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Estimate Parameters and States

Specify estimation data, progress plots, and optimization methods; speed up estimation using parallel computing and fast restart

Simulink® Design Optimization™ software provides both command-line tools and a graphical Parameter Estimator app for estimating parameters and states of a system modeled in Simulink. You can estimate several parameters and states of your model using single or multiple data sets. You can also impose custom constraints on parameter values, use parallel computing to speed up estimation, and generate code to run parameter estimation in deployed mode.


Parameter EstimatorEstimate model parameters and initial states


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sdo.SimulationTestSimulation scenario description
setupConfigure simulation scenario and model for optimization and evaluation (Since R2024a)
restoreRestore simulation scenario and model to their previous state (Since R2024a)
sdo.requirements.SignalTrackingReference signal to track
evalRequirementEvaluate design requirement
sdo.getParameterFromModelGet design variables for optimization
sdo.getStateFromModelInitial state for estimation from Simulink model
param.ContinuousContinuous tunable parameter
param.DiscreteDiscrete tunable parameter (Since R2022b)
param.StateSpecify tuning parameters for model states
sdo.optimizeSolve design optimization problem
sdo.OptimizeOptionsOptimization option set for sdo.optimize function
sdo.OperatingPointSetupSet up steady-state operating point computation
sdo.getModelDependenciesList of model file and path dependencies
prepareToDeploy Configure experiment for deployment with Simulink Compiler (Since R2020a)
prepareToDeploy Configure simulation scenario for deployment with Simulink Compiler (Since R2020a)
updateIODataUpdate experiment input and output data (Since R2020a)


Estimation Basics

Multiple Experiments

Steady-State Estimation

Custom Objectives

Speed Up Estimation

Parameter Estimator Tasks

Code Generation and Deployment

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