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DWT filter bank frame bounds


[a,b] = framebounds(fb) returns the frame bounds for the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) filter bank fb. For an orthogonal wavelet filter bank, the theoretical frame bounds a and b are equal to 1.



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Obtain the frame bounds for the orthogonal Daubechies db6 wavelet.

wv = 'db6';
fb = dwtfilterbank('Wavelet',wv)
fb = 
  dwtfilterbank with properties:

                Wavelet: 'db6'
           SignalLength: 1024
                  Level: 6
      SamplingFrequency: 1
             FilterType: 'Analysis'
    CustomWaveletFilter: []
    CustomScalingFilter: []

[a,b] = framebounds(fb)
a = 
b = 

The filter bank has the default filter type Analysis. Create a second filter bank using the same orthogonal wavelet but with the filter type Synthesis. Obtain the frame bounds of this filter bank, which are equal to the previous frame bounds.

fbSynthesis = dwtfilterbank('Wavelet',wv,'FilterType','Synthesis');
[a2,b2] = framebounds(fbSynthesis)
a2 = 
b2 = 

Create a filter bank for the biorthogonal bior3.9 wavelet. Obtain the frame bounds. The frame bounds are not equal to 1.

wv = 'bior3.9';
fbA = dwtfilterbank('Wavelet',wv);
[c,d] = framebounds(fbA)
c = 
d = 

Create a second filter bank using the same biorthogonal wavelet but with the filter type Synthesis. Obtain the frame bounds of this filter bank. Since the wavelet is biorthogonal, the frame bounds change.

fbASynthesis = dwtfilterbank('Wavelet',wv,'FilterType','Synthesis');
[c2,d2] = framebounds(fbASynthesis)
c2 = 
d2 = 

Input Arguments

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Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) filter bank, specified as a dwtfilterbank object.

Output Arguments

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Lower frame bound of the DWT filter bank fb, returned as a positive real number.

Upper frame bound of the DWT filter bank fb, returned as a positive real number.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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