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Diagnostics information for batch drift detection

Since R2022a


    A DriftDiagnostics object stores the diagnostics information returned by the detectdrift function after it performs permutation testing for batch drift detection.


    Create a DriftDiagnostics object by using detectdrift to test for drift between baseline and target data sets.


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    This property is read-only.

    Baseline data set, specified as a numeric array, categorical array, or table.

    Data Types: double | categorical | table

    This property is read-only.

    Indices of the categorical variables in the data, specified as a numeric array. If the data does not contain any categorical variables, then this property is empty ([]).

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    95% confidence interval bounds for the estimated p-values of the variables, specified as a 2-by-k matrix of positive scalar values from 0 to 1, where k is the number of variables. The rows of ConfidenceIntervals correspond to the lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals, respectively.

    If you set EstimatePValues to false in the call to detectdrift, then the function does not compute the confidence interval bounds. In this case, ConfidenceIntervals property contains NaNs.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Drift status for each variable, specified as a string array containing the possible values shown in this table.

    Drift StatusCondition
    DriftUpper < DriftThreshold
    WarningDriftThreshold < Lower < WarningThreshold or DriftThreshold < Upper < WarningThreshold
    StableLower > WarningThreshold

    Lower and Upper are the lower and upper confidence interval bounds for an estimated p-value.

    Data Types: string

    This property is read-only.

    Threshold to determine the drift status, specified as a scalar value from 0 to 1. If the upper bound of the confidence interval for the estimated p-value is below DriftThreshold, then the drift status is Drift.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    List of the metrics used by detectdrift to quantify the difference between the baseline and target data for each variable during permutation testing, specified as a string array.

    Data Types: string

    This property is read-only.

    Metric values for the corresponding variables, specified as a row vector with the number of columns equal to the number of variables specified for drift detection. The metric corresponding to each variable is stored in the Metrics property.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Multiple hypothesis testing correction, specified as either "Bonferroni" or "FalseDiscoveryRate".

    If you set EstimatePValues to false in the call to detectdrift, do not set the MultipleTestCorrection name-value argument because the function ignores it in this case.

    Data Types: string

    This property is read-only.

    Drift status for the overall data estimated by detectdrift using the multiple test correction method in MultipleTestCorrection, specified as "Drift", "Warning", or "Stable". Multiple test corrections provide a conservative estimate of the drift status when multiple variables are tested.

    If you set EstimatePValues to false in the call to detectdrift, then the function does not populate MultipleTestDriftStatus.

    Data Types: string

    This property is read-only.

    Number of permutation tests performed by detectdrift for each variable to determine the drift status for that variable, specified as an array of integer values.

    If you set EstimatePValues to false in the call to detectdrift, then NumPermutations is a row vector of ones corresponding to the baseline and target data provided. The metric values are the initial computations that use the baseline and target data for each variable.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Permutation testing results for each variable, specified as a k-by-1 table, where k is the number of variables. Each row corresponds to one variable and contains a 1-by-1 cell array of the metric values in a vector whose size is equal to the number of permutations for that variable. To access the metric values for the second variable, for example, use DDiagnostics.PermutationResults{2,1}{1,1}.

    If you set EstimatePValues to false in the call to detectdrift, then PermutationResults contains only the initial metric values for each variable.

    You can visualize the test results using plotPermutationResults.

    Data Types: table

    This property is read-only.

    Estimated p-value for each variable, specified as a vector of scalar values from 0 to 1.

    If you set EstimatePValues to false in the call to detectdrift, then PValues is a vector of NaNs.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Target data set, specified as a numeric array, categorical array, or table.

    Data Types: single | double | categorical | table

    This property is read-only.

    Variables specified for drift detection in the call to detectdrift, specified as a string array.

    Data Types: string

    This property is read-only.

    Threshold to determine the warning status, specified as a scalar value from 0 to 1.

    Data Types: double

    Object Functions

    ecdfCompute empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) for baseline and target data specified for data drift detection
    histcountsCompute histogram bin counts for specified variables in baseline and target data for drift detection
    plotDriftStatusPlot p-values and confidence intervals for variables tested for data drift
    plotEmpiricalCDFPlot empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) of a variable specified for data drift detection
    plotHistogramPlot histogram of a variable specified for data drift detection
    plotPermutationResultsPlot histogram of permutation results for a variable specified for data drift detection
    summarySummary table for DriftDiagnostics object


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    Load the sample data.

    load humanactivity

    For details on the data set, enter Description at the command line.

    Assign the first 250 observations as baseline data and the next 250 as target data for variables 1 to 15.

    baseline = feat(1:250,1:15);
    target = feat(251:500,1:15);

    Test for drift on all variables.

    DDiagnostics = detectdrift(baseline,target);

    Display a summary of the test results.

        Multiple Test Correction Drift Status: Drift
               DriftStatus    PValue       ConfidenceInterval   
               ___________    ______    ________________________
        x1      "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x2      "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x3      "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x4      "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x5      "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x6      "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x7      "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x8      "Stable"      0.863        0.84012       0.88372
        x9      "Stable"      0.726        0.69722       0.75344
        x10     "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x11     "Stable"      0.496        0.46456       0.52746
        x12     "Stable"      0.249        0.22247       0.27702
        x13     "Drift"       0.001     2.5317e-05     0.0055589
        x14     "Stable"      0.574        0.54267       0.60489
        x15     "Warning"     0.094       0.076629        0.1138

    The summary table shows the drift status and estimated p-value for each variable tested for drift detection. You can also see the 95% confidence interval bounds for the p-values.

    Plot drift status for variables x10 to x15.


    Compute the ecdf values for variables x13 and x15.

    E = ecdf(DDiagnostics,Variables=["x13","x15"])
    E=2×3 table
                     x             F_Baseline         F_Target   
               ______________    ______________    ______________
        x13    {501×1 double}    {501×1 double}    {501×1 double}
        x15    {501×1 double}    {501×1 double}    {501×1 double}

    x contains the common domain over which ecdf computes the empirical cumulative distribution function for the baseline and target data of a variable. Access the common domain for x13.

    ans = 501×1

    Access the ecdf values for x15 in the baseline data.

    ans = 501×1

    Plot the ecdf values for variables x13 and x15.

    ax1 = nexttile;
    ax2= nexttile;

    You can also visualize the permutation test results for a variable. Plot the permutation results for variable x13.


    The plot also shows the metric threshold value with a straight line. Based on the histogram of metric values obtained during permutation testing, the probability that a metric value being greater than the threshold value if the baseline and target data for variable x13 have the same distribution is very small. The plot also displays the estimated p-value, 0.001, and the drift status, Drift, below the plot title.

    Generate baseline and target data with three variables, where the distribution parameters of the second and third variables change for the target data.

    rng('default') % For reproducibility
    baseline = [normrnd(0,1,100,1),wblrnd(1.1,1,100,1),betarnd(1,2,100,1)];
    target = [normrnd(0,1,100,1),wblrnd(1.2,2,100,1),betarnd(1.7,2.8,100,1)];

    Compute the initial metrics for all variables between the baseline and target data without estimating the p-values.

    DDiagnostics = detectdrift(baseline,target,EstimatePValues=false)
    DDiagnostics = 
               VariableNames: ["x1"    "x2"    "x3"]
        CategoricalVariables: []
                     Metrics: ["Wasserstein"    "Wasserstein"    "Wasserstein"]
                MetricValues: [0.2022 0.3468 0.0559]
      Properties, Methods

    detectdrift computes only the initial metric value for each variable using the baseline and target data. The properties associated with permutation testing and p-value estimation are either empty or contain NaNs.

              MetricValue       Metric    
              ___________    _____________
        x1      0.20215      "Wasserstein"
        x2      0.34676      "Wasserstein"
        x3     0.055922      "Wasserstein"

    summary function displays only the initial metric value and the metric used for each specified variable.

    plotDriftStatus and plotPermutationResults do not produce plots and return warning messages when you compute metrics without estimating p-values. plotEmpiricalCDF and plotHistogram plot the ecdf and the histogram, respectively, for the first variable by default. They both return NaN for the p-value and drift status associated with the variable.



    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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