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Export an Autodesk Inventor Robot Assembly Model

In this example, you export an Autodesk Inventor® CAD assembly that represents a robot arm. The export procedure generates one XML file and a set of geometry files that you can import into Simscape™ Multibody™ to generate a new s model.

The example begins with a procedure to export the CAD assembly. Information on the robot CAD files and CAD Export follows the export procedure. To import the robot assembly into a Simscape Multibody model, see Import a CAD Assembly Model.

The Robot Assembly Model

Example Requirements

To successfully complete this example, you must have:

  • Installed the latest Simscape Multibody Link version on your machine.

  • Completed the linking procedure for your Inventor® installation. The linking procedure adds a Simscape Multibody Link add-in to the Inventor installation.

Open the Assembly Model

Before you can export the robot assembly, you must load the assembly into Inventor.

  1. Open Inventor on your machine.

  2. Select File > Open

  3. Navigate to the file directory that contains the robot CAD files.


    The CAD files are in the RobotArmInventorSupport folder of the Robot Arm. To use the file, at the MATLAB command prompt enter:


  4. Select file robot.IAM.

  5. Click Open.

The CAD platform opens the robot assembly.

Export the Model

Once you successfully open the robot CAD assembly in your Inventor installation, you can export the assembly in a format compatible with the latest Simscape Multibody technology:

  1. In the Inventor toolbar, select Add-Ins > Export > Simscape Multibody.

  2. In the File name field of the Save As dialog box, enter sm_robot and select a directory to export the files.

  3. Click Save.


    Large CAD assemblies require more time to complete the export process. Allow up to a few minutes for the export process to complete.

Check the Exported Files

Confirm the following files exist in the export directory you specified:

  • XML file—Provides structure of model and parameters of parts.

  • Geometry files—Provide surface geometry of parts.

About CAD Export

The CAD export procedure generates one XML multibody description file and a set of geometry files. The XML file contains the structure of the assembly and the parameters that define each part. The geometry files define the 3-D surface of each part. Once the export procedure is complete, you can import the XML multibody description file into Simscape Multibody software. Simscape Multibody uses the file to automatically generate a new Simscape Multibody model.

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