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Calculate HE or WUR PSDU length


psduLength = getPSDULength(cfg) calculates the PSDU length for high-efficiency (HE) or wake-up radio (WUR) transmission parameters cfg.



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Get the PSDU length of HE single-user (HE SU) and HE multi-user (HE MU) configuration objects.

Get HE SU PSDU Length

Create an HE SU configuration object. Get and display the PSDU length for the configured transmission.

cfgHESU = wlanHESUConfig;
psduLength = getPSDULength(cfgHESU)
psduLength = 

Get HE MU PSDU Lengths

Create an HE MU configuration object with the allocation index set to 5, which configures a transmission with seven users. Get and display the PSDU lengths for the configured transmission.

cfgHEMU = wlanHEMUConfig(5);
psduLength = getPSDULength(cfgHEMU)
psduLength = 1×7

   100   100   202   100   100   100   202

Create a wake-up radio (WUR) configuration object for a transmission with four subchannels and four transmit antennas.

cfgWUR = wlanWURConfig(4,NumTransmitAntennas=4);

Calculate the PSDU lengths for the transmission and display the result.

psduLength = getPSDULength(cfgWUR)
psduLength = 1×4

     8     8     8     8

Input Arguments

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HE or WUR transmission parameters, specified as one of these objects: wlanHEMUConfig, wlanHESUConfig, wlanHETBConfig, wlanHERecoveryConfig, or wlanWURConfig.

Output Arguments

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PSDU length, in bytes, returned as a positive integer or row vector of size 1-by-N, where N is the number of users in the transmission. For an HE transmission, N is an integer in the interval [1, 74]. For WUR transmissions, N is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

For more information about N in HE transmissions, see the ruInfo function. The NumUsers field of the info output corresponds to N.

Data Types: double

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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