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Parameter Tuning with MATLAB

Tunable block and global parameter updating, parameter sweeps, extreme value tests

Query and modify tunable block and global parameters with MATLAB® in your real-time application as it is running. Perform parameter sweeps and extreme value tests.


ApplicationRepresent application files on development computer (Since R2020b)
InstrumentCreate real-time instrument object (Since R2020b)
slrealtime.instrument.LineStyleCreate real-time instrument LineStyle object (Since R2022b)
ParameterSetReal-time application parameter set (Since R2021a)
TargetRepresent real-time application and target computer status (Since R2020b)
StimulationTarget computer model root inport stimulator object (Since R2021a)


slrealtimeInterface for managing target computer (Since R2020b)
compareCompare the parameters in two parameter set objects (Since R2023b)
clearDefaultParamSetClear default parameter set on target computer (Since R2024a)
deleteDeletes a ParameterSet object (Since R2021a)
explorerOpen Parameter Explorer and view Parameter Set (Since R2021a)
exportParamSetWrite ParameterSet object data to parameter set file (Since R2021a)
exportToModelExport values from ParameterSet object to model (Since R2021a)
getCurrentParamSetGet current parameter set on target computer (Since R2024a)
getDefaultParamSetGet default parameter set on target computer (Since R2024a)
importParamSetCreate ParameterSet object (Since R2021a)
listParamSetList available parameter set files for application (Since R2021a)
loadParamSetRestore parameter values saved in specified file (Since R2021a)
resolveCompare parameter set differences and output resolved parameter set object (Since R2023b)
saveParamSetSave real-time application parameter values (Since R2021a)
setSet a parameter value in a ParameterSet object (Since R2021a)
setDefaultParamSetSet default parameter set on target computer (Since R2024a)
syncWithAppSync model parameters to real-time application parameters (Since R2021a)
addParamSetAdd a parameter set to a real-time application (Since R2021a)
updateStartupParameterSetUpdate the startup parameter set for an application (Since R2021a)



Parameter Tuning

MATLAB Interface


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