Visualize LDA Topic Probabilities of Documents
This example shows how to visualize the topic probabilities of documents using a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model.
A latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model is a topic model which discovers underlying topics in a collection of documents and infers word probabilities in topics. You can use an LDA model to transform documents into a vector of topic probabilities, also known as a topic mixture. You can visualize the LDA topics using stacked bar charts.
Load LDA Model
Load the LDA model factoryReportsLDAModel
which is trained using a data set of factory reports detailing different failure events. For an example showing how to fit an LDA model to a collection of text data, see Analyze Text Data Using Topic Models.
load factoryReportsLDAModel
mdl = ldaModel with properties: NumTopics: 7 WordConcentration: 1 TopicConcentration: 0.5755 CorpusTopicProbabilities: [0.1587 0.1573 0.1551 0.1534 0.1340 0.1322 0.1093] DocumentTopicProbabilities: [480×7 double] TopicWordProbabilities: [158×7 double] Vocabulary: ["item" "occasionally" "get" "stuck" "scanner" "spool" "loud" "rattling" "sound" "come" "assembler" "piston" "cut" "power" "start" "plant" "capacitor" "mixer" … ] TopicOrder: 'initial-fit-probability' FitInfo: [1×1 struct]
Visualize Topics Using Word Clouds
Visualize the topics using the wordcloud
numTopics = mdl.NumTopics; figure t = tiledlayout("flow"); title(t,"LDA Topics") for i = 1:numTopics nexttile wordcloud(mdl,i); title("Topic " + i) end
View Mixtures of Topics in Documents
Create an array of tokenized documents for a set of previously unseen documents using the same preprocessing function used when fitting the model.
The function preprocessText
, listed in the Preprocessing Function section of the example, performs the following steps in order:
Tokenize the text using
.Lemmatize the words using
.Erase punctuation using
.Remove a list of stop words (such as "and", "of", and "the") using
.Remove words with 2 or fewer characters using
.Remove words with 15 or more characters using
Prepare the text data for analysis using the preprocessText
str = [ "Coolant is pooling underneath assembler." "Sorter blows fuses at start up." "There are some very loud rattling sounds coming from the assembler."]; documents = preprocessText(str);
Transform the documents into vectors of topic probabilities using the transform
function. Note that for very short documents, the topic mixtures may not be a strong representation of the document content.
topicMixtures = transform(mdl,documents);
Visualize the first topic mixture in a bar chart and label the bars using the top three words from each topic.
numTopics = mdl.NumTopics; for i = 1:numTopics top = topkwords(mdl,3,i); topWords(i) = join(top.Word,", "); end figure bar(categorical(topWords),topicMixtures(1,:)) xlabel("Topic") ylabel("Probability") title("Document Topic Probabilities")
To visualize the proportions of the topics in each document, or to visualize multiple topic mixtures, use a stacked bar chart.
figure barh(topicMixtures,"stacked") title("Topic Mixtures") xlabel("Topic Probability") ylabel("Document") legend(topWords, ... Location="southoutside", ... NumColumns=2)
The regions of the stacked bar chart represent the proportion of the document belonging to the corresponding topic.
Preprocessing Function
The function preprocessText
, performs the following steps in order:
Tokenize the text using
.Lemmatize the words using
.Erase punctuation using
.Remove a list of stop words (such as "and", "of", and "the") using
.Remove words with 2 or fewer characters using
.Remove words with 15 or more characters using
function documents = preprocessText(textData) % Tokenize the text. documents = tokenizedDocument(textData); % Lemmatize the words. documents = addPartOfSpeechDetails(documents); documents = normalizeWords(documents,Style="lemma"); % Erase punctuation. documents = erasePunctuation(documents); % Remove a list of stop words. documents = removeStopWords(documents); % Remove words with 2 or fewer characters, and words with 15 or greater % characters. documents = removeShortWords(documents,2); documents = removeLongWords(documents,15); end
See Also
| fitlda
| ldaModel
| wordcloud