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Simulate with I/O Data Recorded from SoC Device

This example shows you how to use recorded real-world data in simulation.

Supported hardware platforms:

  • Xilinx® Zynq® ZC706 evaluation kit

  • Xilinx Zynq UltraScale™+ MPSoC ZCU102 Evaluation Kit

  • Altera® Cyclone® V SoC development kit

  • Altera Arria® 10 SoC development kit

In many situations you may want to verify your algorithm against real-world data. This example shows how to use the recorded data signal in a simulation of the generated processor system model of the complete SoC application.

We recommend completing Streaming Data from Hardware to Software example.

Use Recorded Data in Simulation

In this section, you will simulate the processor subsystem of the SoC application model with recorded data as input. The processor subsystem of the SoC application uses AXI4 protocol to stream data from external memory and determine if the signal contained in the data is either high or low frequency. An IO Data Source block replaces the external memory and the FPGA subsystem of the model with playback of the AXI4 stream data. You will use data recorded in Record I/O Data from SoC Device example.

1. Open Signal Detection model.

2. Open IO Data Source block mask.

3. Click Browse... and select the matlab\toolbox\soc\socexamples\zynq_sine_data.tgz file containing recorded data.

4. Click Select... and choose the data source within the data file to playback. Click OK to close the block mask dialog.

5. Run the Simulink® model and open Vector Scope to observe the recorded data.

6. To access the recorded data in MATLAB®, use socFileReader.

h = socFileReader('zynq_sine_data.tgz');
data = getData(h,'AXI4 stream interface');

The returned data is a time series object of 'uint32'. To plot the data in MATLAB convert 'uint32' to 'int32'.

plot(data.Time, typecast(data.Data,'int32'));

See Also

Record I/O Data from SoC Device

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