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Configure IBM DOORS Next session in MATLAB

Since R2020a


    slreq.dngConfigure establishes a connection between your MATLAB® session and an IBM® DOORS® Next server. The function opens the DNG Server Login Configuration dialog box, which prompts you to enter your IBM DOORS Next server URL, port number information, and login credentials, and to select a project configuration.


    slreq.dngConfigure(projectName,configName,browserTest,passwordArg) establishes a connection between your MATLAB session and an IBM DOORS Next server and sets the project to projectName, the configuration context to configName, tests the connection from the system browser to MATLAB when browserTest is set to true, and uses the password or custom authentication callback function specified by passwordArg. For more information about custom authentication callback functions, see setCustomLoginProvider.

    Before you can establish the connection, you must set the server address, requirements management service root, and username by specifying these preferences using the rmipref function:


    If you test the connection from the system browser to MATLAB, the software opens a dialog box that displays the result of the connection test.



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    This example shows how to establish a connection between MATLAB and IBM DOORS Next.

    Enter slreq.dngConfigure at the MATLAB command prompt.

    Verifying server address...
    Verifying server login username...
    When prompted, enter your DOORS Next password
    Select Project/Stream/Changeset that you will be working with

    In the DNG Server Login Configuration dialog box, provide the DOORS Next server address, port number, and service root. In the Server Login Name and Server Login Password dialog boxes, enter your login credentials.

    DNG Server Login Configuration dialog box, which has fields for server domain name, server port number, service root, user login name, user password, and custom login provider.

    In the DOORS Project dialog box, select the project to work with and, if applicable, select the configuration context. Select configuration stream or changeset lists the recently used configurations. If your configuration context does not appear, select <more> to query the full list from the server.

    DOORS Project dialog box, which has drop-down lists to select the project and configuration context.

    This example shows how to programmatically establish a connection between MATLAB and IBM DOORS Next.

    Specify the server address, requirements management service root, and the username.


    Establish the connection by specifying the project, configuration context, whether to test the connection from the system browser to MATLAB, and the custom authentication callback function myPasswordHelperCallback. The function myPasswordHelperCallback gets the password. For more information, see setCustomLoginProvider.

    slreq.dngConfigure("My Project","My Project Initial Stream", ...
    Performing default system browser message test.
    	If browser warns about a missing certificate for,
    	please allow the connection or add exemption for

    Input Arguments

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    Project name, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

    Configuration context name, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

    Whether to test the connection from the system browser to MATLAB, specified as a numeric or logical 0 (false) or 1 (true).

    When this argument is true, Requirements Toolbox™ uses the system browser to send a test message to MATLAB. The software indicates if it receives the test message in a dialog box.

    Password or custom authentication callback, specified as a string scalar, character vector, or function handle.

    You can enter the password by specifying a string scalar or character vector. You can enter a custom authentication callback function by specifying a function handle. For more information, see setCustomLoginProvider.


    • If the function returns an error and indicates that the MATLAB Connector server is running on a non-default port, close all open instances of MATLAB, open one instance, and use the slreq.dngConfigure function. If the MATLAB Connector Test dialog box does not open, check for security issues in your browser. If the browser indicates that the connection is unsecured or not private, and you trust the connection, click Advanced > Proceed to localhost (unsafe) to complete the connection.

    • To create direct links to requirements in IBM DOORS Next, leave the test connection browser window open, because this instance of the web browser is authorized to communicate with MATLAB. Use this web browser to select requirements in your IBM DOORS Next project and create direct links. You can re-open the test connection browser window by copying and pasting this address in the browser address bar: https://localhost:31515/matlab/oslc/inboundTest.

    • If your network requires advanced authentication that the default authentication process does not support, you can use rmipref with the 'LoginProvider' name-value argument to register a custom authentication callback function before using slreq.dngConfigure.


      If you configure a session by using a custom authentication callback function, you can only create direct links to requirements in IBM DOORS Next. For more information, see Directly Linking DOORS Next Requirements. You cannot import requirements as described in Import Requirements from IBM DOORS Next.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020a