Is there a way to display ALL y points for each x point ?

12 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis el 21 de Jun. de 2022
Comentada: Voss el 30 de Jun. de 2022
%load CSV Data for any EMIT data set
%Written by: Lee C Lewis III
%Started: 15 Jun 22
%updated: 21 Jun 22
%ISSUES: As of now the data that has no blank cells in between cells with data the ploting tool works fine. If however
%there are cells without any data adjacent to cells containing data then
%that set of data will not be genereated.
%NOTE: The user may want to clear the last line of data in excel as this data point
%could be so far away from the second to last data point that it skews the
%plot beyond recognition.
%recieve file
%have user select a file with pop up window
%Can only grab CSV files
[file,path,indx] = uigetfile(".csv", 'Select a file');
%modify with opts to get rid of NaNs
opts = detectImportOptions(file);
opts = setvartype(opts, 'char');
%read the table
data = readtable(file,opts);
%get the number of rows and columns
numRows = height(data);
numCols = width(data);
%extracting Header titles for describing the frequency that the antennas are
%Transmitting and recieving at.
titleTx = data{1,1};
%Turn 1x1 cell arrays into strings in order to make title
titleTxString = char(titleTx);
titleTxValueString = char(titleTxValue);
titleHzString = char(titleHz);
titleRxString = char(titleRx);
titleRxValueString = char(titleRxValue);
titleHz2String = char(titleHz2);
%Combine title values in order to put in one line on graph
titleCombo = {titleTxString ,titleTxValueString,titleHzString, titleRxString, titleRxValueString, titleHz2String};
str = strjoin(titleCombo);
%generate figure
f1 = figure(1);
cla; hold on; grid on;
xAxisTitleFreq = data{3,1};
xAxisDataFreq = cellfun(@str2num,data{4:end,1});
%for loop for generating data under headers i.e(frequency, EMI, etc.)
for i=2:numCols
%Extract data from readData
yAxisDataPwr = data{4:end,i};
%have plot ignore blank cells (Potentially not needed)
%yAxisDataPwr{~cellfun(@isempty, yAxisDataPwr)};
%converts yaxisDataPwr string to a double
yAxisDataPwr = str2double(data{4:end,i});
%grab data for legend
legendHeaderNames = char(data{3,i});
%Plot data
plot(xAxisDataFreq, yAxisDataPwr,'DisplayName', legendHeaderNames);
%data Cursor mode, this allows the data point closest to the cursor to be
%displayed after the user clicks the left mouse button.
dcm = datacursormode;
dcm.Enable = 'on';
dcm.DisplayStyle = 'window';
%labeling x&y axis and title
% y-axis is is db but some data points are in dBM, may need to go back and
% try and modify IDK tho.
legend show;
%modifies the number of columns in the legend
lgd.NumColumns = 3;
%Testing purposes: trying to get x and y cordinates. CAN BE COMMENTED OUT
fig2 = uifigure;
holder = [0,0];
tab = uitable(fig2,'Data',holder,'ColumnName',{'X Coord','Y Coord'});
set (gcf, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', {@mouseMove,tab});
function mouseMove (src,event,tab)
C = get (gca, 'CurrentPoint');
%title(gca, ['(X,Y) = (', num2str(C(1,1)), ', ',num2str(C(1,2)), ')']);
MousePt = [C(1,1),C(1,2)];
tab.Data = MousePt;
Above is the code I have written, attached is the data I am plotting. Associated with each x cordinate are multiple y cordinates. I have been able to display an individual x and y cordinate. However, I would like to display ALL of the y points for each x point. I have placed an image of what I am trying to recreate below Thank you in advance for the help, I've been scratching my head on this one for awhile.
  2 comentarios
Eric Sofen
Eric Sofen el 21 de Jun. de 2022
I'm not sure how to get multiple data tips for one x-value. One possible workaround is that the stackedplot chart type has a custom data tip that does show y-values for all lines for a given x-value.
Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis el 21 de Jun. de 2022
Thank you for the help, I was looking at stackedplot earlier. Unfortunetly it's not exactly what I was looking for.

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Voss el 28 de Jun. de 2022
Editada: Voss el 28 de Jun. de 2022
Here's an approach that might work ok. The idea is to use the figure's datacursormode with a custom UpdateFcn that sets the datatip insvisible and instead updates other lines and text objects, so that the "datatip" you see is fully customizable.
%load CSV Data for any EMIT data set
%Written by: Lee C Lewis III
%Started: 15 Jun 22
%updated: 21 Jun 22
%updated: 27 Jun 22 (multi-line datatip added by Voss)
%ISSUES: As of now the data that has no blank cells in between cells with data the ploting tool works fine. If however
%there are cells without any data adjacent to cells containing data then
%that set of data will not be genereated.
%NOTE: The user may want to clear the last line of data in excel as this data point
%could be so far away from the second to last data point that it skews the
%plot beyond recognition.
%recieve file
%have user select a file with pop up window
%Can only grab CSV files
% [file,path,indx] = uigetfile('.csv', 'Select a file');
[file,path_name] = uigetfile('.csv', 'Select a file');
file = fullfile(path_name,file);
%modify with opts to get rid of NaNs
opts = detectImportOptions(file);
opts = setvartype(opts, 'char');
%read the table
data = readtable(file,opts);
%get the number of rows and columns
numRows = height(data);
numCols = width(data);
%extracting Header titles for describing the frequency that the antennas are
%Transmitting and recieving at.
titleTx = data{1,1};
%Turn 1x1 cell arrays into strings in order to make title
titleTxString = char(titleTx);
titleTxValueString = char(titleTxValue);
titleHzString = char(titleHz);
titleRxString = char(titleRx);
titleRxValueString = char(titleRxValue);
titleHz2String = char(titleHz2);
%Combine title values in order to put in one line on graph
titleCombo = {titleTxString ,titleTxValueString,titleHzString, titleRxString, titleRxValueString, titleHz2String};
str = strjoin(titleCombo);
%generate figure
f1 = figure;%(1);
cla; hold on; grid on;
xAxisTitleFreq = data{3,1};
% xAxisDataFreq = cellfun(@str2num,data{4:end,1});
xAxisDataFreq = str2double(data{4:end,1});
lines = [];
%for loop for generating data under headers i.e(frequency, EMI, etc.)
for i=2:numCols
% %Extract data from readData
% yAxisDataPwr = data{4:end,i};
%have plot ignore blank cells (Potentially not needed)
%yAxisDataPwr{~cellfun(@isempty, yAxisDataPwr)};
%converts yaxisDataPwr string to a double
yAxisDataPwr = str2double(data{4:end,i});
%grab data for legend
legendHeaderNames = char(data{3,i});
%Plot data
lines(end+1) = plot(xAxisDataFreq, yAxisDataPwr,'DisplayName', legendHeaderNames);
%data Cursor mode, this allows the data point closest to the cursor to be
%displayed after the user clicks the left mouse button.
dcm = datacursormode;
dcm.Enable = 'on';
% dcm.DisplayStyle = 'window';
%labeling x&y axis and title
% y-axis is is db but some data points are in dBM, may need to go back and
% try and modify IDK tho.
legend show;
%modifies the number of columns in the legend
lgd.NumColumns = 3;
N = numel(lines);
data_ax = gca();
% data cursor lines
dcl = line( ...
'Parent',data_ax, ...
'XData',[], ...
'YData',[], ...
'LineStyle','--', ...
'LineWidth',1.5, ...
'Color','k', ...
'HandleVisibility','off', ...
'HitTest','off', ...
for ii = 1:N
dcl(ii+1) = line( ...
'Parent',data_ax, ...
'LineStyle','none', ...
'Marker','s', ...
'MarkerFaceColor','k', ...
'MarkerSize',6, ...
'HandleVisibility','off', ...
'HitTest','off', ...
% datatip axes
ax = axes(gcf(), ...
'Units','pixels', ...
'Position',[0 0 1 1], ...
'Box','on', ...
'XTick',[], ...
'YTick',[], ...
'XLim',[0 1], ...
'YLim',[0 N], ...
'YDir','reverse', ...
'Clipping','on', ...
'ClippingStyle','rectangle', ...
% datatip lines
dtl = copyobj(lines,ax);
set(dtl, ...
'HandleVisibility','off', ...
'HitTest','off', ...
'LineStyle','none', ...
'Marker','o', ...
for ii = 1:N
set(dtl(ii), ...
'XData',0.1, ...
'YData',ii-0.5, ...
% datatip text
dtt = text(0.2*ones(1,N),(1:N)-0.5,'', ...
'VerticalAlignment','middle', ...
'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
'Clipping','on', ...
'FontName','FixedWidth', ...
dcm.UpdateFcn = {@update_datatip,data_ax,ax,lines,dtl,dtt,dcl};
function txt = update_datatip(src,evt,dax,ax,dl,dtl,dtt,dcl)
txt = '';
N = numel(dtl);
xl = get(dax,'XLim');
yl = get(dax,'YLim');
pos = getpixelposition(dax);
set(ax,'Position',[ ...
pos(1)+10+(evt.Position(1)-xl(1))/(xl(2)-xl(1))*pos(3) ...
pos(2)+10 90 16*N]);
xd = get(dl(1),'XData');
[~,idx] = min(abs(xd-evt.Position(1)));
yd = get(dl,'YData');
if iscell(yd)
yd = vertcat(yd{:});
set(dcl(1),'XData',evt.Position([1 1]),'YData',yl);
for ii = 1:N
set([dtt(:); dcl(:); dtl(:); ax],'Visible','on');
  2 comentarios
Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis el 30 de Jun. de 2022
Thank you so much! This works and I never would have been able to figure this out by myself. Still new to matlab. Again, thank you so much!
Voss el 30 de Jun. de 2022
You're welcome! And thank you for the interesting problem!

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