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Model Configuration Parameters for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors

To configure hardware parameters for Texas Instruments® C2000™ processors:

  1. In the Simulink® Editor, select Modeling > Model Settings.

  2. In the Configuration Parameter dialog box, click Hardware Implementation.

  3. Set the Hardware board parameter to your C2000 processors.

  4. The parameter values under Hardware board settings are automatically populated to their default values.

    You can optionally adjust these parameters for your particular use case.


    When selecting the processing unit, choose the central processing unit (CPU) or control law accelerator (CLA) or CortexM4 onto which to deploy the model block in the model. The default values varies based on the processor selected.

  5. Click Apply.


In the Hardware board drop-down list, some processors have multiple options. Select the generic option for controlCARDs and custom boards, and select the LaunchPad option for LaunchPads. For example, select TI Delfino F2837xS as the generic option, and select TI Delfino F28377S Launchpad as the LaunchPad option. Based on your selection, the default values for clock settings, pin selection, and memory mapping change.

Hardware Board Settings

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Processing UnitProcessor or CLA for model block in the MCU model.None

Task Profiling in Simulation

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Show in SDI (SoC Blockset)

Show the task execution data collected in simulation in the Simulation Data Inspector application.

Save to file (SoC Blockset)

Save the task execution data to a file.

Overwrite file (SoC Blockset)

Overwrite the last task execution data file.


Task Profiling on Processor

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Show in SDI (SoC Blockset)Show the task execution data collected on hardware in the Simulation Data Inspector
Save to file (SoC Blockset)Save the task execution data to a
Overwrite file (SoC Blockset)Overwrite the last task execution data
Instrumentation (SoC Blockset)Choose to perform code instrumentation or Kernel instrumentation.Code
Profiling duration (SoC Blockset)Choose whether to perform Kernel profiling for an unlimited or limited time duration.Unlimited

Simulation Settings

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Set random number generator seed (SoC Blockset)Set the random number generator
Seed Value (SoC Blockset)Specify the seed value for the simulation of task duration deviation.


Cache input data at task start (SoC Blockset)Cache the input data at the start of a task.


Hardware Board Settings

For each hardware board you select, you can configure the board parameters according to your requirements.

Scheduler Options

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Base rate trigger

Set the static priority of the base rate task in the operating system.

Timer 0

Build Options

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Build action

Define how Embedded Coder® responds when you build your model.

Build, load, and run

Disable parallel build

Select to compile the generated code and driver source codes in parallel order for faster build and deployment speed.


Device name

Select your device from the selected processor family.

Enable TMUEnables support for Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU).


Boot From Flash (stand alone execution)

Specify if the application loads to the flash memory.


Use custom linker command file

Indicates that the custom linker command file must be used during the build action.


Linker command file

The path to the memory description file required during linking.


CCS hardware configuration file

The Code Composer Studio™ file required for downloading the application on the hardware.


Enable DMA to access ePWM Registers instead of CLA

Select to access ePWM Registers 

Enable DMA to peripheral frame 1 (ePWM, HRPWM, eCAP, eQEP, DAC,CMPSS, and SDFM) instead of CLA

Select to enable the DMA to access peripheral frame 1 

Enable DMA to peripheral frame 2 (SPI and McBSP) instead of CLA

Select to enable the DMA to access peripheral frame 2  

Enable FastRTS

Enables use of optimized floating point math functions from C28x FPU fastRTS libraryenabled

Remap ePWMs for DMA access (Requires silicon revision A and above)

Select to remap ePWMs registers for DMA access 

Configure CLA program and data memory

Enable this option to configure LSRAM memory for CLA program or data.


Maximum LSRAM size for CLA program (in KW)

Select the maximum LSRAM size that is available for CLA program in KiloWords.

Maximum LSRAM size for CLA data (in KW)

Select the maximum LSRAM size that is available allowed for CLA data in KiloWords.

Available LSRAM size for CPU (in KW)

Displays the remaining available LSRAM size for CPU in KiloWords.

Use data type replacement to override precision of ‘double’ in generated code

Enable Use data type replacement to override precision of ‘double’ in generated code parameter to override precision of ‘double’ in generated code.


Number of bits for double

Select the number of bits for double.32

Analyze double data type usage

Generates html report with the list of double datatype usages in model. 


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Desired CPU Clock in MHz

Specify the desired CPU clock frequency (CLKIN). 

Use internal oscillator

Use the internal zero pin oscillator on the CPU.


Oscillator clock (OSCCLK) frequency in MHzOscillator frequency used in the processor. 

Auto set PLL based on OSCCLK and CPU clock

PLL values in PLLCR, DIVSEL, and Achievable SYSCLKOUT in MHz are automatically calculated based on the CPU clock entered on the board. 

PLL control register (PLLCR)

If you select Auto set PLL based on OSCCLK and CPU clock, the auto-calculated control register value matches the specified CPU clock value, based on the oscillator clock frequency. 

PLL output divider (ODIV)


Clock divider (DIVSEL)

If you select Auto set PLL based on OSCCLK and CPU clock, the auto-calculated control register value matches the specified CPU clock value, based on the oscillator clock frequency. 


The auto-calculated feedback value that matches the Desired C28x CPU clock in MHz value, based on the values of OSCCLK, PLLCR, and DIVSEL. 

Set the 'Achievable SYSCLKOUT in MHz = (OSCCLK*SYSPLLMULT)/SYSDIVSEL' value calculated in CPU1

Available only for CPU2 of dual C28x core processors. Value of this parameter must be same as the value of the parameter Achievable SYSCLKOUT in MHz = (OSCCLK*PLLCR)/DIVSEL (auto calculated).


Select the 'Low-Speed Peripheral Clock Prescaler (LSPCLK)' option used in CPU1

Available only for CPU2 of dual C28x core processors. Value of this parameter must be same as the value of the parameter Low-Speed Peripheral Clock Prescaler (LSPCLK) specified in CPU1.


Low-Speed Peripheral Clock Prescaler (LSPCLK)

Prescaler value used to calculate LSPCLK based on SYSCLKOUT. 

Low-Speed Peripheral Clock (LSPCLK) in MHz

The LSPCLK value calculated using the SYSCLKOUT and LSPCLK Prescaler values. 

High-Speed Peripheral Clock Prescaler (HSPCLK)

Prescaler value used to calculate HSPCLK based on SYSCLKOUT. 

High-Speed Peripheral Clock (HSPCLK) in MHz

The HSPCLK value calculated using the SYSCLKOUT and HSPCLK Prescaler values. 

Multiplication factor for PLL#CLK (PLL#MULT)

The multiplication factor value of PLL clock.



The value is calculated based on Multiplication factor for PLL#CLK (PLL#MULT) and OSCCLK frequency.


Analog Subsystem Clock Prescaler (ASYSCLK)

Prescaler value used to calculate ASYSCLK based on SYSCLKOUT. 

Analog Subsystem Clock (ASYSCLK) in MHz

The ASYSCLK value calculated using the SYSCLKOUT and ASYSCLK Prescaler values. 

Connectivity Manager (ARM Cortex-M) clock source

Select the clock source for ARM Cortex-M core.System PLL

Connectivity Manager (ARM Cortex-M) clock divider

Select the divider for the ARM Cortex-M core clock.4

Connectivity Manager (ARM Cortex-M) clock in MHz

The calculated value of the clock frequency (in MHz) supplied to ARM Cortex-M core.100


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Select the CPU core which controls ADC_x module

The CPU core that controls the ADC module.Auto

ADC clock prescaler (ADCCLK)

The ADCCLK divider for the c2802x, c2803x, c2806x, F28M3x, F2807x, or F2837x processor.SYSCLKOUT/5.0
ADC clock frequency in MHz

The clock frequency for ADC, which is auto generated based on the value you select in ADC clock prescaler (ADCCLK).


ADC overlap of sample and conversion (ADC#NONOVERLAP)

Enable or disable overlap of sample and conversion. 

ADC clock prescaler (ADCLKPS)

The HSPCLK is divided by ADCLKPS (a 4-bit value) as the first step in deriving the core clock speed of the ADC.


ADC Core clock prescaler (CPS)

After dividing the HSPCLK speed by the ADC clock prescaler (ADCLKPS) value, divides the result by 2.1

ADC Module clock (ADCCLK = HSPCLK/ADCLKPS×2)/(CPS+1)) in MHz

The ADC module clock, which indicates the ADC operating clock speed. 

Acquisition window prescaler (ACQ_PS)

Determine the width of the sampling or acquisition period. A higher value indicates a wider sampling period.


Acquisition window size ((ACQ_PS+1)/ADCCLK) in micro seconds/channel

Determine the duration for which the sampling switch is closed. 


Specify the offset value. 

Use external reference 2.048V

Allows using a 2.048 V external voltage reference. 

Use external reference

Allows using an external voltage reference. 

Continuous mode

When the ADC generates an end of conversion (EOC) signal, an ADCINT# interrupt is generated. The interrupt indicates whether the previous interrupt flag has been acknowledged. 

ADC offset correction (OFFSET_TRIM: –256 to 255)

The 280x ADC supports offset correction using a 9-bit value that it adds or subtracts before the results are available in the ADC result registers.



When you disable the Use external reference 2.048V or External reference option, the ADC logic uses a fixed 0–3.3 V input range, and VREFHI and VREFLO are disabled. To interpret the ADC input as a ratiometric signal, select the External reference option. Then, set values for the high-voltage reference (VREFHI) and the low voltage reference (VREFLO). 

INT pulse control

Set the time when the ADC sets ADCINTFLG ADCINTx relative to the SOC and EOC pulses. 

SOC high priority

Enable SOC high priority mode.

All in round robin mode

XINT2SOC external pin

The pin to which the ADC sends the XINT2SOC pulse. 

ADCEXTSOC external pin

The GPIO pin from which ADC receives the ADCEXTSOC pulse.GPIO#


Indicates the input of X-BAR for ADC external SOC.Input#


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
Comparator x (COMPx) pin assignment

Assign COMP pin to a GPIO pin.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
DACx reference voltage

Select the reference voltage for the DAC channel A, B, or C.

ADC reference voltage (VREFHIA/VREFHIB)
DACx synchronization signalSelect the synchronization signal to load the value from the writable shadow register into the active register.SYSCLK


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

CAN module clock frequency (= SYSCLKOUT) in MHz

The clock for the enhanced CAN module.200

CAN module clock frequency (=SYSCLKOUT/2) in MHz

The clock for the enhanced CAN module. 

Baud rate prescaler (BRP: 2 to 256)/Baud rate prescaler (BRP: 1 to 1024)

Scale the bit rate using this value.20

Time segment 1 (TSEG1)

Set the value of time segment 1. This value, with TSEG2 and Baud rate prescaler, determines the length of a bit on the CAN bus. 

Time segment 2 (TSEG2)

Set the value of time segment 2. This value, with TSEG1 and Baud rate prescaler, determines the length of a bit on the CAN bus. 

Baud rate (CAN Module Clock/BRP/(TSEG1 + TSEG2 +1)) in bits/sec

CAN module communication speed represented in bits/second. 


Set the message resynchronization triggering. 


Set the synchronization jump width, which determines how many units of TQ a bit can be shortened or lengthened by when resynchronizing. 


Number of samples used by the CAN module to determine the CAN bus level. 

Enhanced CAN Mode

Enable time stamping and usage of Mailbox Numbers 16 through 31 in the C2000 CAN blocks. 

Self test mode

If you set this parameter to True, the CAN module goes to loopback mode. The loopback mode sends a dummy acknowledge message back.


Pin assignment (Tx)

Assign the CAN transmit pin to use with the CAN_B module. 

Pin assignment (Rx)

Assign the CAN receive pin to use with the CAN_B module. 


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
ECAPx capture pin assignment

Indicates the GPIO pin used for eCAP in capture mode.

ECAPx Input X-BARSelect input X-BAR for ECAP INPUT#
ECAPx APWM pin assignmentThe GPIO pin to which output of the eCAP in APWM mode is sent.GPIO#
Output X-BARIndicates which Output X-BAR is used for the selected ECAP# APWM pin assignment parameter. #
eCAPxSYNCIN source selectionIndicates the SYNC source select register for the ePWM SYNCOUT, eCAP SYNCOUT, INPUTXBAR and EtherCATSYNC.The default eCAPxSYNCIN source selection value varies based on the processor selected.


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

EPWM clock divider (EPWMCLKDIV)

Select the ePWM clock divider.SYSCLKOUT/1

Select the 'EPWM clock divider (EPWMCLKDIV)' option used for CPU1

Available only for CPU2 of dual C28x core processors. Its value must be the same as the value of the parameter EPWM clock divider (EPWMCLKDIV) selected in CPU1.


TZx Input X-BAR

Indicates the trip-zone input X-BAR.INPUT#

TZx pin assignment

Indicates the GPIO pin to the trip-zone input x (TZx).None

TRIP# MUX select

Select the TRIP Multiplexer(MUX).Disable all

TRIP# MUX (MUX 0->31)

Indicates the inputs selected for each MUX so far.XXXXXXXXXXX

Select MUX input

Select the input to the Multiplexer selected in TRIP# MUX select.X:Disable


Option to reset the MUX inputs selected. 

Invert TRIP output

Inverts the TRIP output


Indicates the SYNCI input X-BAR.INPUT#

SYNCI pin assignment

Indicates the GPIO pin used for the ePWM external sync pulse input (SYNCI).None

SYNCO pin assignment

Assign the ePWM external sync pulse output (SYNCO) to a GPIO pin. 

EXTSYNCOUT source selection

Select the external SYNCOUT source for ePWMDefault value varies based on the processor selected

ePWMxSYNCIN source selection

Select the EPWMxSYNCIN Source Select Register (synchronization input pulse) for the ePWMDefault value varies based on the processor selected

PWM#x pin assignment

Assign the GPIO pin to the PWM#x module.


GPTRIP#SEL pin assignment(GPIO0~63)

Assign the ePWM trip-zone input to a GPIO pin. 

PWM1SYNCI/ GPTRIP6SEL pin assignment

Assign the ePWM sync pulse input (SYNCI) to a GPIO pin. 

DCxHTRIPSEL (Enter Hex value between 0 and 0x6FFF)

Assign the Digital Compare A high trip input to a GPIO pin. 

DCxLTRIPSEL (Enter Hex value between 0 and 0x6FFF)

Assign the Digital Compare A low trip input to a GPIO pin. 


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value


Configure the I2C module as controller or peripheral. 

Addressing format

In peripheral mode, determines the addressing format of the I2C controller and sets the I2C module to the same mode. 

Own address register

In peripheral mode, enter the 7-bit (0–127) or 10-bit (0–1023) address that the I2C module uses.


Bit count

In peripheral mode, sets the number of bits in each data byte the I2C module transmits and receives.


Module clock prescaler (IPSC: 0 to 255)

In controller mode, enter a value in the range 0–255, inclusive, to configure the model clock frequency.


I2C Module clock frequency (SYSCLKOUT / (IPSC+1)) in Hz

Display the frequency the I2C module uses internally. To set this value, change the Module clock prescaler.


I2C controller clock frequency (Module Clock Freq/(ICCL+ICCH+10)) in Hz

Display the controller clock frequency.


controller clock Low-time divider (ICCL: 1 to 65535)

In controller mode, determines the duration of the low state of the SCL on the I2C bus.


controller clock High-time divider (ICCH: 1 to 65535)

In controller mode, determines the duration of the high state of the SCL on the I2C bus.


Enable loopback

In controller mode, enables or disables digital loopback mode.


SDA pin assignment

Select a GPIO pin as an I2C data bidirectional port.


SCL pin assignment

Select a GPIO pin as an I2C clock bidirectional port.


Enable Tx interrupt

This parameter corresponds to bit 5 (TXFFIENA) of the I2C Transmit FIFO Register (I2CFFTX).


Tx FIFO interrupt level

This parameter corresponds to bits 4–0 (TXFFIL4-0) of the I2C transmit FIFO register (I2CFFTX).


Enable Rx interrupt

This parameter corresponds to bit 5 (RXFFIENA) of the I2C receive FIFO register (I2CFFRX).


Rx FIFO interrupt level

This parameter corresponds to bit 4–0 (RXFFIL4-0) of the I2C receive FIFO register (I2CFFRX).


Enable system interrupt

Select this parameter to configure the five basic I2C interrupt request parameters in the interrupt enable register (I2CIER).


Enable AAS interrupt

Enable the addressed-as-peripheral interrupt bit.


Enable SCD interrupt

Enable the stop condition detected interrupt bit.


Enable ARDY interrupt

Enable the register-access-ready interrupt bit.


Enable NACK interrupt

Enable the no acknowledgment interrupt bit.


Enable AL interrupt

Enable the arbitration-lost interrupt bit.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Enable loopback

Enable the loopback function for self-test and diagnostics.


Suspension mode

The type of suspension to use while debugging your program with Code Composer Studio.  

Number of stop bits

Specify the number of stop bits transmitted.


Parity mode

The type of parity to use. 

Character length bits

Length in bits of each transmitted or received character.


Desired baud rate in bits/sec

Specify the desired baud rate.


Baud rate prescaler (BRR = (SCIHBAUD << 8) | SCILBAUD))

Scale the SCI baud rate using this value. 

Closest achievable baud rate (LSPCLK/(BRR+1)/8) in bits/sec

The closest achievable baud rate, calculated based on LSPCLK and BRR.


Communication mode

Select the mode for transmitting and receiving data. 

Post transmit FIFO interrupt when data is transmitted

Posts interrupt when available data in transmit FIFO is less than or equal to interrupt level.


Transmit FIFO interrupt level

Level for triggering SCI transmit interrupt.


Post receive FIFO interrupt when data is received

Posts interrupt when available data in receive FIFO is greater than or equal to interrupt level.


Receive FIFO interrupt level

Level for triggering SCI receive interrupt.


Data byte order

Select an option to match the endianness of the data being moved.


Pin assignment (Tx)

Assign the SCI transmit pin to use with the SCI module.


Pin assignment (Rx)

Assign the SCI receive pin to use with the SCI module.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value


Set to controller or peripheral.


Desired baud rate in bits/sec

Specify the desired baud rate.


Baud rate factor (SPIBRR: between 3 and 127)

The value used to calculate the baud rate. 

Closest achievable baud rate (LSPCLK/(SPIBRR+1)) in bits/sec

The closest achievable baud rate, calculated based on LSPCLK and SPIBRR.


Suspension mode

The type of suspension to use while debugging your program with Code Composer Studio. 

Enable loopback

Enable the loopback function for self-test and diagnostics.


Enable 3-wire mode

Enables SPI communication over three pins instead of the normal four pins.


Enable Tx interrupt

Enable SPI transmit interrupt operation.


FIFO interrupt level (Tx)

Set level for transmit FIFO interrupt.


Enable Rx interrupt

Enable SPI receive interrupt operation.


Enable high speed mode

Enable high speed SPI mode for supported pins.


FIFO interrupt level (Rx)

Set level for receive FIFO interrupt.


FIFO transmit delay

FIFO transmit delay (in processor clock cycles) to pause between data transmissions.


Peripheral in controller out pin assignment

Assign the SPI (SIMO) to a GPIO pin.


Peripheral out controller in pin assignment

Assign the SPI value (SOMI) to a GPIO pin.


CLK pin assignment

Assign the CLK pin to a GPIO pin.


STE pin assignment

Assign the SPI value (STE) to a GPIO pin.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

EQEP#x pin assignment

Assign eQEP pin to a GPIO pin.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Enable watchdog

Enable the watchdog timer module.


Counter clock

Set the watchdog timer period relative to OSCCLK/512.


Timer period ((1/Counter clock)×256) in seconds

Display the timer period in seconds. This value automatically updates when you change the Counter clock parameter.


Time out event

Configure the watchdog to reset the processor or generate an interrupt when the software fails to reset the watchdog counter.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value


Use the GPIO pins for digital input or output by connecting to one of the three peripheral I/O ports.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Enable DMA channel

Enable to edit the configuration of a specific DMA channel.


Data size

Select the size of the data bit transfer.


Interrupt source

Select the peripheral interrupt that triggers a DMA burst for the specified channel.


SRC wrap

Specify the number of bursts before returning the current source address pointer to the Source Begin Address value. 

DST wrap

Specify the number of bursts before returning the current destination address pointer to the Destination Begin Address value. 

SRC Begin address

Set the starting address for the current source address pointer.  

DST Begin address

Set the starting address for the current destination address pointer.  


Specify the number of 16-bit words in a burst, from 1 to 32. 


Specify the number of bursts in a transfer, from 1 to 65536.


SRC Burst step

Increment or decrement the current address pointer by this number of 16-bit words before the next burst. 

DST Burst step

Increment or decrement the current address pointer by this number of 16-bit words before the next burst. 

SRC Transfer step

Increment or decrement the current address pointer by this number of 16-bit words before the next transfer. 

DST Transfer step

Increment or decrement the current address pointer by this number of 16-bit words before the next transfer. 

SRC Wrap step

Increment or decrement the SRC_BEG_ADDR address pointer by this number of 16-bit words when a wrap event occurs. 

DST Wrap step

Increment or decrement the DST_BEG_ADDR address pointer by this number of 16-bit words when a wrap event occurs. 

Generate interrupt

Enable this parameter to have the DMA channel send an interrupt to the CPU through the Peripheral Interrupt Expansion (PIE) at the beginning or end of a data transfer.


Enable one shot mode

Enable this parameter to have the DMA channel complete an entire transfer in response to an interrupt event trigger.


Sync enable

Enable this parameter to reset the DMA wrap counter when the Interrupt source is set to SEQ1INT and sends the ADCSYNC signal to the DMA wrap counter. 

Enable continuous mode

Select this parameter to leave the DMA channel enabled upon completing a transfer. The channel waits for the next interrupt event trigger.


Enable DST sync mode

Enabling this parameter resets the destination wrap counter (DST_WRAP_COUNT) when Sync enable is enabled and the DMA module receives the SEQ1INT interrupt/ADCSYNC signal.


Set channel 1 to highest priority

Enable this option when DMA channel 1 is configured to handle high-bandwidth data, such as ADC data, and the other DMA channels are configured to handle lower-priority data.


Enable overflow interrupt

Enable this parameter to have the DMA channel send an interrupt to the CPU through the PIE if the DMA module receives a peripheral interrupt while a previous interrupt from the same peripheral is waiting to be serviced.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
EMIF clock divider (EMIF1CLKDIV)Clock divider for clock frequency generation.SYSCLKOUT/2
Enable CS0 for Synchronous memoryChip select (CS0) to interface with the
Enable CS# for Asynchronous memoryChip select (CS2/CS3/CS4) to interface with the asynchronous
SDRAM Column address bitsValue of the column address bits or the required page size of the connected SDRAM.8
Number of internal SDRAM banksNumber of memory banks inside the connected SDRAM.3
SDRAM data bus width in bitsData bus width of the connected SDRAM.16
Refresh to active command delay cycles (T_RFC)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles from the refresh or load mode command to the refresh or activate command in the connected SDRAM.3
Row precharge to Active command delay cycles (T_RP)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles required from the row precharge command to the activate or refresh command in the connected SDRAM.1
Active to read or write command delay cycles (T_RCD)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles from the activate command to the read or write command in the connected SDRAM.2
Last write to row precharge command delay cycles (T_WR)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles from the last write transfer or last data in command to the row precharge command in the connected SDRAM.1
Active to precharge command delay cycles (T_RAS)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles from the activate command to the row precharge command in the connected SDRAM.4
Active to active command delay cycles (T_RC)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles from an activate command to the next activate command in the same bank in the connected SDRAM.6
Active one bank to active another bank command delay cycles (T_RRD)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles from an activate command in one bank to an activate command in a different bank in the connected SDRAM.1
Self-refresh exit to other command delay cycles (T_XSR)Minimum number of EM#CLK cycles from the self refresh exit command to any other command in the connected SDRAM.7
SDRAM refresh period (tRefreshPeriod) in msDefines the rate at which the connected SDRAM refreshes.64
SDRAM CAS LatencyCAS latency required to access the connected SDRAM.3
Asynchronous modeAsynchronous mode for the connected asynchronous memory.Normal
Asynchronous data bus width in bitsData bus width of the connected asynchronous memory.16
Read strobe setup cycles (R_SETUP)Number of EM#CLK cycles from the EMIF chip select to the pin enable for asynchronous memory assert.15
Read strobe duration cycles (R_STROBE)Number of EM#CLK cycles during which the pin enable for the asynchronous memory is held active.64
Read strobe hold cycles (R_HOLD)Number of EM#CLK cycles during which the EMIF chip select is held active after pin enable for the asynchronous memory is deasserted.7
Write strobe setup cycles (W_SETUP)Number of EM#CLK cycles from the EMIF chip select to the write enable for the asynchronous memory assert.15
Write strobe duration cycles (W_STROBE)Number of EM#CLK cycles during which the write enable for the asynchronous memory is held active.63
Write strobe hold cycles (W_HOLD)Number of EM#CLK cycles during which the EMIF chip select is held active after write enable for the asynchronous memory is deasserted.7
Turn around cycles (TA)Number of EM#CLK cycles between the end of one asynchronous memory access and the start of another asynchronous memory access.3
Enable extended wait modeEnable the extended wait option for the asynchronous
Maximum extended wait cycles for Asynchronous memory (MAX_EXT_WAIT) [0–255]EMIF waits for (MAX_EXT_WAIT+1) * 16 clock cycles before the asynchronous cycle is terminated.128
Pin polarity of extended waitMake EMIF wait if the pin is low or high.High
Enable wait rise interruptGet an interrupt based on the detection of a rising edge on the EM#WAIT
Enable timeout interruptGet an interrupt when the EM#WAIT pin does not become inactive within the number of cycles defined in Maximum extended wait cycles for Asynchronous memory (MAX_EXT_WAIT) [0–255].off
Enable line trap interruptGet an interrupt when there is an invalid cache line size or illegal memory


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

LIN Module clock frequency (LM_CLK = SYSCLKOUT/2) in MHz

Display the frequency of the LIN module clock in MHz.


Enable loopback

Enable LIN loopback testing. 

Suspension mode

Use this option to configure how the LIN state machine behaves while you debug the program using an emulator.


Parity mode

Use this option to configure parity checking.


Frame length bytes

Set the number of data bytes in the response field, from 1–8 bytes.


Baud rate prescaler (P: 0-16777215)

To set the LIN baud manually, enter a prescaler value from 0–16777215.


Baud rate fractional divider (M: 0–15)

To set the LIN baud manually, enter a fractional divider value from 0–15.


Baud rate (FLINCLK = LM_CLK/(16×(P+1+M/16)) in bits/sec

Display the baud rate. 

Communication mode

Enable or disable the LIN module from using the ID-field bits ID4 and ID5 for length control.

ID4 and ID5 not used for length control

Data byte order

Set the endianness of the LIN message data bytes.


Data swap width

Set the width for data swap. 

Pin assignment (Tx)

Map the LINTX output to a specific GPIO pin.


Pin assignment (Rx)

Map the LINRX input to a specific GPIO pin.


LIN mode

Set the LIN module as a controller or a peripheral.


ID filtering

Select the type of mask filtering comparison the LIN module performs.

ID peripheral task byte

ID byte

If you set ID filtering as ID byte, use this option to set the ID BYTE, also known as the “LIN mode message ID”.


ID peripheral task byte

If you set ID filtering to ID peripheral task byte, use this option to set the ID-peripheralTask BYTE.


Checksum type

Select the checksum type.


Enable multibuffer mode

When you select this check box, the LIN node uses transmit and receive buffers instead of just one register.


Enable baud rate adapt mode

This option is displayed when you set LIN mode to peripheral.

Not selected

Inconsistent synch field error interrupt

If you enable this option, the peripheral node generates interrupts when it detects irregularities in the synch field.


No response error interrupt

If you enable this option, the LIN module generates an interrupt if it does not receive a complete response from the controller node within a timeout period.


Timeout after 3 wakeup signals interrupt

When enabled, the peripheralnode generates an interrupt when it sends three wakeup signals to the controller node and does not receive a header in response.


Timeout after wakeup signal interrupt

When enabled, the peripheral node generates an interrupt when it sends a wakeup signal to the controller node and does not receive a header in response.


Timeout interrupt

When enabled, the peripheral node generates an interrupt after 4 seconds of inactivity on the LIN bus.


Wakeup interrupt

The LIN peripheral mode generates a wakeup interrupt based on a request or condition.


External Interrupt

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value


Indicates the input X-BAR for external interrupt.Input#


The GPIO pin for external interrupt.


XINT# Polarity

Set the polarity for external interrupt.

Falling edge

External Mode

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Communication interface

Select the type of communication interface to run your model in external mode.

XCP on Serial

SCI module

Select the serial communication interface module.


Serial port in MATLAB preferences

Select the COM port used by the target hardware.


Host Interface

Select the interface through which the host computer communicates to target hardware for signal monitoring and parameter tuning.

Third party calibration tools

CAN module

Select the CAN module to be used with external mode


CAN ID Command

Enter the CAN ID Command for the CAN module.


CAN ID Response

Enter the CAN ID Response for the CAN module.


CAN vendor

Enter the CAN vendor for the CAN module.


CAN device

Enter the device for the CAN module.


CAN channel number

Enter the CAN channel number for the CAN module.


Extended CAN ID

Select to use extended ID.


Rx mailbox number

Enter the Rx mailbox number for the CAN module.


Tx mailbox number

Enter the Tx mailbox number for the CAN module.



Select to view the external mode execution progress and updates in the Diagnostic Viewer or in the MATLAB® command window.


Set logging buffer size automatically

Select to automatically set the number of bytes to preallocate for the buffer in the hardware during simulation.


Maximum number of contiguous samples

Specify a value for maximum number of contiguous samples parameter.


Use a dedicated timer to improve time stamp accuracy

Select to log data inside ISR at ISR trigger rate


Execution Profiling

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Number of profiling samples to collect

Enter the number of profiling samples to collect.


SD Card Logging

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Enable MAT-file logging on SD card

Enables the MAT-file logging for SD card.


SPI module

Select the desired interface on which the SD card is connected to hardware board.


SPI baud rate

Select the desired option for the SPI interface used by the SD card.

Maximum achievable supported by the inserted SD Card


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Configure CMPSS#

Configure the comparator subsystem (CMPSS).


Configure COMP#

Configure the COMPH or COMPL module.


Reload condition for RAMP reference value (RAMPLOADSEL)

Reload condition for RAMP reference value.


Invert comparator output

Invert comparator output.


Enable latch clear by EPWMSYNCPER event

Enable latch clear by EPWMSYNCPER event.


Configure digital filter

Configure the digital filter for COMP#.


Sample clock prescale [0 to 1023]

Set the sample clock prescale for digital filter of COMP#.


Sample window size

Set the sample window size for digital filter of COMP#.


Threshold sample size

Set the threshold sample window size for digital filter of COMP#.


Comparator output type for EPWM X-BAR (CTRIP#SEL)

Select the comparator output type source for COMP#.

Asynchronous output (ASYNCH)

Comparator output type for OUTPUT X-BAR (CTRIPOUT#SEL)

Select the comparator output type source for COMP#.

Asynchronous output (ASYNCH)

DAC reference voltage

Select the DAC reference voltage for CMPSS.

Internal reference voltage (VDDA)

Reload condition for DAC value (SWLOADSEL)

Select the reload condition for DAC value.

System clock (SYSCLK)

EPWM peripheral synchronization event

Select the EPWM peripheral synchronization event.


EPWM blank window event

Select the EPWM for blanking window


Comparator hysteresis value

Set the amount of hysteresis on the comparator inputs.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Configure filter#

Configure the filter channel for the SDFM module.


Data pin assignment (SD#_D#)

Select the data pin for the GPIO configuration.


Clock pin assignment (SD#_C#)

Select the clock pin for the GPIO configuration.


Modulator clock mode

Select the modulator clock mode.

Same as the modulator data rate (MOD_0)

Comparator filter type

Select the comparator filter type.


Comparator over sample ratio (COSR) [0-31]

Specify the comparator OSR value.


Comparator higher threshold (HLT#) [0-32767]

Specify the comparator higher threshold value to detect an over-value condition.


Comparator lower threshold (LLT#) [0-32767]

Specify the comparator lower threshold value to detect an under-value condition.


Comparator higher threshold (HLTZ) [0-32767]

Specify the comparator higher threshold value to detect over-value condition.


Data filter type

Select the data filter type.


Data over sampling ratio (DOSR) [0-255]

Specify the data OSR value.


Data filter FIFO depth

Specify the FIFO value for the data filter.


Enable data filter reset by PWM

Enable to reset the data filter by external PWM compare output.


ePWM module

Select the ePWM module for synchronization.


Comparator event # (CEVT#) interrupt

Select the comparator event (CEVT#) interrupt.


Enable high level threshold crossing output (HLTZ)

Enable threshold crossing event detection.


Enable modulator clock failure interrupt

Enable the interrupt for modulator clock failure.


Enable data filter acknowledge interrupt

Enable the interrupt for new data acknowledgment.


Enable comparator higher threshold (HLT)

Enable to detect an over-value condition.


Enable comparator lower threshold (LLT)

Enable to detect an under-value condition.


Synchronize SD Data with PLLCLK

Select to synchronize the data input to a filter with the PLL clock.


Synchronize SD Clock with PLLCLK

Select to synchronize the clock input to a filter with the PLL clock.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Communication interface

Select the type of communication interface to run your model.


SCI module

Select the serial communication interface module.


Serial port in MATLAB preferences

Select the COM port used by the target hardware.


Analog subsystem

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

External references for VREFHIx

Allows using an external voltage


High voltage reference.3.3

Overrun detection

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Enable overrun detection

Enable to notify when task overrun

Set/Clear/toggle GPIO

Enable to select GPIO action.on

Digital output pin to set an overrun

Specify the GPIO number of a digital output.34

GPIO set mode

Select the GPIO mode. Set

Additional notification option

Select the additional option to notify when task overrun occurs.None

PIE number

Specify the PIE number for the interrupt to trigger on overrun.1

CPU number

Specify the CPU number for the interrupt to trigger on overrun.1

Name of the function

Specify the name of the C function to call on overrun.C2000_OverunFunction


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

INPUT# pin assignment

Specify the GPIO pin for input X-BAR.None


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

OUTPUT# MUX select

Select the output multiplexer(MUX).Disable all

Select MUX input

Select the input to the MUX selected for OUTPUT# MUX select.X:Disable


Indicates the input signal selected for each output MUX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Option to reset the MUX inputs selected. 

OUTPUT# pin assignment

Select the GPIO pin for the output X-BAR MUX signals.GPIO#

Enable OUTPUT# latch

Enables the output latch to drive the respective output

Invert OUTPUT#

Inverts the output X-BAR


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

AUXSIG# MUX select

Select the MUX to map the signal to AUXSIG# MUX.Disable all

Select MUX input

Select the input to the MUX selected for AUXSIG# MUX select.X:Disable


Indicates the input signal selected for each AUXSIG MUX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Option to reset the MUX inputs selected. 

Invert AUXSIG#

Inverts the CLB X-BAR signal or Inverts the AUXSIG#


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Enable CLB Tile #

Select this option to enable the CLB

Tile # Name

Specify the tile name. This tile name will be used to generate the required function declaration and calling the function for CLB tile configuration file (clb_config.c and clb_config.h) generated using CLB tool. The tile names entered here should be an exact match with the tile name set in CLB tool to generate the file.TILE#

IN# MUX selection

Configure the signal source type for the IN# mux. The type of signal can be global inputs, local inputs and GPREG.Global inputs


Configure the peripheral signal as input to the CLB tile.ePWM#A

Input filtering

Configure the type of input filtering for the signal type Global inputs and Local inputs. This option will be disabled for GPREG as it is not applicable. No filtering

Enable sync

Configure the synchronization option (SYNC) for the Global inputs and Local inputs IN# mux selection only. This option is not applicable for GPREG type and will be disabled for the

Route OUT# signal to

Option to enable routing the CLB output signal to the peripheral instead of the default peripheral signal. Each CLB output signal passes through an external multiplexer that intersects a specific peripheral signal. If the options in this parameter is enabled it will route the CLB output for the specific peripheral instead of the original peripheral signal.

CLB configuration header file (clb_config.h)

Provide the paths for the CLB configuration header file clb_config.h generated using CLB tool. This file holds the required function declarations and headers used to configure the CLB tile. clb_config.h

CLB configuration source file (clb_config.c)

Provide the paths for the CLB configuration source file clb_config.c generated using CLB tool. This file holds the required function definitions used to configure the CLB tile. clb_config.c


Click this button to browse the path for the file selection.  


Click this button to open the existing file for editing in MATLAB editor. 

HRCAP Model Configuration

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

HRCAP pin assignment

Select the GPIO pin for the respective HRCAP module.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Protocol mode

Select the CAN type. Classic CAN or CAN-FD.CAN-FD

MCAN module clock frequency (=connectivity manager (ARM Cortex-M) clock)in MHz

Displays the MCAN module clock frequency in MHz.100

MCAN bit clock frequency (MCAN module clock freq/4) in MHz

Displays the MCAN bit clock frequency in MHz.25

Nominal bit rate prescaler (NBRP: 1 to 512)

Nominal bit rate prescaler. The value by which the oscillator frequency is divided for generating the bit time quanta.1

Nominal time segment 1 (NTSEG1: 2 to 256)

Nominal time segment before sample point.22

Nominal time segment 2 (NTSEG2: 2 to 128)

Nominal time segment after sample point.2

Closest achievable nominal baud rate (MCAN bit clock/NBRP/(NTSEG1+NTSEG2)) in bits/sec

Closest achievable nominal MCAN baud rate in bits/sec.1000000

Nominal re-synchronization jump width (NSJW: 1 to 128)

Nominal Resynchronization Jump Width (NSJW).1

Enable bit rate switching

Enables bit rate switching between nominal bit rate and data bit rate. off

Data bit rate prescaler (DBRP: 1 to 32)

Data Bit Rate Prescaler (DBRP). The value by which the oscillator frequency is divided for generating the bit time quanta.1

Data time segment 1 (DTSEG1: 1 to 32)

Data time segment before sample point (DTSEG1).22

Data time segment 2 (DTSEG2: 1 to 16)

Data time segment after sample point (DTSEG2).2

Data baud rate (MCAN bit clock/DBRP/(DTSEG1+DTSEG2)) in bits/sec

Closest achievable MCAN data baud rate calculated based on data parameters and given formula.1000000

Data re-synchronization jump width (DSJW: 1 to 16))

Data resynchronization jump width (DSJW).1


Select the operating mode for MCAN.Normal

Pin assignment(Tx)

Select a GPIO pin for the MCAN data transmission.GPIO 31

Pin assignment(Rx)

Select a GPIO pin for the MCAN data reception.GPIO 30

Transmission mode

Select the mode of transmission.FIFO

Enable blocking mode for Rx FIFO 0

Enable blocking mode for FIFO 0 data

Enable blocking mode for Rx FIFO 1

Enable blocking mode for FIFO 1 data

Update global filter configuration

Enable this parameter to update standard and extended filter IDs. off

Reject remote frames standard

Rejects all remote frames with 11-bit standard IDs when enabled else the remote frames will be filtered as per the settings from Update standard filter elements. off

Reject remote frames extended

Rejects all remote frames with 29-bit extended IDs when enabled else the remote frames will be filtered as per the settings from Update extended filter elements. off

Non-matching frames extended

Defines how received messages with 11-bit standard IDs that do not match any element from Update standard filter elements are treated.Accept in Rx FIFO 0

Non-matching frames standard

Defines how received messages with 29-bit extended IDs that do not match any element from Update extended filter elements are treated.Accept in Rx FIFO 0

Update standard filter elements

Enable this parameter to update the standard 11bit ID filter elements

Select standard filter

Select the standard message ID filter elements.0

Filter # configuration

Select the standard filter element configuration.Disable filter element

Filter # type (filter type will be ignored if filter configuration is stored into Rx buffer)

Select the standard filter type.Classic ID and mask filter (ID1 = filter, ID2 = mask)

Filter # ID1

Specify the standard Filter ID 1.0

Filter # ID2

Specify the standard Filter ID 2.0

Update extended filter elements

Enable to update the extended filter

Select extended filter

Select the extended message ID filter elements.0

Filter # configuration

Select extended filter element configuration.Disable filter element

Filter # type (filter type will be ignored if filter configuration is stored into Rx buffer)

Select the extended filter type.Classic ID and mask filter (ID1 = filter, ID2 = mask)

Filter # ID1

Specify the first ID of extended ID filter element. 0

Filter # ID2

Specify the second ID of extended ID filter element.0

Display configured extended and standard filters elements in command window

Click on Display configured extended and standard filters elements in command window button to view the configured standard and extended filter elements in MATLAB command window. 

Reset standard filters configurations

Click Reset standard filters configurations to reset the configured standard filter configurations. 

Reset extended filters configurations

Click Reset extended filters configurations to reset the configured extended filter configurations. 

Configure memory

Select to configure the memory and its

Maximum element size in TX FIFO (in bytes)

Select the maximum data size of CAN FD message in transmit FIFO.64

Maximum element size in RX FIFO 0 (in bytes)

Select the maximum data size of CAN FD message in receive FIFO 0.64

Maximum element size in RX FIFO 1 (in bytes)

Select the maximum data size of CAN FD message in receive FIFO 1.64

Maximum element size in RX buffer (in bytes)

Select the maximum data size of CAN FD message in receive buffer.64

Number of elements in TX FIFO Queue

Select the number of elements (data + header CAN FD message) in transmit FIFO/Queue.32

Number of elements in RX FIFO 0

Select the number of elements (data + header CAN FD message) in receive FIFO 0. Auto allocate

Number of elements in RX FIFO 1

Select the number of elements (data + header CAN FD message) in receive FIFO 1.Auto allocate

Validate memory

Click Validate memory button to validate all the memory configurations. 

Configure receive interrupt sources

Select this option to display receive interrupt sources for

Configure RX buffer interrupt sources

Select this option to display buffer interrupt sources for

Dedicated RX buffer message

Select the dedicated interrupt line for receive buffer message.Disable

High priority message

Select the dedicated interrupt line for high priority message.Disable

Configure RX FIFO 0 interrupt sources

Select this option to display receive FIFO 0 interrupt sources for

RX FIFO 0 new message

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 0 new message.Disable

RX FIFO 0 full

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 0 full.Disable

RX FIFO 0 message lost

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 0 message lost.Disable

RX FIFO 0 watermark

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 0 watermark.Disable

Configure RX FIFO 1 interrupt sources

Select this option to display receive FIFO 1 interrupt sources for

RX FIFO 1 new message

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 1 new message.Disable

RX FIFO 1 full

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 1 full.Disable

RX FIFO 1 message lost

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 1 message lost.Disable

RX FIFO 1 watermark

Select the interrupt line for receive FIFO 1 watermark. Disable

Configure transmit interrupt sources

Select this option to display transmit interrupt sources for

Configure TX FIFO interrupt sources

Enable to configure the transmit FIFO interrupt

Transmission complete

Select the transmission interrupt line for transfer complete.Disable

Transmission cancellation finish

Select the transmission interrupt line for transfer cancellation finish.Disable

TX FIFO empty

Select the transmission interrupt line for TX FIFO empty.Disable

Configure TX event FIFO interrupt sources

Select this option to display transmit event FIFO interrupt sources for

TX event FIFO new entry

Select the transmission interrupt line for TX event FIFO new entry.Disable

TX event FIFO element lost

Select the transmission interrupt line for TX event FIFO element lost.Disable

TX event FIFO full

Select the transmission interrupt line for TX event FIFO full.Disable

TX event FIFO watermark

Select the transmission interrupt line for TX event FIFO watermark.Disable

Configure other interrupt sources

Select this option to display other interrupt sources for

Timestamp wraparound

Select the interrupt line for timestamp wraparound interrupt.Disable

Timeout occurred

Select the interrupt line for timeout occurred interrupt.Disable

Error logging overflow

Select the interrupt line for error logging overflow interrupt.Disable

Warning status

Select the interrupt line for warning status interrupt.Disable

Watchdog event

Select the interrupt line for watchdog event interrupt.Disable

Data protocol error

Select the interrupt line for data protocol error interrupt.Disable

Message RAM access failure

Select the interrupt line for message RAM access failure interrupt.Disable

Bit error uncorrected

Select the interrupt line for bit error uncorrected interrupt. Disable

Error passive status

Select the interrupt line for error passive status interrupt.Disable

Bus off status

Select the interrupt line for bus off status interrupt. Disable

Arbitration protocol error

Select the interrupt line for arbitration protocol error interrupt.Disable

Reserved address access

Select the interrupt line for reserved address access interrupt.Disable

For more information on selecting a hardware board and general configuration settings, see Hardware Implementation Pane.

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