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Describe Activity Diagrams

Author executable activities to visualize token flow using actions operating on objects

Define executable activity diagrams for your system architecture model or components to meet functional requirements. Use activity diagrams in System Composer™ to visualize token flows using actions that operate on objects. Activity diagrams contain action nodes with pins connected by flow lines. Create directed relationships with allocations from activity diagram elements to architecture model elements to describe system design.


systemcomposer.createActivityCreate System Composer activity diagram (Since R2024a)


Initial NodeDispatch control token at beginning of activity (Since R2024a)
Action NodeProcess object tokens through MATLAB function or nested activity diagram (Since R2024a)
Decision or Merge NodeRoute input tokens based on evaluation of MATLAB expressions, or merge multiple input tokens onto one output flow (Since R2024a)
Join or Fork NodeSynchronize multiple input tokens into one output, or replicate one input token on all output flows (Since R2024a)
Flow Final NodeTerminate one object or control flow (Since R2024a)
Activity Final NodeTerminate entire activity (Since R2024a)


Types EditorCreate custom data types (Since R2024a)
Allocation EditorCreate and manage model-to-model allocations (Since R2020b)


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