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Code Testing Metrics

The SIL Code Testing and PIL Code Testing dashboards collect metric data from the code testing artifacts in a project. Use the metric data to assess the status and quality of your code testing. Each metric in the dashboards measures a different aspect of the quality of the testing of your code and reflects guidelines in industry-recognized software development standards, such as ISO 26262 and DO-178C. Use the widgets in the SIL Code Testing and PIL Code Testing dashboards to see testing gaps and missing coverage, as described in View Status of Code Testing Activities for Software Units in Project.

Alternatively, you can use the API functions to collect metric results programmatically. When using the API, use the metric IDs to refer to each metric. See Collect Code Testing Metrics Programmatically for an example of how to collect these metrics programmatically. You can use the function getAvailableMetricIds to return a list of available metric identifiers.

There are code testing metrics that can analyze:

SIL Test Results

SIL Test StatusStatus of software-in-the-loop (SIL) test results. The status is either passed, failed, disabled, or untested.
SIL Test Status DistributionDistribution of the SIL test statuses.
SIL and Model Test StatusesOverall status of the software-in-the-loop (SIL) and simulation (model testing) test results.
SIL and Model Test Status DistributionsDistribution of the SIL and model test statuses.

The results from these metrics appear in the SIL Test Results section of the SIL Code Testing dashboard.

SIL Coverage Results

SIL Coverage BreakdownOverall coverage achieved, justified, or missed by the software-in-the-loop (SIL) tests in the unit.
SIL Coverage FragmentOverall coverage achieved, justified, or missed by the software-in-the-loop (SIL) tests for each model in the unit.
SIL Coverage RecapOverall coverage justified and completed by SIL and model tests.

The results from these metrics appear in the SIL Coverage Results section of the SIL Code Testing dashboard.

Back-to-Back SIL Test Status

Back-to-Back Test Status for Normal and SIL ModeStatus of the back-to-back translation validation comparing normal mode and software-in-the-loop (SIL) mode test runs.
Back-to-Back Test Status Distribution for Normal and SIL ModeDistribution of statuses for back-to-back translation validation comparing normal mode and software-in-the-loop (SIL) mode test runs.

The results from these metrics appear in the SIL Test Results section of the SIL Code Testing dashboard.

PIL Test Results

PIL Test StatusStatus of the processor-in-the-loop (PIL) test results. The status is either passed, failed, disabled, or untested.
PIL Test Status DistributionDistribution of the PIL test statuses.
PIL and Model Test StatusesOverall status of the processor-in-the-loop (PIL) and simulation (model testing) test results.
PIL and Model Test Status DistributionsDistribution of the PIL and model test statuses.

The results from these metrics appear in the PIL Test Results section of the PIL Code Testing dashboard.

PIL Coverage Results

PIL Coverage BreakdownOverall coverage achieved, justified, or missed by the processor-in-the-loop (PIL) tests in the unit.
PIL Coverage FragmentOverall coverage achieved, justified, or missed by the processor-in-the-loop (PIL) tests for each model in the unit.
PIL Coverage RecapOverall coverage justified and completed by PIL and model tests.

The results from these metrics appear in the PIL Coverage Results section of the PIL Code Testing dashboard.

Back-to-Back PIL Test Status

Back-to-Back Test Status for Normal and PIL ModeStatus of the back-to-back translation validation comparing normal mode and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) mode test runs.
Back-to-Back Test Status Distribution for Normal and PIL ModeDistribution of statuses for back-to-back translation validation comparing normal mode and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) mode test runs.

The results from these metrics appear in the PIL Test Results section of the PIL Code Testing dashboard.

See Also

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