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Transform Sensor

Sensor that measures the relative spatial relationship between two frames

  • Transform Sensor block

Simscape / Multibody / Frames and Transforms


The Transform Sensor block measures the relative spatial relationship between frames connected to ports F and B of the block. The measured quantities include the relative pose, velocity, and acceleration, which are time-varying physical signals.

You can measure the absolute translational or rotational quantities of a frame by connecting the frame ports F and B of the block to this frame and the world frame of the model, respectively.

The default block units are meter-kilogram-second or MKS (SI). You can use the Simulink-PS Converter or PS-Simulink Converter block to specify the units of an input or output signal, respectively.

Measurement Frame

The measurement frame is:

  • The frame to use to express the measured quantities.

  • The location where the observer observes how the measured quantities change over time.

The selection of the measurement frame does not affect the rotational quantities. To see whether a particular quantity is affected, see the Output section.

The Transform Sensor block has five different options for the Measurement Frame parameter. For more information about these options, see the Measurement Frame parameter in the Parameters section.

Rotational and Translational Measurements

The block has four parameterizations to express the measured rotations: angle-axis, quaternion, rotation matrix, and rotation sequence. To enable these parameterizations, in the block dialog box, under Rotation, select corresponding parameters. For example, select the Angle and Axis parameters to use the angle-axis parameterization or select the Quaternion, Transform, or Rotation Sequence parameter to use the quaternion, rotation matrix, or rotation sequence parameterization.

Also, the block has various parameterizations to express rotational velocities and accelerations: x-, y-, and z- coordinates; the time derivatives of a quaternion or rotation sequence; or matrix. To enable these parameterizations, you can select the corresponding parameters under Angular Velocity or Angular Acceleration. For more information, see Rotational Measurements.

The block has three coordinate systems to express the translational measurements: Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical. You can select one or more of them at the same time. For more information, see Translational Measurements.

The tables summarize the coordinates of the three systems, and the images show the diagrams of these coordinate systems. For simplicity purpose, in the images, specify the Measurement Frame parameter as Base.

Cartesian Coordinates

XThe projection of the vector BF on the x-axis of the measurement frame.
YThe projection of the vector BF on the y-axis of the measurement frame.
ZThe projection of the vector BF on the z-axis of the measurement frame.

Cartesian Coordinate System

Cylindrical Coordinates

RadiusThe length of the projection of the vector BF, in the x-y plane of the measurement frame.
AzimuthThe angle of the Radius with respect to the positive x-axis of the measurement frame. The angle falls in the range of [-π, π).
ZThe projection of the vector BF on the z-axis of the measurement frame.

Cylindrical Coordinate System

Spherical Coordinates

DistanceThe distance between origins of the base and follower frames.
AzimuthThe angle of the projection of the vector BF in the x-y plane with respect to the positive x-axis. The angle is resolved in the measurement frame and falls in the range of [-π, π).
InclinationThe angle of the vector BF with respect to the x-y plane of the measurement frame. The angle falls in the range of [-π/2, π/2].

Spherical Coordinate System

To use a specific coordinate system, select the corresponding parameters. For example, if you want to use the Cartesian system to express the measured relative linear velocity of the follower frame, under Velocity, select the X, Y, and Z parameters.




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Frame port associated with the base frame.

Frame port associated with the follower frame.


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Angle of rotation, returned as a scalar. The angle indicates the rotation of the follower frame with respect to the base frame about the axis specified by the vector output by port axs. The angle falls in the range [0, π].

Use ports q and axs to output the rotation signals using the axis-angle parameterization. For more information, see Rotational Measurements. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Rotation, select Angle.

Axis of rotation, returned as a 3-by-1 unit vector. Use ports q and axs to output the rotation signals using the axis-angle parameterization.

The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Rotation, select Axis.

Relative rotation, returned as a quaternion. For more information about the quaternions, see Rotational Measurements.

The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Rotation, select Quaternion.

Relative rotation, returned as a 3-by-3 matrix. For more information about the rotation matrix, see Rotational Measurements. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Rotation, select Transform.

Relative rotation, returned as a 3-by-1 vector. The vector contains the angles for the three successive elementary rotations that represent the rotation of the follower frame with respect to the base frame.

The three rotations are about an intermediate frame and can be one of 12 different rotation sequences. For more information about the rotation sequence measurements, see Rotational Measurements. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Rotation, select Rotation Sequence.

X-component of the relative angular velocity between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Velocity, select Omega X.

Y-component of the relative angular velocity between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Velocity, select Omega Y.

Z-component of the relative angular velocity between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Velocity, select Omega Z.

Angular velocity of the follower frame with respect to the base frame, returned as a 3-by-1 vector. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Velocity, select Omega XYZ.

Relative angular velocity, returned as a 4-by-1 vector that equals the time derivative of the signal from port Q. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Velocity, select Quaternion.

Relative angular velocity, returned as a 3-by-3 matrix. The matrix equals the time derivative of the signal from port R. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Velocity, select Transform.

Relative angular velocity, returned as a 3-by-1 vector. The vector equals the time derivative of the output from the port seq. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Velocity, select Rotation Sequence.

X-component of the relative angular acceleration between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Acceleration, select Alpha X.

Y-component of the relative angular acceleration between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Acceleration, select Alpha Y.

Z-component of the relative angular acceleration between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Acceleration, select Alpha Z.

Angular acceleration of the follower frame with respect to the base frame, returned as a 3-by-1 vector. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Acceleration, select Alpha XYZ.

Relative angular acceleration, returned as a 4-by-1 vector. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Acceleration, select Quaternion.

Relative angular acceleration, returned as a 3-by-3 matrix. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter does not affect the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Angular Acceleration, select Transform.

X-component of the relative translation between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Translation, select X.

Y-component of the relative translation between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Translation, select Y.

Z-component of the relative translation between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.

Because both the Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems have the z-axis, the Transform Sensor block has only one output port for both coordinate systems.


To enable this port, under Translation, select Z.

Translation of the follower frame with respect to the base frame, returned as a 3-by-1 vector expressed in the Cartesian coordinate system. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Translation, select XYZ.

Cylindrical radius coordinate of the relative translation vector, returned as a nonegative scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Translation, select Radius.

Azimuth of the relative translation vector, returned as scalar. The angle falls in the range of [-π, π). The azimuth is undefined if the origins of the base and follower frames coincide with each other. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.

Because the azimuth exists in both the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, the Transform Sensor block has only one output port for both coordinate systems.


To enable this port, under Translation, select Azimuth.

Spherical radius coordinate of the relative translation vector, returned as a scalar. The value equals the distance between the origins of the base and follower frames. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Translation, select Distance.

Inclination of the relative translation vector, expressed in the spherical coordinate system, returned as a scalar. The angle falls in the range of [-π/2, π/2]. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Translation, select Inclination.

X-component of the relative linear velocity between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select X.

Y-component of the relative linear velocity between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select Y.

Z-component of the relative linear velocity between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.

Because both the Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems have the z-axis, the Transform Sensor block has only one output port for both coordinate systems.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select Z.

Linear velocity of the follower frame with respect to the base frame, returned as a 3-by-1 vector expressed in Cartesian coordinate system. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select XYZ.

Cylindrical radius coordinate of the relative linear velocity, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select Radius.

Azimuth coordinate of the relative linear velocity, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.

Because the azimuth coordinate exists in both the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, the Transform Sensor block has only one output port for both coordinate systems.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select Azimuth.

Spherical radius coordinate of the relative linear velocity, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select Distance.

Inclination coordinate of the relative linear velocity, expressed in the spherical coordinate system, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Velocity, select Inclination.

X-component of the relative linear acceleration between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Acceleration, select X.

Y-component of the relative linear acceleration between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Acceleration, select Y.

Z-component of the relative linear acceleration between the two frames, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.

Because both the Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems have the z-axis, the Transform Sensor block has only one output port for both coordinate systems.


To enable this port, under Acceleration, select Z.

Linear acceleration of the follower frame with respect to the base frame, returned as a 3-by-1 vector expressed in Cartesian coordinate system. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Acceleration, select XYZ.

Cylindrical radius coordinate of the relative linear acceleration, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Acceleration, select Radius.

Azimuth coordinate of the relative linear acceleration, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.

Because the azimuth coordinate exists in both cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, the Transform Sensor block has only one output port for both coordinate systems.


To enable this port, under Acceleration, select Azimuth.

Spherical radius coordinate of the relative linear acceleration, returned as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port under Acceleration, select Distance.

Inclination coordinate of the relative linear acceleration, expressed in the spherical coordinate system, specified as a scalar. The setting of the Measurement Frame parameter affects the expression of this signal.


To enable this port, under Acceleration, select Inclination.


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Frame to use to specify how to express and where to observe the measured quantiles. The specification of this parameter does not affect the rotational quantities.

Measurement Frame Types

Measurement FrameDescription
WorldThe world frame is an inertial frame.
BaseThe base frame of the Transform Sensor block. It is a non-inertial frame.
FollowerThe follower frame of the Transform Sensor block. It is a non-inertial frame.
Non-Rotating BaseThe non-rotating base frame is an inertial frame that is always instantaneously coincident with the base frame of the Transform Sensor block.
Non-Rotating FollowerThe non-rotating follower frame is an inertial frame that is always instantaneously coincident with the follower frame of the Transform Sensor block.

The non-rotating base and non-rotating follower frames are not actual frames that move through space and exist over time. Therefore, the measurements expressed in the non-rotating frames do not support standard derivative relationships. If the block uses a non-rotating frame as the measurement frame, the expressed acceleration measurements often do not involve centripetal and Coriolis terms.

Sequence of the rotation axis for three successive elementary rotations. See Rotation Sequence Measurements for more information.


To enable this parameter, under Rotation, select Rotation Sequence.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

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