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Create and Run Test Cases with Scripts

Create and Run a Baseline Test Case

This example shows how to use sltest.testmanager functions, classes, and methods to automate tests and generate reports. You can create a test case, edit the test case criteria, run the test case, export simulation output, and generate results reports programmatically. The example compares the simulation output of the model to a baseline.

% Open the model for this example

% Create the test file, test suite, and test case structure
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('API Test File');
ts = createTestSuite(tf,'API Test Suite');
tc = createTestCase(ts,'baseline','Baseline API Test Case');

% Remove the default test suite
tsDel = getTestSuiteByName(tf,'New Test Suite 1');

% Assign the system under test to the test case

% Capture the baseline criteria
baseline = captureBaselineCriteria(tc,'baseline_API.mat',true);

% Test a new model parameter by overriding it in the test case
% parameter set
ps = addParameterSet(tc,'Name','API Parameter Set');
po = addParameterOverride(ps,'m',55);

% Set the baseline criteria tolerance for one signal
sc = getSignalCriteria(baseline);
sc(1).AbsTol = 9;

% Run the test case and return an object with results data
ResultsObj = run(tc);

% Get the test case result and the Sim Output run dataset
tcr = getTestCaseResults(ResultsObj);
runDataset = getOutputRuns(tcr);

% Open the Test Manager so you can view the simulation
% output and comparison data

% Generate a report from the results data
filePath = 'test_report.pdf';,filePath,...
          'Author','Test Engineer',...

% Export the Sim Output run dataset
dataset = export(runDataset);

The test case fails because only one of the signal comparisons between the simulation output and the baseline criteria is within tolerance. The results report is a PDF and opens when it is completed. For more report generation settings, see the function reference page.

Create and Run an Equivalence Test Case

This example compares signal data between two simulations to test for equivalence.

% Open the model for this example

% Create the test file, test suite, and test case structure
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('API Test File 1');
ts = createTestSuite(tf,'API Test Suite');
tc = createTestCase(ts,'equivalence','Equivalence Test Case');

% Remove the default test suite
tsDel = getTestSuiteByName(tf,'New Test Suite 1');

% Assign the system under test to the test case
% for Simulation 1 and Simulation 2

% Add a parameter override to Simulation 1 and 2
ps1 = addParameterSet(tc,'Name','Parameter Set 1','SimulationIndex',1);
po1 = addParameterOverride(ps1,'Rr',1.20);

ps2 = addParameterSet(tc,'Name','Parameter Set 2','SimulationIndex',2);
po2 = addParameterOverride(ps2,'Rr',1.24);

% Capture equivalence criteria
eq = captureEquivalenceCriteria(tc);

% Set the equivalence criteria tolerance for one signal
sc = getSignalCriteria(eq);
sc(1).AbsTol = 2.2;

% Run the test case and return an object with results data
ResultsObj = run(tc);

% Open the Test Manager so you can view the simulation
% output and comparison data

In the Equivalence Criteria Result section of the Test Manager results, the yout.Ww signal passes because of the tolerance value. The other signal comparisons do not pass, and the overall test case fails.

Run a Test Case and Collect Coverage

This example shows how to use a simulation test case to collect coverage results. To collect coverage, you need a Simulink® Coverage™ license.

% Open the model for this example

% Create the test file, test suite, and test case structure
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('API Test File');
ts = createTestSuite(tf,'API Test Suite');
tc = createTestCase(ts,'simulation','Coverage Test Case');

% Remove the default test suite
tsDel = getTestSuiteByName(tf,'New Test Suite 1');

% Assign the system under test to the test case

% Turn on coverage settings at test-file level
cov = getCoverageSettings(tf);
cov.RecordCoverage = true;

% Enable MCDC and signal range coverage metrics
cov.MetricSettings = 'mr';

% Run the test case and return an object with results data
rs = run(tf);

% Get the coverage results
cr = getCoverageResults(rs);

% Open the Test Manager to view results

In the Results and Artifacts pane of the Test Manager, click on Results. You can view the aggregated coverage results.

Create and Run Test Case Iterations

This example shows how to create test iterations. You can create table iterations programmatically that appear in the Iterations section of a test case. The example creates a simulation test case and assigns a Signal Editor scenario for each iteration.

% Open the model for this example

% Create test file, test suite, and test case structure
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('Iterations Test File');
ts = getTestSuites(tf);
tc = createTestCase(ts,'simulation','Simulation Iterations');

% Specify model as system under test
% Set up table iteration
% Create iteration object
testItr1 = sltestiteration;
% Set iteration settings
setTestParam(testItr1,'SignalEditorScenario','Passing Maneuver');
% Add the iteration to test case

% Set up another table iteration
% Create iteration object
testItr2 = sltestiteration;
% Set iteration settings
% Add the iteration to test case

% Run test case that contains iterations
results = run(tc);

% Get iteration results
tcResults = getTestCaseResults(results);
iterResults = getIterationResults(tcResults);

See Also

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