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Class: sltest.testmanager.TestIteration
Namespace: sltest.testmanager

Set test case iteration parameter




setTestParam(obj,parameter,parameterValue) sets the specified test iteration parameter.

setTestParam(obj,parameter,parameterValue,'SimulationIndex',indexValue) sets the specified test iteration parameter and the SimulationIndex name-value pair. The simulation index is the index of an equivalence test case, specified as an integer.

Input Arguments

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Test iteration object that you want to apply the test parameter to, specified as a sltest.testmanager.TestIteration object.

Parameter set name, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ParameterSet' and a character vector. Parameter set overrides are set up in the Parameter Overrides section of the test case.

Example: 'ParameterSet','Param Set 1'

Baseline criteria dataset name, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Baseline' and a character vector. Baseline criteria datasets are set up in the Baseline Criteria section of the test case. It is available only for baseline test cases.

Example: 'Baseline','BaselineSet_High'

Logged signal set name, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'LoggedSignalSet' and a character vector. Logged signal sets are set up in the Simulation Outputs section of the test case.

Example: 'LoggedSignalSet','Logged signal set 1'

External input name, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ExternalInput' and a character vector. External input overrides are set up in the Inputs section of the test case. You can specify a simulation index as the ExternalInput, for example, ti.setTestParam('ExternalInput','input','SimulationIndex',2).

Example: 'ExternalInput','Run1'

Configuration setting name, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ConfigSet' and a character vector. Configuration setting overrides are set up in the Configuration Settings Overrides section of the test case.

Example: 'ConfigSet','Solver 3'

Test Sequence scenario name, specified as a character vector. The specified scenario, which is defined in a Test Sequence block, is used in the iteration. You specify the Test Sequence block by using setProperty. The test sequence scenario for an iteration is set up in the test case Inputs section of the Test Manager.

Signal Editor scenario input name, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'SignalEditorScenario' and a character vector. Signal Editor scenario overrides are set up in the test case Inputs section.

Example: 'SignalEditorScenario','Acceleration'

Pre-load callback script, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'PreLoadFcn' and a character vector. The default value uses the existing pre-load callback script in the Test Manager Callbacks section of the iteration.

Post-load callback script, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'PostLoadFcn' and a character vector. The default value uses the existing post-load callback script in the Test Manager Callbacks section of the iteration.

Pre-start real-time application callback script, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'PreStartRealTimeApplicationFcn' and a character vector. The default value uses the existing pre-start real-time application callback script in the Test Manager Callbacks section of the iteration.

Cleanup callback script, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'CleanupFcn' and a character vector. The default value uses the existing cleanup callback script in the Test Manager Callbacks section of the iteration.

Test description text, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Description' and a character vector. The Description is set up in the Description section of the test case.

Example: 'Description','Test the autopilot controller for wind gusts'

Since R2024a

Name of variant configuration to apply to the model before running the test iteration, specified as a string or character vector.

This test parameter applies to models that use variant elements such as variant blocks and variant parameters, and also have variant configurations created for the model using Variant Manager for Simulink®. For such a model, you can run the same test case for different variant configurations by creating test case iterations and setting the required configuration in the VariantConfiguration test parameter. This helps to activate a specific variant path across the model hierarchy before the iteration runs. Default value for this parameter is the variant configuration set at the test case level.

For an example, see Run Executable for Different Variant Parameter Values Without Recompiling Code.

Example: "LinInterExpNoNoise"

Data Types: char | string


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   'Test the autopilot controller for wind gusts');

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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