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Compute and modify initial values of voltages and currents of model


sps = power_initstates('sys')


sps = power_initstates('sys') returns the initial values of the electrical state variables (inductor currents and capacitor voltages) of a model, and modifies the initial electrical states to start the simulation from any initial conditions. It returns a structure with these fields:

circuitThe name of the model
StatesThe names of the electrical state variables
x0The current initial states vector used for the simulation of the model
x0_steadyThe computed initial states that ensure a steady-state simulation
x0_blocksThe default initial states values defined in blocks
DependentStatesThe names of the dependent states, if any
x0DependentStatesInitial state values of dependent states

The initial state for the simulation, expressed as a character vector ('block', 'steady', 'zero').

If set to 'block', the default initial states are used. If set to 'steady', the computed initial states that ensure a steady-state simulation are used. If set to 'zero', the initial states are forced to 0.

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