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Test Case Tag Distribution

Since R2020b

Metric ID



This metric returns a distribution of the tags on the test cases that run on the unit. For a test case, you can specify custom tags in a comma-separated list in the Test Manager. Use this metric to determine if there is a disproportionate number of test cases that have a particular tag.

This metric returns the result as a distribution of the results of the Test Case Tag metric.

Supported Artifacts

You can collect this metric for the Units in your project. To control what the dashboard classifies as a unit, see Categorize Models in Hierarchy as Components or Units.

Computation Details

The metric includes only test cases in the project that test the model or subsystems in the unit for which you collect metric data.


To collect data for this metric:

  • In the Model Testing Dashboard, view the Tests with Tag widget.

  • Use getMetrics with the metric ID TestCaseTagDistribution.

Collecting data for this metric loads the model file and requires a Simulink® Test™ license.


For this metric, instances of metric.Result return Value as a distribution structure that contains these fields:

  • BinCounts — The number of test cases in each bin, returned as a vector.

  • BinEdges — The bin edges for the tags that are specified for the test cases, returned as a string array.

Compliance Thresholds

This metric does not have predefined thresholds. Consequently, the compliance threshold overlay icon appears when you click Uncategorized in the Overlays section of the toolstrip.

See Also

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