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Justify Requirements

Use requirement justifications to exclude requirements from the implementation and verification status for your requirement sets. Functional requirements contribute to the implementation and verification status for the requirement set. For more information, see Requirement Types.

You might have functional requirements in your model design specification that cannot be implemented in your design. You might also have requirements that require manual testing, instead of linking to test cases or verification subsystems. You can justify these requirements to override their implementation and verification statuses and iterate more effectively on your model design.

A justification is an object associated with a requirement. All justification objects in a requirement set are grouped under a single top-level justification object as its children. Any requirement can be justified for implementation, verification, or both. Justified requirements do not contribute to the overall aggregation of implementation and verification status and appear light blue in the Implemented and Verified columns of the Requirements Editor.

The Requirements Editor displays a requirement set and requirement implementation and verification status.

There are two workflows for justifying requirements in Requirements Toolbox™. You can create a justification object, create a link to an existing justification, or create a link to a new justification in one step.

  • Create a justification object by clicking Add Requirement > Add Justification in the Requirements Editor or the add justification icon in the Requirements Browser.

  • Link to an existing justification by selecting it in the Requirements Editor or Requirements Browser by right-clicking it and selecting Select for Linking with Requirement. Then, right-click the requirement and select Create a Link From.... By default, the link has Type set to Implements.

  • In the Requirements Editor, create a link to a new justification by right-clicking the requirement and selecting Justification > Link with new Justification for implementation or Link with new Justification for verification.

To justify a parent requirement and all its child requirements, select the Hierarchical Justification option in the right pane of the Requirements Editor.


You cannot link justification objects to objects that are not requirements.

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