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Openfig+hold on

12 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Devang Bipinchandra Lad
Devang Bipinchandra Lad el 28 de Jun. de 2022
Respondida: Devang Bipinchandra Lad el 29 de Jun. de 2022
I want to open saved .fig files and hold on the same plot. But it always open on a new figure and ignores the hold on function.
Below is code Im using-
for i=1:length(percent)
figaddress = strcat(num2str(percent(i)),'_percent\Pushover_LS.fig');
P_fig(i)= openfig(figaddress,'visible');
hold on
grid off

Respuesta aceptada

Devang Bipinchandra Lad
Devang Bipinchandra Lad el 29 de Jun. de 2022
Just found the solution of opening figure and then plotting on the same plot
  1. first open the figure using hgload
  2. Copyobj is used to paste on a newly defined subplot with the same axis property
for i=1:length(percent)
figaddress = strcat(num2str(percent(i)),'_percent\Pushover_LS.fig');
P_fig(i)= hgload(figaddress); % open figure but make sure you don't close them
h=subplot(1,1,1); %define subplot of 1x1
for i=1:length(percent)
copyobj(allchild(get(P_fig(i),'CurrentAxes')),h) %copyobj of each figure on h subplot

Más respuestas (1)

DGM el 28 de Jun. de 2022
openfig opens figures
hold toggles properties of axes
It doesn't make sense to try to put a figure inside an axes. Perhaps you meant to use the 'reuse' option for openfig() instead?
  3 comentarios
Devang Bipinchandra Lad
Devang Bipinchandra Lad el 29 de Jun. de 2022
The axis limits, tick positions, labels and legends are all same. Only the data is different.
Devang Bipinchandra Lad
Devang Bipinchandra Lad el 29 de Jun. de 2022
Can I have an example?

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