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Is there a way to make this code output a plot with curved lines?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
When I run this code it outputs a plot with lines straight across rather than curved.
Is there a way to fix this?
%Clearing all values to ensure code runs properly
clc; clear;
% Initiating timer
% Setting number of data points 'n' to 100 as to analyze 100 incrimiates of θ_2
% between 0 and 2PI
n = 360;
% Defining known variables R1, R2, R3, and R4 in meters
r2 = 1.402;
r3 = 0.701;
r4 = 0.701;
% Defining known and angle theta1 and setting input
% angle of θ_2 to have 'n' number of incriminates from 0 to 2PI
th1 = 0;
th2 = linspace(0,2*pi,n);
% Defining inital guesses for each unknown value theta3,theta4,theta5,
% and R5 in radians/meters
th3guess = -0.87;
th4guess = 0.87;
th5guess = 0.9;
r5guess = 1.2;
% Pre allocated a nx4 matrix of zeros to improve speed. This is done because as
% each position of θ_2 is solved, 4 variables (th3,th4,th5,R5)
% will be solved.
m = zeros(n,4);
% Beginning 'for' loop to iterativly solve for each unknown variable,
% evaluating each postion of theta 2 from postion in column 1 to column 'n'
% This iterative process is done using the NR function which is a Newton
% Raphson function definied later in the function section.
for i = 1:n
% In this function th3, th4, th5, and R5 are outputs to the function and inital guesses,
% known values, and 'n' positions of θ_2 are inputs
[th3,th4,th5,r5] = NR(th1,th2(i),th3guess,th4guess,th5guess,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5guess);
% Each loop produces th3, R3, R4, and R5 for the correspoinding
% position of th2
th3guess = th3;
th4guess = th4;
th5guess = th5;
r5guess = r5;
% 'm(i,:)' saves output data from each loop into a matrix for ease of
% analysis
m(i,:) = [th3,th4,th5,r5];
th2plot = th2';
th3plot = (m(:,1));
th4plot = (m(:,2));
th5plot = (m(:,3));
r5plot = (m(:,4));
% Minimum, maximum, and index values in the matrix are applied to each solved variable.
% This is done to identify minimum and maximum points of
% data in each array and also to have their corresponding index value catalogged
[minvalth3,minidxth3] = min(th3plot);
[maxvalth3,maxidxth3] = max(th3plot);
[minvalth4,minidxth4] = min(th4plot);
[maxvalth4,maxidxth4] = max(th4plot);
[minvalth5,minidxth5] = min(th5plot);
[maxvalth5,maxidxth5] = max(th5plot);
[minvalR5,minidxR5] = min(r5plot);
[maxvalR5,maxidxR5] = max(r5plot);
% various 'lbl_dwn' is created to ease in the position of labels that are to be
% placed on the plot
lbl_dwn = 0.1*min(th3);
lbl_dwn3 = 0.1*min(th4);
lbl_dwn4 = 0.1*min(th5);
lbl_dwn5 = 0.1*min(r5);
% Solved values from the Newton Raphson function for each postion of th2 is
% plotted w.r.t. th2.
hold on;
grid on;
% 'xticks' and 'xtickleabels' provide for a clear and consice notation for
% labeling the x axis as th2's position is denoted in radians.
xticks([0 pi/4 pi/2 (3*pi)/4 pi (5*pi)/4 (3*pi)/2 (7*pi)/4 2*pi])
% 'yticks' sets number of y axis tick values.
yticks([-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6])
% Here both x and y axis are labeled
xlabel('Θ_2 (Radians)')
% the legend is placed in 'best fit' and is defined in smaller font as to not distract
% from plot data. A title is also provided here.
title('Position Analysis')
hold off
% Max position change for link and angle limits (radians and inches)
th3limit = max(th3plot) - min(th3plot)
th4limit = max(th4plot) - min(th4plot)
th5limit = max(th5plot) - min(th5plot)
r5limit = max(r5plot) - min(r5plot)
% Ending timer
function [th3,th4,th5,r5] = NR(~,~,th3guess,th4guess,th5guess,~,r2,r3,r4,r5guess)
% Function 'NR' is a Newton Raphson function that inputs known/defined
% variables, an input variable 'th2', as well as inital guesses for unknown
% function uses Ax = b --> x = A\b (backslash method) to iteratively produce
% and update guesses until the output meets the defined convergence criterion
% for convergence is met, the solution of unknown 'x' array of variables is
% Setting criterion for convergence as 1e-6
epsilon = 1e-6;
% Initial residual matrix formulation
f = [-(0 + r3.*cos(th3guess) - r4.*cos(th4guess));...
-(r2 + r3.*sin(th3guess) - r4.*sin(th4guess));...
-(cos(th3guess) + r5guess.*cos(th5guess) - cos(th4guess));...
-(sin(th3guess) + r5guess.*sin(th5guess) - sin(th4guess))];
% iteration counter begins at 0
iter = 0;
% while statement confirming convergence criterion using 'norm' function
% for residual
while norm(f)>epsilon
% for each 'while' loop iteration 1 is added to iteration counter
iter = iter + 1;
% Jacobian for data is set to be evaluated
J = [-r3.*sin(th3guess),r4.*sin(th4guess),0,0;...
% change in all variabels in displayed by 'dth' which builds a matrix
% of values to be added to inital guesses.
dth = J\f;
th3guess = th3guess+dth(1);
th4guess = th4guess+dth(2);
th5guess = th5guess+dth(3);
r5guess = r5guess+dth(4);
% residual is now redifined with updated guesses and loop continues
% until convergence is reached and unknown 'x' values are produced.
f = [-(0 + r3.*cos(th3guess) - r4.*cos(th4guess));...
-(r2 + r3.*sin(th3guess) - r4.*sin(th4guess));...
-(cos(th3guess) + r5guess.*cos(th5guess) - cos(th4guess));...
-(sin(th3guess) + r5guess.*sin(th5guess) - sin(th4guess))];
% setting break criterion is iterations do not converge.
if iter > 100
% converged values of unknown variables are output as th3 for
% theta3, th4 for theta4, th5 for theta5,and r5
th3 = th3guess;
th4 = th4guess;
th5 = th5guess;
r5 = r5guess;
  3 comentarios
Bryan Tassin
Bryan Tassin el 23 de Feb. de 2022
I thought that was the reason. Any suggestions on how to debug?
Stephen23 el 23 de Feb. de 2022
"Any suggestions on how to debug?"
Ultimately debugging comes down to running code line-by-line and checking that each line produces the expected ouput. There is no "shortcut" or "easy way to debug", you just have to do it. Some tools to help you:

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Respuesta aceptada

AndresVar el 23 de Feb. de 2022
Editada: AndresVar el 23 de Feb. de 2022
There might be an issue with your f or your jacobian
After the first th2, your f~0 so norm(f)~0 and there are no convergence iterations, even if you remove tolerance, dth~0 so solution doesn't change in 100 iterations.
Also your jabocian doesn't match your f. Compare you j with the last 2 rows here
syms th3guess th4guess th5guess r5guess r4 r3 r2
f = [-(0 + r3.*cos(th3guess) - r4.*cos(th4guess));...
-(r2 + r3.*sin(th3guess) - r4.*sin(th4guess));...
-(cos(th3guess) + r5guess.*cos(th5guess) - cos(th4guess));...
-(sin(th3guess) + r5guess.*sin(th5guess) - sin(th4guess))];
J = 
  3 comentarios
Bryan Tassin
Bryan Tassin el 23 de Feb. de 2022
yeah i just tried it with the new matrix, but same result. not sure what else to do.
Bryan Tassin
Bryan Tassin el 23 de Feb. de 2022
Editada: Bryan Tassin el 23 de Feb. de 2022
i think the f is the problem over the j though. im basing it off of these two equations
R2e^(theta2)+R3e^(theta3)-R4e^(theta4) and RBCe^(theta3)+R5e^(theta5)-RBEe^(theta4)

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