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Write single sample to specified measurement


writeSingleValue(xcpch,measurementName,value) writes a single value to the specified measurement through the configured XCP channel. The values are written directly to the memory on the server module.



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Create an XCP channel and write a single value for the Triangle measurement directly to memory.

Link an A2L file to your session.

a2l = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l')

Create an XCP channel and connect it to the server module

xcpch = xcpChannel(a2lfile,'CAN','Vector','Virtual 1',1);

Write the value 10 to the 'Triangle' measurement.


Input Arguments

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XCP channel, specified as an XCP channel object created using xcpChannel. The XCP channel object can then communicate with the specified server module defined by the A2L file.

Name of a single XCP measurement specified as a character vector or string. Make sure measurementName matches the corresponding measurement name defined in your A2L file.

Data Types: char | string

Value of the selected measurement, returned as a numeric value.

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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