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Report Generator

Generate report of steady state variables, initial states, and machine load flow for model

Since R2021b


The Report Generator app generates reports of steady state variables, initial states, netlist representation, and machine load flow for a model.

Report Generator app

Open the Report Generator App

  • MATLAB® command prompt: Enter power_report

  • Powergui block: Click Report Generator


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Name of the model for which you want to create the reports.

Select to generate a Measurements and States Analyzer report when you click Create.

Frequency to use in the Measurements and States Analyzer report.

Set this parameter to Peak values to display the peak values of the selected values. Set this parameter to RMS values to display the root mean square (RMS) values of the selected values.

Format in which you want your measurements displayed in the Measurements and States Analyzer report. 4.503e+004 (floating point) displays values in mantissa-exponent form with five significant figures. 12.3 (best of) displays values with four significant figures and uses mantissa-exponent form only for numbers larger than 9999. 2590571.12 displays values in plain numbers with two figures to the right of the decimal point.

Select to generate the Load Flow Analyzer App report for the model.

Select to generate a netlist of the model. The report contains the node numbers automatically generated for the model, as well as the parameter values of all linear elements. See the formats described in the power_statespace reference page.

Select to open the reports in the editor after you create the report.


Create specified reports.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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