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Control Chart Execution After a Breakpoint

When the simulation of a Stateflow® chart pauses at a breakpoint, the chart enters debugging mode. You can examine the state of the chart and step through the simulation. For more information, see Set Breakpoints to Debug Charts.

Examine the State of the Chart

When a Stateflow chart enters debugging mode, the editor highlights the active elements in blue and the currently executing object in green. For example, this chart is paused at an entry breakpoint in the HIGH state. The active state (On) is highlighted in blue and the currently executing substate (HIGH) is highlighted in green.

Stateflow chart that is paused at a breakpoint. The state On is highlighted in blue and the substate HIGH is highlighted in green.

An execution status badge appears in the graphical object where the simulation is paused.


Simulation is paused before entering a chart or in a state entry action.

Simulation is paused in a state during action, graphical function, or truth table function.

Simulation is paused in a state exit action.

Simulation is paused before testing a transition.

Simulation is paused before taking a valid transition.

To see the execution status, point to the badge. A tooltip indicates:

  • Where the simulation is paused

  • The simulation time

  • The current event (if the simulation is paused during a local or input event)

While the chart is paused at a breakpoint, a tooltip shows the execution status for the active state.

To view the values of chart, point to a chart object. A tooltip displays:

  • The values of the data and messages that the selected object uses

  • Temporal information (if the object contains a temporal logic operator)

While the chart is paused at a breakpoint, a tooltip shows data information for the superstate On.

For more information, see Inspect and Modify Data and Messages While Debugging.

Step Through the Simulation

When the chart is paused at a breakpoint, you can continue the simulation by using:

  • Buttons in the Debug tab

  • The MATLAB® Command Window

  • Keyboard shortcuts

ActionDebug Tab ButtonMATLAB CommandKeyboard ShortcutDescription


Continue simulation to the next breakpoint.

Step Forward


Exit debug mode and pause simulation before next time step.

Step Over


Advance to the next step in the chart execution. At the chart level, possible steps include:

  • Enter the chart

  • Test a transition

  • Execute a transition action

  • Activate a state

  • Execute a state action

For more information, see Execution of a Stateflow Chart.

Step In

dbstep inF11

From a state or transition action that calls a function, advance to the first executable statement in the function.

From a statement in a function containing another function call, advance to the first executable statement in the second function.

Otherwise, advance to the next step in the chart execution. (See Step Over.)

Step Out

dbstep outShift+F11

From a function call, return to the statement calling the function.

Otherwise, continue simulation to the next breakpoint. (See Continue.)

Run to Cursor

  In state or transition actions containing more than one statement, execute a group of statements together.


Exit debug mode and stop simulation.

In state or transition actions that contain more than one statement, you can step through the individual statements one at a time by selecting Step Over. The Stateflow Editor highlights each statement before executing it.

While the chart is paused at a breakpoint, the editor highlights the next statement in an entry action.

To execute a group of statements together, click the last statement in the group and select Run to Cursor.

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