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Simulation and Analysis

Simulation performance and analysis tools and techniques

Simulate and analyze the performance of your models using functions and analysis tools.


Powergui Environment block for Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems models
Load Flow BusIdentify and parameterize load flow bus


power_analyzeAnalyze electric circuit
power_initSet initial state values of model built with Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems software
power_initstatesCompute and modify initial values of voltages and currents of model
power_loadflowPerform positive-sequence load flow or unbalanced load flow and initialize models containing load flow blocks
power_reportGenerate report of steady state variables, initial states, and machine load flow for model
power_statespaceCompute state-space model of linear electrical circuit
power_steadystateCompute steady-state values of voltages and currents of model
power_ltiviewCreate state-space object of model for use with the Linear System Analyzer tool

Analysis Tools

FFT AnalyzerPerform Fourier analysis of simulation data signals
Load Flow AnalyzerPerform positive-sequence load flow or unbalanced load flow and initialize models containing load flow blocks
Measurements and States AnalyzerCompute initial and steady-state values of voltages and currents of model
Impedance Measurement ToolCompute impedance versus frequency of Impedance Measurement blocks in model
Power Cable ParametersCompute RLC matrices and frequency-dependent parameters of cable arrangement
Linear System AnalyzerCreate state-space object of model for use with the Linear System Analyzer tool
Report GeneratorGenerate report of steady state variables, initial states, and machine load flow for model
Statistical Flicker Level AnalyzerPerform statistical analysis of instantaneous flicker level signal
Transformer Hysteresis Design ToolView and edit hysteresis characteristic for saturable core of Saturable Transformer blocks


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