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pdepe: Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed

9 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Hi, I'm trying to solve a system of transient convection diffusion reaction equations composed of 5 identical format PDEs. The function is below:
where d is the diffusivity, v is the velocity, G is the reaction term. The system is in cylindrical coorcinates. The problem is when if I remove the convection term in my code, it worked well. But if I added the convection term back in, the error came out: Warning: Failure at t=3.656244e-01. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (8.881784e-16) at time t.
I don't know why this would happen. Could someone please help me? Thank you very much! Below is my code:
%main calling function
function model
m = 1;
x = linspace(0, 2.8, 29);
t = linspace(0, 200, 201);
sol = pdepe(m, @model_pde, @model_ic, @model_bc, x, t);
u_Ia = sol(:,:,1);
surf(x, t, u_Ia)
title ('Numerical solution of Ia')
xlabel('Distance x')
ylabel ('Time t')
[C, h] = contour(t, x, u_Ia', [350, 350], 'b')
xlabel('Time (min)')
ylabel('Clot Radius (mm)')
%boundary conditions
function [pl, ql, pr, qr] = model_bc(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)
pl = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
ql = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1];
pr = [0; 0; 0; 0; 0];
qr = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1];
%initial conditions
function u0 = model_ic(x)
u0 = [7000*(1-heaviside(x-2.5)); 2.18*heaviside(x-2.5); 2180*heaviside(x-2.5); 447.7*heaviside(x-2.5); 105*heaviside(x-2.5)];
%pde function
function [c, f, s] = model_pde(x, t, u, DuDx)
h_1 = 1500;
H_1m = 250000;
k_pla_upa = 60;
K_plam_upa = 50000;
h_pla = 0.096;
flow_rate = 10*10^3;
v = flow_rate / (pi*(2.4^2-(x/2)^2));
t_initial = 20;
a = 5*10^-2;
b = 5*10^-3;
m = 9*10^-6;
d = 5*10^-8;
e = 1;
rate = 1+a*v^1+b*v^2+m*v^3;
logi = 1/(1+exp(-(t - t_initial/(1+d*v^e))));
d_ia = 1.482*10^-3*logi;
d_pla = 2.958*10^-3*logi;
d_pls = 2.886*10^-3*logi;
d_l2ap = 3.15*10^-3*logi;
d_upa = 4.446*10^-3*logi;
G_Ia =-h_1*u(2)*u(1)/(H_1m+u(1));
G_PLA_generate = k_pla_upa*u(4)*u(3)/(K_plam_upa+u(3));
G_PLA_deplete = -h_pla*u(2)*u(5);
G_PLS = -k_pla_upa*u(4)*u(3)/(K_plam_upa+u(3));
G_uPA = 0;
G_L2AP = -h_pla*u(2)*u(5);
c = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1];
s = [G_Ia*rate*logi; G_PLA_generate*rate*logi + G_PLA_deplete*logi; G_PLS*rate*logi; G_uPA*logi; G_L2AP*logi];
f = [d_ia; d_pla; d_pls; d_upa; d_l2ap] .* DuDx - [v*u(1); v*u(2); v*u(3); v*u(4); v*u(5)];
% f = [d_ia; d_pla; d_pls; d_upa; d_l2ap] .* DuDx; %if there were no convection term, the code worked well

Respuesta aceptada

Bill Greene
Bill Greene el 28 de Nov. de 2013
pdepe is designed for PDEs where the diffusion term is relatively large compared with the convection term. In your equations the convection terms are much larger than the diffusion terms. A key parameter is the cell Peclet number which is c*h/(2*d) where c is the convection coefficient, d is the diffusion coefficient, and h is the size of each cell (element) in the mesh. For the algorithm to be stable this number should be less than one. You can find discussion of this in books on numerical methods for convection-diffusion equations. (e.g. page 508 in
Some approaches for solving this class of problem add some "artificial" diffusion-- i.e. a larger diffusion coefficient than actually exists. You might try this and see how that affects the solution. Also, you have a relatively coarse mesh with only 29 elements along the 2.8 unit length. In general, the mesh density affects accuracy and, in this case, also the stability of the method. I recommend experimenting with a single, simple convection diffusion equation to get a feel for how these parameters affect the solution.
Finally, I noticed one thing about your problem that seems odd. The length is 2.8 units, the velocity is on the order of 550, and you are solving the equations for a time span of 200. It seems like whatever is being convected will be transported well off the model long before you reach the final time?
Hope this helps.
  3 comentarios
Zhen el 29 de Nov. de 2013
The diffusion coefficient I transfered was in mm^2/min. Sorry for the typo above.
Bill Greene
Bill Greene el 29 de Nov. de 2013
>If I add some other large diffusion coefficient, how can I transfer back to the real one? Introducing artificial diffusion definitely introduces some error in the solution so the idea is to introduce as little as possible. That is the major defect to this approach.
If you want to understand more about the difficulties of solving this class of problem and the appropriate numerical techniques, I suggest this book:

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tom_brot el 20 de Mzo. de 2015


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