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Class: sltest.testmanager.TestSuite
Namespace: sltest.testmanager

Convert test from one type to another




convertTestType(ts,testType) converts the test case type to a different type. The function converts all of the test cases contained in the test suite. If you want to convert a single test case, then use the convertTestType (TestCase) method.

If you convert certain test case types to another type, then you can lose information about the original test case:

  • Baseline to simulation or equivalence — baseline criteria is lost

  • Equivalence to simulation or baseline — equivalence criteria is lost for Simulation 1 and 2

Input Arguments

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Test suite that contains the test cases you want to convert to a different type, specified as a sltest.testmanager.TestSuite object.

Test case type that you want to convert to, specified as a sltest.testmanager.TestCaseTypes enumeration. Specify:

  • sltest.testmanager.TestCaseTypes.Baseline to convert to a baseline test case

  • sltest.testmanager.TestCaseTypes.Equivalence to convert to an equivalence test case

  • sltest.testmanager.TestCaseTypes.Simulation to convert to a simulation test case


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% Create new test file with test suite and default test case
tf = sltest.testmanager.TestFile('API Test File');
ts = getTestSuites(tf);
tc1 = getTestCases(ts);

% Create new test case
tc2 = createTestCase(ts,'baseline','API Test Case');

% Convert test cases to simulation type


You can also convert the test case type using the context menu in the Test Browser pane. Right-click the test suite, select Convert to, and then select the test case type you want to convert the test cases to.

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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