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DACx reference voltage

Select the reference voltage for the DAC channel A, B, or C. In this case, x represents the DAC channel A, B, or C.

  • ADC reference voltage (VREFHIA/VREFHIB) — The reference voltage used for the ADC. You can use this as reference voltage VREFHIA for DAC A, DAC B and VREFHIB for DAC C.

  • External reference voltage through ADCINB0 (VDAC) — A separate external reference voltage for DAC. Ensure that you connect the ADCINB0 pin to the supply voltage.

DACx synchronization signal

Select the synchronization signal to load the value from the writable shadow register into the active register. In this case, x represents the DAC channel A, B, or C.

  • SYSCLK — Loads the value from the writable shadow register DACVALS into the active register DACVALA on the next clock cycle.

  • PWMSYNC1–12 (EPWMxSYNCPER) — Loads the value from the writable shadow register DACVALS into the active register DACVALA on the next PWM synchronization event.

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