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Phasor Diagram for three phase sinusoidal signal

35 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Bharath Kumar S
Bharath Kumar S el 23 de Jul. de 2022
Respondida: Hari el 11 de Sept. de 2023
How to plot the phasor diagram for three phase signal?
t = 0:100e-6:0.1;
f = 50;
w = 2*pi*f;
Vm = 1;
R = Vm*sin(w*t);
Y = Vm*sin(w*t - 120(pi/180));
B = Vm*sin(w*t - 240(pi/180));
I would appreciate if someone can answer this, i.e., how to represent the phasor diagram for RYB with vector magnitude and each phase displaced by 120 degree apart.

Respuestas (1)

Hari el 11 de Sept. de 2023
Hi Bharath,
As per my understanding, you want to plot a phasor diagram for a three-phase signal.
You can calculate the real and imaginary components for each signal and then use the “quiver” function to plot the vectors.
  1. Use the magnitude and the phase angle of the signal to calculate the real and imaginary parts:
% Calculating the real and imaginary components of the three-phase signal
Real = Mag * cos(Phase);
Imag = Mag * sin(Phase);
2. Plot the function using “quiver”
% Plotting the phasor diagram using "quiver" function
quiver(start_x, start_y, Real, Imag);
“quiver” function takes the starting point coordinates (start_x, start_y), and the real and imaginary components of each vector as arguments. You can also specify other parameters such as colours, labels, etc. By plotting each your “R”, “Y”, “B” signals in this way, you can get the phasor diagram for the three-phase signal, whose phases are 120 degrees displaced.
Refer to the below documentation to learn more about “quiver” function in MATLAB.


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