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Obtain multiple function handles as outputs from one single function for optimisation.

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I am in the process of writing a code for an optimisation problem. However, I am stuck with the following problem.
%% Function that generates the cost function and constraint
function [obj_func, constraint]=functiongenerator(a,b,c)
% parameters a, b and c are passed to this function from anotherscript. They are scalar values
[obj_func,constraint]=first_func; %% THIS IS THE LINE OF CONCERN %%
function [fun, cons]=first_func(x)
% more computations with p and q
P=[p q p*q];
Q=[q p p/q];
function f=second_func(x)
f=norm(PQ); %some dummy operation here for representation. The actual operation is a matrix calculation
function ct=third_func(x)
ct=PQ(2,1); %some dummy operation here for representation. The actual operation is a matrix calculation
The above code block represents the function file and the following code block represents the script i am running to execute the function file.
[obj_func, constraint]=functiongenerator(a,b,c)
xval = ga(obj_func,2,[],[],[],[],[],[],constraint);
However when I run this code, I get the error that
---not enough input arguments in "THE LINE OF CONCERN"---
The above code is only for representation. My actual problem involves matrix multiplications.
How would I be able to execute my code? Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you
  2 comentarios
Stephen23 el 3 de Mzo. de 2022
Editada: Stephen23 el 3 de Mzo. de 2022
You defined FIRST_FUNC with one input argument (required):
function [fun, cons]=first_func(x)
and then call it with zero input arguments (thus the error):
I presume that x is the array being optimized. In which case returning the function handles is not the problem, the problem is that the code of FIRST_FUNC uses x, but at that point x has not been defined... nor will it be defined until the GA call your functions. So your data-flow is contradictory: if x is that supplied by GA then it cannot be used in code which is called once before you even call GA. Or lets phrase it as a question: given that FIRST_FUNC gets called only once before GA gets called, what value of x do you expect it to have?
As far as I can tell, FIRST_FUNC is superfluous anyway.
Suhas Raghavendra Kulkarni
Suhas Raghavendra Kulkarni el 3 de Mzo. de 2022
Thank you for that comment Stephen. Your explanation adds the necessary infromation to complete my actual question. The array "x" being used by "first_func" is, like you rightly assumed, the array of variables being optimised.
How would I then be able to formulate this function to address the error?

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Stephen23 el 3 de Mzo. de 2022
Editada: Stephen23 el 3 de Mzo. de 2022
Get rid of FIRST_FUNC.
Move all of the code that depends on x to SECOND_FUNC.
Something like (untested, but should get you started):
function [fun,cons] = functiongenerator(a,b,c)
PQ = []; % ensure that PQ is passed between nested workspaces: "See also" below.
fun = @second_func;
cons = @third_func;
function f = second_func(x)
p = a * x(:,1);
q = b/c * x(:,2);
% more computations with p and q
P = [p q p*q];
Q = [q p p/q];
PQ = Q-P;
f = norm(PQ);
function ct = third_func(x) % what is x used for?
ct = PQ(2,1);
Note that your THIRD_FUNC does not return two arrays as the GA documentation requires:

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