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Build options

Defines how Simulink® Coder™ software responds when you press Ctrl+B to build your model.

Build action

Default: Build, load, and run

Build, load, and run

With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into a shared object called

  3. Detects if a PX4® flight controller is connected over Bluetooth.

  4. Loads the into the connected PX4 flight controller.

  5. Runs the in the PX4 flight controller.


With this option, pressing Ctrl+B or clicking Build Model:

  1. Generates code from the model.

  2. Compiles and links the code into a shared object called

This option does not load and run the on the PX4 flight controller.

CMake configuration

This parameter is used to select the CMake configuration file that will be used for building the PX4 firmware.

If you have performed the Hardware Setup process, this field contains the name of the CMake file that you selected during that process. Click Change CMake Configuration to launch the Hardware Setup screens again and change the CMake file.

Automatically determine serial port for firmware upload

Use this parameter to automatically determine the serial port for firmware upload, based on the hardware connections.


This parameter does not appear if you select the Hardware board as PX4 Host Target.

Serial port for firmware upload

Use this parameter to enter the name of the serial port of the host computer to which the PX4 flight controller is connected over USB, for firmware upload.


This parameter does not appear if you select the Hardware board as PX4 Host Target.

Serial port for NuttX (NSH) Terminal

Use this parameter to enter the name of the serial port of the host computer used for NuttX connection (to launch the NSH shell on the hardware).

Allow flashing FMUv3 CMake configuration on Pixhawk 1

This option appears only if you select PX4Pixhawk® 1 or PX4 Pixhawk Series as the Hardware Board. Select this parameter if you need to allow flashing FMUv3 configuration on Pixhawk 1.


This option should be carefully used because enabling this option will result in the following:

  • There will not be any check either for the selected CMake compatibility on the connected Pixhawk controller or for any silicon errata on the Pixhawk board.

  • If the CMake is not compatible with the Pixhawk controller, the entire board can get into a faulty state.

Hence, only use this option if you have connected Pixhawk 1 and you want to flash FMUv3 CMake on Pixhawk 1.


Use this parameter to select the simulator that is used as part of PX4 Software-in-the-loop (PX4 SITL).


This parameter appears only if you select the Hardware board as PX4 Host Target.



See Also


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