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Test Harness to Generate IV Characteristics of N-Channel IGBT

This example provides test harness for estimating current-voltage characteristics of a N-Channel IGBT.

For more information on designing and analyzing a three-phase converter, refer examples,

  1. TestHarnessIGBT.

  2. ConverterDesign.

To access the overall workflow, click on the hyperlink in the model canvas or, at the MATLAB® Command Window, type:

edit ConverterDesignIGBTWorkflow.mlx

Test Harness for IGBT Steady State Characteristics

This model provides test harness to plot the steady state $ (I_{ce}\; versus \; V_{ce}) $ curve for different junction temperature $(T_{j}) $ and gate-emitter voltage $(V_{ge}) $.

IV Characteristics Simulation Results

IV Characteristics at Full range

This plot shows IGBT IV curve for $V_{ce} $ from 0 to $V_{dc} $

IV Characteristics Near Vce(sat)

This plot shows IV curve near IGBT on-state $V_{ce} $ voltage from 0 to $2V_{cesat} $

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