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Demodulate VHT-LTF waveform


sym = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rx,cfg) returns a demodulated VHT-LTF1 waveform y by demodulating time-domain input signal rx for very high throughput (VHT) transmission parameters cfg.


sym = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rx,cbw,numSTS) specifies channel bandwidth cbw and number of space-time streams numSTS.


sym = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(___,symOffset) specifies the OFDM symbol offset as a fraction of the cyclic prefix length.



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Create a VHT format configuration object.

vht = wlanVHTConfig;

Generate a VHT-LTF signal.

txVHTLTF = wlanVHTLTF(vht);

Add white noise to the signal.

rxVHTLTF = awgn(txVHTLTF,1);

Demodulate the received signal.

y = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxVHTLTF,vht);

Specify a VHT format configuration object and generate a VHT-LTF.

vht = wlanVHTConfig;
txltf = wlanVHTLTF(vht);

Multiply the transmitted VHT-LTF by 0.1 + 0.1i. Pass the signal through an AWGN channel.

rxltfNoNoise = txltf * complex(0.1,0.1);
rxltf = awgn(rxltfNoNoise,20,'measured');

Demodulated the received VHT-LTF with a symbol offset of 0.5.

dltf = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxltf,vht,0.5);

Estimate the channel using the demodulated VHT-LTF. Plot the result.

chEst = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(dltf,vht);

Figure Scatter Plot contains an axes object. The axes object with title Scatter plot, xlabel In-Phase, ylabel Quadrature contains a line object which displays its values using only markers. This object represents Channel 1.

The estimate is very close to the previously introduced 0.1+0.1i multiplier.

Configure a VHT-format configuration object with two paths.

vht = wlanVHTConfig('NumTransmitAntennas',2,'NumSpaceTimeStreams',2);

Generate a random PSDU and create the corresponding VHT waveform.

txPSDU = randi([0 1],8*vht.PSDULength,1);
txSig = wlanWaveformGenerator(txPSDU,vht);

Pass the signal through a TGac 2x2 MIMO channel.

tgacChan = wlanTGacChannel('NumTransmitAntennas',2,'NumReceiveAntennas',2, ...
    'LargeScaleFadingEffect','Pathloss and shadowing');
rxSigNoNoise = tgacChan(txSig);

Add AWGN to the received signal. Set the noise variance for the case in which the receiver has a 9-dB noise figure.

nVar = 10^((-228.6+10*log10(290)+10*log10(80e6)+9)/10);
awgnChan = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod','Variance','Variance',nVar);
rxSig = awgnChan(rxSigNoNoise);

Determine the indices for the VHT-LTF and extract the field from the received signal.

indVHT = wlanFieldIndices(vht,'VHT-LTF');
rxLTF = rxSig(indVHT(1):indVHT(2),:);

Demodulate the VHT-LTF and estimate the channel coefficients.

dLTF = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxLTF,vht);
chEst = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(dLTF,vht);

Extract the VHT-Data field and recover the information bits.

indData = wlanFieldIndices(vht,'VHT-Data');
rxData = rxSig(indData(1):indData(2),:);
rxPSDU = wlanVHTDataRecover(rxData,chEst,nVar,vht);

Determine the number of bit errors.

numErrs = biterr(txPSDU,rxPSDU)
numErrs = 

Recover bits from the VHT-Data field of a VHT multi-user transmission recovered from a fading MU-MIMO channel by using channel estimation on the VHT-LTF.

This example can return high bit error rates because the transmission does not include precoding to mitigate the interference between space-time streams. However, the example shows a typical VHT signal recovery workflow and appropriate syntax use for the functions.

Configure a VHT transmission with a channel bandwidth of 160 MHz, two users, and four transmit antennas. Assign one space-time stream to the first user and three space-time streams to the second user.

cbw = 'CBW160';
numSTS = [1 3];
cfgVHT = wlanVHTConfig('ChannelBandwidth',cbw,'NumUsers',2, ...

Generate a payload of bits for each user. This payload must be in a 1-by-N cell array, where N is the number of users.

psduLength = 8*cfgVHT.PSDULength;
numUsers = cfgVHT.NumUsers;
bits = cell(1,2);
for nu = 1:numUsers
    bits{nu} = randi([0 1],psduLength(nu),1);

Generate VHT-LTF and VHT-Data field signals.

txLTF  = wlanVHTLTF(cfgVHT); 
txDataSym = wlanVHTData(bits,cfgVHT);

Pass the VHT-Data field signal for the first user through a 4x1 channel because this signal consists of a single space-time stream. Pass the VHT-Data field for the second user through a 4x3 channel because this signal consists of three space-time streams. Apply AWGN to each signal, assuming an SNR of 15 dB.

snr = 15; 
H{1} = complex(randn(4,1),randn(4,1))/sqrt(2);
H{2} = complex(randn(4,3),randn(4,3))/sqrt(2);
number = zeros(2,1);
ratio = zeros(2,1);
for userIdx = 1:numUsers
    rxDataSym = awgn(txDataSym*H{userIdx},snr,'measured');

Apply the same channel processing to the VHT-LTF for each user.

    rxLTF = awgn(txLTF*H{userIdx},snr,'measured');

Calculate the received signal power for each user and estimate the noise variance.

    powerDB = 10*log10(var(rxDataSym));
    noiseVarEst = mean(10.^(0.1*(powerDB-snr)));

Estimate the channel characteristics by using the VHT-LTF.

    demod = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxLTF,cbw,numSTS);
    chEst = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(demod,cbw,numSTS);

Recover the bits from the received VHT-Data field for each user and determine the bit error rate by comparing the recovered bits with the original payload bits.

    dataBits = wlanVHTDataRecover(rxDataSym,chEst,noiseVarEst,cfgVHT,userIdx);
    [number(userIdx),ratio(userIdx)] = biterr(bits{userIdx},dataBits);

Input Arguments

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Received time-domain signal, specified as a complex-valued matrix of size Ns-by-Nr.

  • Ns is the number of time-domain samples. If Ns is not an integer multiple of the OFDM symbol length, Ls, for the specified field,then the function ignores the remaining mod(Ns,Ls) symbols.

  • Nr is the number of receive antennas.

Data Types: double | single
Complex Number Support: Yes

VHT format configuration, specified as a wlanVHTConfig object.

Channel bandwidth, specified as 'CBW20', 'CBW40', 'CBW80', or 'CBW160'. If the transmission has multiple users, the same channel bandwidth is applied to all users.

Data Types: char | string

Number of space-time streams in the transmission, specified as a scalar or vector.

  • For a single user, the number of space-time streams is an integer scalar from 1 to 8.

  • For multiple users, the number of space-time streams is a 1-by-NUsers vector of integers from 1 to 4, where the vector length, NUsers, is an integer from 1 to 4.

Example: [1 3 2] indicates that one space-time stream is assigned to user 1, three space-time streams are assigned to user 2, and two space-time streams are assigned to user 3.


The sum of the space-time stream vector elements must not exceed eight.

OFDM symbol sampling offset, as a fraction of the cyclic prefix length, specified as a scalar in the interval [0, 1].

The value that you specify indicates the start location for OFDM demodulation relative to the beginning of the cyclic prefix.

Different values of OFDM symbol sampling offset

Example: 0.45

Data Types: double | single

Output Arguments

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Demodulated frequency-domain signal, returned as a complex-valued array of size Nsc-by-Nsym-by-Nr.

  • Nsc is the number of active occupied subcarriers in the demodulated field.

  • Nsym is the number of OFDM symbols.

  • Nr is the number of receive antennas.

Data Types: double | single
Complex Number Support: Yes

More About

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The very high throughput long training field (VHT-LTF) is between the VHT-STF and VHT-SIG-B portion of the VHT packet.

The VHT-LTF in the VHT packet

It is used for MIMO channel estimation and pilot subcarrier tracking. The VHT-LTF includes one VHT long training symbol for each spatial stream indicated by the selected modulation and coding scheme (MCS). Each symbol is 4 μs long. A maximum of eight symbols are permitted in the VHT-LTF.

For a detailed description of the VHT-LTF, see Section of IEEE® Std 802.11™-2016.


[1] IEEE Std 802.11ac™-2013 IEEE Standard for Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements — Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications — Amendment 4: Enhancements for Very High Throughput for Operation in Bands below 6 GHz.

[2] IEEE Std 802.11™-2012 IEEE Standard for Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements — Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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1 IEEE Std 802.11ac™-2013 Adapted and reprinted with permission from IEEE. Copyright IEEE 2013. All rights reserved.

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