttpPort -- Specifies the network port to be used for Web access. The port is given in the Web URL as follows:

The default value of this preference is 8123.

TransportBuffer — Defines the size of the message window for client-server communication. This value determines how many messages, at a maximum, can travel between the client and the server at one time.

Generally, higher values for this preference make the animation run more smoothly, but with longer reaction times. (More messages in the line create a buffer that compensates for the unbalanced delays of the network transfer.)

The default value is 5, which is optimal for most purposes. You should change this value only if the animation is significantly distorted or the reaction times are very slow. On fast connections, where delays are introduced more by the client rendering speed, this value has very little effect. Viewing on a host computer is equivalent to an extremely fast connection. On slow connections, the correct value can improve the rendering speed significantly but, of course, the absolute maximum is determined by the maximum connection throughput.

VrPort — Specifies the network port to use for communication between the Simulink 3D Animation server (host computer) and its clients (client computers). Normally, this communication is completely invisible to the user. However, if you view a virtual world from a client computer, you might need to configure the security network system (firewall) so that it allows connections on this port. The default value of this preference is 8124.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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R2023b: To be removed

The vrgetpref will be removed in a future release. Instead, use sim3d classes and Simulation 3D blocks to interface MATLAB and Simulink with the Unreal Engine® 3D simulation environment. To get started, see Create 3D Simulations in Unreal Engine Environment.

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